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黄安年文  黄安年202317日发布(第31888篇)



黄安年文  黄安年2021102日发布,黄安年日记摘要(1999年编号028

l  今天8E-MAIL, 其中三封来自顾学稼,一封来自王燎,一封来自OAH

l  主要还是大家交不起钱,所以没有出现“购房高潮”

l  如果回国后,也能在White Plains & Beijing之间进行交谈并且费用极低,那到是一大福音。这里,首先在北京要能够解决这方面的软件的应用问题,其次,要解决低费用问题,即使稍微贵些,只要设定通话确切时间,也可节省经费。第三,解决能够用中文交流问题。第四,解决网上声音和可视问题。我想用不了五年或十年,这个难题,兴许可以顺利解决。

l  感恩节是北美独特的节日,烤火鸡是感恩节特定的主菜。近似国吃。


1999年11月23日 (星期二)   多雾多,全天12-17C

今天北京气温预报3 -- 17C,上海市15-20C, 哈尔滨2 -- 10C。预报这些天White Plains为多雾多雨天气。6:50-7:25AM晨练和昨天充满雾气,不宜多在外活动。在一般情况下,Y和Z7:54AM离家,我们用毕早餐,接着整理内务,打扫卫生,坐在电脑前“工作”已经近9:00AM了。

     今天上午接到今天8E-MAIL, 其中三封来自顾学稼,一封来自王燎,一封来自OAH, 三封来自eLibrary Tracker Company ,eLibrary Tracker Report, & C O M P A N Y  S L E U T H  D A I L Y   R E P O R T.。这三份报告,我自己糊里糊涂在昨天不知按了那个键钮算是和这两公司挂上了钩,如果免费倒还不用缴纳学费,否则赶紧退出,以免破财10:40AM接学稼E-MAIL说没有收到我的文章,于是我再次发出文章,希望他能够收到。他的E-MAIL全文如下:Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 21:12:30 PST, Hi, Annian, I have not yet got your email.  You mentioned in your phone call that you were going to send me the article through email.  If you have sent it, then something must be wrong with my email.  Please give me an email and tell me whether you have sent the document or not.  Keep in touch and take care.  Xuejia   From: "Xuejia Gu" <xuejiagu@hotmail.com>又接学稼今天发来的两个E-MAIL,一个是: Subject: test Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 07:26:58 PST I tried to reach you but obviously I could not by hotmail.com. Now I will try to reach you by Yahoo.com.  If you got my mail, send me one and let me know.  Xuejia另一个是: Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 07:31:14 -0800 (PST) DEar Annian,I did not get your document and it seems that the email system in Hotmail.com  so now I try to reach you thru Yahoo.com  in the past couple of days I sent emails to my friends thru both hotmail and yahoo but they only got the mails thru yahoo but not the hotmail.  Please give me a few lines thru yahoo.  Xuejia

    随后看了王燎发来的E-MAIL 我也发了回E的信,王的E-MAIL全文如下Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 16:48:53 +0800 (CST)黄,吕二位仁兄大鉴:今天去院里看“榜”,真是扑了个空!人事处副处长说,离退休的人没及时交。我问了“在职的”人们,他们也没都及时交表。经了解,主要还是大家交不起钱,所以没有出现“购房高潮”。有人说,第一榜可能十二月十号公布。我对这种“路透社”消息巳。也就没追问。可见,“西线无战事”,你们就安心地享受天伦之乐吧。祝一切顺利!王 燎。

   11:40AM看到美国历史学家组织发来的E-MAIL, 我接回复, OAHE-MAIL文如下:From: "Sheri L. Sherrill" <sheri@oah.org> To: annianhuang@hotmail.com Subject: 2000 Annual MeetingDate: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 10:17:04 -0500 The 2000 OAH Annual Meeting will be held jointly with the National Council on Public History and the Missouri Conference on History, March 30-April 2 at the Adam's Mark Hotel in St. Louis, Missouri. We will have information available in January and can send you a packet at that time.  I will put you on the mailing list to receive that information. Thanks. Sheri Sherrill  Sheri L. Sherrill, Convention Manager Organization of American Historians 112 N. Bryan Avenue, Bloomington, IN  47408-4199 812-855-9853; 855-0696 FAX; sheri@oah.org

     研究Tracker电子图书公司(eLibrary Tracker Company)的E-MAIL很有意思,E-MAIL说:If you wish to view your eLibrary Tracker Reports online, change your Topics, add topics, or change the frequency of your eLibrary Tracker Reports, please go to the following website and follow the instructions:  http://www.tracker.elibrary.com,并规定我的电子图书使用姓名和密码( Your USERNAME is ANNIANHU and your PASSWORD is ANNIANHU.eLibrary Tracker Company还称Congratulations on gaining one of the greatest advantages of the information age!  With eLibrary Tracker on your side you now have access to the information today that could make up the news of tomorrow. Happy Tracking! Company Sleuth e-mail service称:.Using Company Sleuth on a daily basis can put you on the inside track to success. You will receive your first daily Sleuth Report tomorrow morning, via E-mail. Company Sleuth will then continue to scour the internet for the best inside information on your stakeout companies, e-mailing you daily reports on the findings.  If you wish to view your Sleuth Reports online, change your stakeout companies, recommend Company Sleuth to a friend or use Company Sleuth seven-day archive, simply visit: http://www.companysleuth.com Your USERNAME is ANNIANHU and your PASSWORD is ANNIANHU”还说:Congratulations on gaining one of the greatest business advantages of the information age.  With Company Sleuth on your side you now have access to the information today that could make up the news of tomorrow.  Remember, if you miss a day of Company Sleuth you may be missing a world of opportunity! Best of Luck,

    上午Z 发来E-MAIL,我们进行网上谈话,一来一往前后七八次,不亦乐呼。如果回国后,也能在White Plains & Beijing之间进行交谈并且费用极低,那到是一大福音。这里,首先在北京要能够解决这方面的软件的应用问题,其次,要解决低费用问题,即使稍微贵些,只要设定通话确切时间,也可节省经费。第三,解决能够用中文交流问题。第四,解决网上声音和可视问题。我想用不了五年或十年,这个难题,兴许可以顺利解决。

   1:45PM,用毕午餐,1:50-3:30PM,我和L外出散步,正好天空放晴,格外暖和,我们沿住宅区直奔Hartsdale  Rd & Central Pkwy Av. 附近的配钥匙(Locksmith Inc.)商店,每把1.60$,不用3分钟,即告完成,十分方便, 了却J的一个愿望。

    电子杂志花招199811月第3期刊登了一篇【黄花菜(三十)中式烤火鸡】(黄花)文章,现转摘如下以供我们这次烤火鸡的参考:感恩节是北美独特的节日,烤火鸡是感恩节特定的主菜。它象我们的烤鸭一样,近似国吃。随乡入俗的,每年我也烤了招待朋友,各种招数都用过。去年的烤火鸡最好吃,特贴出来为大家过节助兴。用料:整只火鸡一个。盐、花椒、大料、葱、姜、蒜、料酒。做法:1.找个能泡下火鸡的大桶或大锅。(中餐馆里那种装酱油的桶就合适。)葱姜蒜切大块和盐、花椒、大料、料酒一起放在大桶里。2.烧开一壶水,冲沏桶里的佐料。等水凉后,放入火鸡。再添冷水到能淹没火鸡。3.第二天拿出来,用锡纸包严,以大托盘装,放进烤箱烤。中途要注意倒一次汁液。最后,快烤好前半小时去掉锡纸,烤一烤皮。注意事项:因为一般超市卖的是冻火鸡,所以要提前两天买好,化冻一天,第二天淹,第三天烤。包火鸡的袋可别扔,那上边有鸡的重量和烧烤的时间与温度,要按着那去烤。佐料水以尝尝有咸味为准。这么淹的鸡,入味均匀,鸡肉清香,可以直接吃,也可以象吃烤鸭样的蘸酱、夹大葱、卷饼吃。剩肉凉吃是好酒菜,也适合做三明治。本讲结束语:北美正宗的感恩节大餐是烤火鸡,土豆泥mashed potato,红果冻cranberrysauce,窝瓜buttersquash,南瓜甜饼pumpkinpie。咱们吃中式烤火鸡,不妨再把任丁的拌三丝,金冈的雪碧冰激凌,拿来攒一桌,欢度假日夜晚。当大厨的,甭管是先生、媳妇,别橛着屁股傻做,餐馆这天还放一天假呢。我是头天淹好鸡,做个凉沙拉。第二天烤鸡是黄先生的事,我就清等着吃啦。Happy thanksgiving!”




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