所有科学家伙都致力于在高影响力杂志上发表论文。然而,许多高大上科学杂志的拒稿率超过80%。因此,拒稿,毫无疑问是在高大上杂志发表论文的最大障碍。最近,澳大利亚新南威尔士大学Cath Chapman 和Tim Slade提出了突破这个障碍的一个新方法——拒绝拒绝(Rejection of rejection: a novel approach to overcoming barriers to publication)。他们的这一方法发表在《英国医学期刊(BMJ)》上。
你对拒稿是习以为常还是反感厌倦?拿起Cath Chapman 和Tim Slade提供的新武器,试试吧!前几天看电视新闻,听到一地方官员说做群众工作以前是“没有枪没有炮,到处是口号”。现在,我们有枪有炮了,还有什么高大上的杂志攻克不了呢?
Cath Chapman 和Tim Slade很热心,拒绝拒绝信的模版也做好了,你只要在某些地方作适当替换就OK了。
Rejection of rejection letter
[insert university emblem here]
Dear Professor [insert name of editor]
[Re: MS2015_XXXX Insert title of ground-breaking study here]
Thank you for your rejection ofthe above manuscript.
Unfortunately we are not able to accept it at this time. As you are probably aware we receive many rejections each year and are simply not able to accept them all. In fact, with increasing pressure on citation rates and fiercely competitive funding structures we typically accept fewer than 30% of the rejections we receive. Please don’t take this as a reflection of your work. The standard of some of the rejections we receive is very high.
In terms of the specific factors influencing our decision the failure by Assessor 1 to realise the brilliance of the study was certainly one of them. Simply stating “this study is neither novel nor interesting and does not extend knowledge in this area” is not reason enough. This, coupled with the use of Latin quotes by Assessor 2, rendered an acceptance of your rejection extremely unlikely.
We do wish you and your editorial team every success with your rejections in the future and hope they find safe harbour elsewhere. To this end, may we suggest you send one to [insert name ofrival research group] for consideration. They accept rejections from some very influential journals.
Please understand that our decision regarding your rejection is final. We have uploaded the final manuscript in its original form, along with the signed copyright transfer form.
We look forward to receiving the proofs and to working with you in the future.
Yours sincerely
Dr [insert name here]
[Insert research group acronym here]
[Insert university here]
[Insert country here—that is, Australia/New Zealand/small European Country/Canada/China]
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