首先,要清楚前言的作用或目的。论文的前言是“to convince readers that you clearly know why your work is useful”就是要告诉读者“你非常清楚地知道你的工作有价值”。其次,我们要知道那些要素需要写。一般来讲,前言主要包括四个方面的内容。前面三个都属于背景,最后一个是小结。
有国外杂志主编曾经说,大背景需要用最简练的语言对你的研究领域进行清楚全面概述,但不要上历史课,不要面面具到,甚至写成综述(一定要针对你关心问题)。Give overall picture -keep it brief!(no history lesson!)。这也很有道理。
然后就过渡到小同行的背景,当然也要根据具体情况。例如这篇文章的研究是希望利用一氧化碳呼吸作为一种预适应方法,来达到预防脑缺血的目的。作者首先谈模型模拟的疾病的临床治疗方法,说治疗的手段只有低温,当然低温的手段存在许多limit(如果没有局限,就别玩了),其他的治疗方法,独立或结合低温就需要寻找了。作者这样说的Other therapies, which either can be used alone or in combination with hypothermia, are therefore needed.我们中文经常说,目前缺乏有效治疗手段,寻找新的治疗方法一直是研究热点。不如人家这样说更妥当。这是引子。
国外学者一般强调这里需要回答三个问题, What is the problem? Are there any existing solutions? What are their main limitations?其实总结到一句就是:提出问题。前面大小同行背景,其实就是所谓的前沿内容Current state of knowledge,或者咱们要去探讨的问题。
这里经常用 “however”, “remain unclear”等类型的语句引出你的观点和工作,这样的处理主要是强调你的独特性。但是如果不独特,就不要用这样的语言。
3、千万不要过分使用novel,first time,first ever。这些词是俗气或幼稚的表现。科学首先就是创新,新颖性是必须的,内行认为这些词汇用在科学上这都是画蛇添足。如果确实新,那也就允许你用一次,千万别用两次。
Perinatal hypoxia-ischemia (HI) remains a major cause of acute mortality in newborns and of cognitive and motor impairments in children [1]. Cerebral damage results from oxygen and tissue energy depletion that lead to: acidosis, inflammation, glutamate excitotoxicity, cell death and generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) during reperfusion [2]. Cerebral hypoxia-ischemia induces distinct types of cell death: within the ischemic core, rapid cell death occurs mainly as necrosis; while in the penumbra, the region around the ischemic core, delayed apoptotic cell death takes place hours and days after the insult, contributing to secondary damage [3]. In the developing brain, apoptosis also plays a homeostatic role, and many pro-apoptotic factors are normally up-regulated during early stages of maturation [4], [5]. Therefore, apoptosis is closely related to the injury response after hypoxia-ischemia in the immature brain of newborn infants [6]. Mitochondria play a major role in death of mammalian cells [7]. During the apoptotic process and upon mitochondrial membrane permeability, several biochemical molecules confined to the inter-membrane space are released to the cytosol thus activating proteases and nucleases. For example, cytochrome c released from mitochondria interacts with apoptotic protease activating factor 1 (Apaf-1) and caspase-9 to form the apoptosome that activates caspase-3 leading to cell death [8].
Currently, hypothermia is the only treatment used clinically for minimizing cerebral damage after perinatal hypoxia-ischemia, but it has limited efficiency and its use has also limitations [9]. Other therapies, which either can be used alone or in combination with hypothermia, are therefore needed. Preconditioning (PC) induction consists of an insult that does not cause damage, but triggers a protective state (tolerance) that increase cellular resistance against a subsequent and more severe challenge [10], [11]. PC can induce an early response (minutes or hours) or a late response within days including de novo protein synthesis [12]. Furthermore, clinical studies with patients suffering from transient ischemic attacks (TIA) [13] and animal models [12], [14], [15] have suggested that cerebral tolerance induced by a PC state is an efficient strategy to protect brain tissue against HI. Thus, preconditioning processes are promising alternatives for therapy in patients at high risk of suffering HI. Indeed, perinatal HI may eventually be predicted based on known risk factors associated with previous ischemic episodes including intrauterine fetal distress and hypoxic-ischemic insults during birth [16]; Bonifacio et al. 2011). Also, PC-based therapies could be useful for neonates going through major heart surgery with associated risks of global cerebral ischemia [10], [13], [17].
Carbon monoxide (CO) is commonly known to be toxic. This is due to its high affinity for haem-proteins, which can compromise oxygen delivery to tissues (carboxy-haemglobin) or can decrease oxidative phosphorylation at the cellular level by binding to cytochrome c oxidase [18]. CO is an endogenous molecule generated by haem-oxygenase (HO) activity along with the production of free iron and biliverdin [19]. Low doses of exogenous CO are cytoprotective against inflammation and apoptosis, in particular following cardiovascular incidents, organ rejection and autoimmune disease in several models [19]. Also, in rat retinal ganglion cells, inhalation of 250 ppm of CO protected against ischemia-reperfusion injury [20]. In the central nervous system (CNS), low amounts of CO limit neuroinflammation in a model of multiple sclerosis [21] and induced vasodilation, presenting cytoprotective effects in the cerebral circulation in a model of epileptic seizures in newborn piglets [22]. CO treatment also decreased infarct volume and brain damage in adult models of transient and permanent focal cerebral ischemia when the animals were exposed to CO immediately after middle cerebral artery occlusion [23], [24]. Nevertheless, the cellular mechanisms involved in CO-induced neuroprotection are still not fully understood. In primary cultures of cerebellar neurons, CO triggers preconditioning and prevents apoptosis by ROS signaling and modulation of soluble guanylyl cyclase, nitric oxide synthase and mitochondrial ATP dependent potassium channel [25]. Likewise, in primary cultures of astrocytes, CO inhibits apoptosis by directly targeting mitochondria and preventing their membrane permeabilization, which is also dependent on ROS and protein glutathionylation signaling [26].
Since preconditioning emerges as a promising strategy to limit brain damage following perinatal ischemia, we have examined the ability of CO to induce preconditioning and to limit apoptosis in the hippocampus in the present study. Pre-treatment of rat pups with CO prevented hippocampal cell death via: an increase on Bcl-2 expression, a decrease on cytochrome c translocation from mitochondria into cytosol and an inhibition of caspase-3 activation. To our knowledge, this is the first study to use CO preconditioning to prevent hypoxia-ischemia-induced neuronal death in the developing brain.
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