形态学改变发现采用光镜和透射电子显微镜观察,视网膜外层核层厚度用IPP 6.0检测,氧化损伤指标MDA用比色法检测(532nm)。研究结果:第1组和第2组的视网膜结构损伤严重,氢气饱和盐水治疗的第三组明显减轻。第1组和2组无明显区别。而第3组和1、2组区别明显。外层细胞核厚度,第一组三个时间点分别为30.41± 4.04、26.11±2.8和20.63 ± 1.06;第2组分别为31.62 ±4.54, 25.08 ± 3.63 和 19.07 ± 3.86。第三组为29.75± 3.62, 28.83± 1.97和 27.61± 1.83,显然24小时区别最明显。要知道第一组和第2组也只有24小时出现显著的损伤改变。从这个意义上讲,观察的点应该放在24小时,而不是一味追求时间点,浪费动物和时间。那么多形态学可不是一点点工作量。MDA数据符合形态学结果,和正常组比较,模型组出现显著增加;和对照治疗组比较,治疗组出现显著下降(也许是动物数量太少,差别并不大,MDA测定比较粗,至少要8只以上动物,而且视网膜组织量比较少,更应注意)。结论是氢气可以保护蓝光诱导的视网膜损伤。
Protective effect of saturated hydrogen saline against blue light-induced retinal damage in rats
AIM: To explore the effect of saturated hydrogen saline on blue light-induced retinal damage in rats.
·METHODS: The retinal damage of rats was induced by blue light exposure for 6 hours and examined 8 hours, 16 hours and 24 hours after the exposure. One hundred female Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into four groups.
Group 1 included 30 rats received light exposure without any other treatment. Group 2 included 30 rats received light exposure with intraperitoneal injection of normal saline. Group 3 included 30 rats received light exposure with intraperitoneal injection of saturated hydrogen saline. And Group 4 included the other 10 rats which did not receive any treatment.
The amount of intraperitoneal injection of saturated hydrogen saline and normal saline was calculated in the ratio of 1ml/100g of rat weight. Specimens were collected and processed by H-E staining, ultrastructure observation, biochemical measurement. Morphological changes were observed by light microscope and transmission electron microscope (TEM) and the retinal outer nuclear layer (ONL) thickness was measured by IPP 6.0, while the malondialdehyde (MDA) was measured by colorimetric determination at 532nm.
RESULTS: Although the structure of retina in Group 1 and Group 2 was injured heavily, the injury in Group 3 was mild.The differences between Group 1 and Group 2 were not significant. Compared with the rats in Group 1 and Group 2, the ones in Group 3 had more clearly demarcated retina structure and more ordered cells by light microscope and TEM observation. The ONL thicknesses (400 times) of four groups at each time point except between Group 1 and Group 2 were significantly different ( <0.05). The thicknesses of the ONL in Group 1 at three time points were 30.41± 4.04, 26.11±2.82m and 20.63 ± 1.06, in Group 2 were 31.62 ± 4.54m, 25.08 ± 3.63 and 19.07 ± 3.86, in Group 3 were 29.75± 3.62, 28.83± 1.97and 27.61± 1.83滋m. In Group 4 the mean of the thickness was 37.35± 1.37滋m. As time went by, the damage grew more severely. At 24h point, the differences were most significant. Compared with Group 4, the thickness was 46.23% thinner in Group 1, 50.29% thinner in Group 2 and 28.04%thinner in Group 3. The stack structures of membranous disc in Group 3 were injured slightly, but in Group 1 and Group 2 the damage was more obvious by TEM. Compared with Group 4 at each time point, the content of MDA in Group 1 was higher ( <0.05). The content of MDA in Group 3 was significantly lower than those of Group 1 ( <0.05) and Group2 ( <0.05). Between the Group 1 and Group 2, the MDA concentration at each time point was no significant difference ( >0.05). ·CONCLUSION: Saturated hydrogen saline could protect the retina from light-induced damage by attenuating oxidative stress.
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