不能因为是中国的期刊就认为不厉害。作者认为cell res杂志不是那么厉害,因为是来自中国的期刊,如果将近10分的影响因子仍不被认可,是因为是中国的期刊,那么只能说我们没有自信。不过从文章投稿和发表的迅速上来讲"Received 13 January 2012; revised 16 January 2012; accepted 17 January 2012"杂志实际上确实给开了绿灯,甚至没有经过一般文章的路线,属于特稿特办的类型。
我猜想这个文章为什么发表在cell res上。我刚看到这个消息的时候想,这个文章发表在cell res上,估计是在cell投稿后被拒,被拒绝的原因是什么?有可能国际上其他实验室有类似的论文已经被接受(这个可能性很大,见中国香港论文 Received 21 October 2011 Accepted 14 December 2011 Published 07 February 2012 http://www.nature.com/ncomms/journal/v3/n2/abs/ncomms1648.html),或者被国际小同行给黑了。为了不至于因为发表时间晚而失去首发权,只能退而求次,发表在cell res。我觉得施一公发表这个文章首先考虑的不是为推动和繁荣中国期刊,是按照国际同行惯用的行事方式而已。不必要把这个事情拔的太高,这样说,其他发表cell res的中国学者怎么想?要知道,现在能在cell res发篇文章可不是那么容易的事情。
最近,北生所在cell上同期发表2篇关于程序性坏死的文章,我觉得那才是真长中国学术界志气的消息,不过大家好像都没有关注,他们在200000个化合物中找到一个小分子,这个小分子能阻断RIP3后坏死途径,然后顺藤摸瓜找到和RIP3可以结合的两个分子,并分别证明后两个分子MLKL和PGAM5L属于PIP3下游,以及在程序性坏死中的作用和作用方式。有人专门写了评述称这两个文章为RIP3 Finds Partners in Crime。这些著名的中国的结构生物学家们估计有不少在搞程序性坏死通路中的关键分子RIP3等结晶。
Figure 1. Sequential Recruitment and Activation of Necrosis Signaling ComplexesRIP1 is recruited to the activated TNFR-1 and undergoes heavy ubiquitination by E3 ligases such as TRAF2 and cIAP-1. This membrane- and receptor-associated complex, termed complex I, is responsible for NF-κB activation. As the membrane-associated complex I becomes internalized, deubiquitinases such as cylindromatosis (CYLD) removes the polyubiquitin chains on RIP1. The deubiquitination of RIP1 and inhibition of caspase 8 are crucial for the assembly of the secondary signaling complex (complex II). At this cytoplasmic complex, RIP1 likely phosphorylates RIP3 at S227, which in turn phosphorylates PGAM5L and MLKL at T357 and S358. These phosphorylation events are important for the RIP3 necrosis signaling complex to engage PGAM5S on the mitochondrial membrane, a step that is inhibited by the small-molecule inhibitor NSA. Once activated by phosphorylation, the PGAM5L/PGAM5S complex dephosphorylates the mitochondrial fission regulator Drp1 to induce its dimerization and activation. Excessive Drp1 activity could lead to disruption of mitochondrial functions and other organelle and membrane damages that cumulate in programmed necrosis. The PGAM5L-PGAM5S-Drp1 mitochondrial attack complex (MAC) could also be activated by calcium flux or a surge of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS).