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已有 1389 次阅读 2021-11-1 11:56 |系统分类:科研笔记


 ZHANG Chenggang.Motivational evolutionism: an academic thinking onevolution of nature from origin of life to human beings[J].,2021,12(5):1-8,12.[doi:10.13276/j.issn.1674-8913.2021.05.001]








《医学争鸣》[ISSN:1000-2790/CN:61-1060/R] 卷: 期数: 2021年05期 页码: 1-8,12 栏目: 出版日期: 2021-10-31

  • Title: Motivational evolutionism: an academic thinking onevolution of nature from origin of life to human beings

  • 作者: 张成岗 (北京中医药大学生命科学学院,北京 102488)

  • Author(s): ZHANG Chenggang College of Life Sciences, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 102488, China

  • 分类号: R-0 

  • 文献标志码: A

  • 摘要: 生命起源与进化是地球历史发展过程中的一个自然现象。即便是能够通过考古学和历史学研究等知晓人类是从动物进化而来的,然而通常也很难理解自然界进化出复杂生命现象的目的、动机和意义。虽然有“存在即合理”的说法,但如果进化是随机的,那么,自然界又怎么会进化出号称“万物之灵”的人类这一特殊的高级物种呢?从原始社会发展到现代社会,人类经历了数不胜数的自然灾害、疾病和战争等痛苦与磨难,其成长和发展过程实属不易。当前虽已进入21世纪,人类在物质文明与精神文明获得大发展的同时,却依然面临病毒疫情、慢病顽疾、焦虑抑郁、恐怖袭击、难民危机、战争阴云等压力,这就不得不令人深思,人类的出现与发展是否必须面对这些痛苦。在此前提出“菌心进化论”的基础上,进一步从“动机进化论”的角度进行学术探讨,旨在为人类存在与发展的意义和价值提供一种新解释,有利于对人类社会未来健康美好的生活图景进行科学展望。

  • Abstract: The origin and evolution of life is a natural phenomenon in the course of the earth’s historicaldevelopment. Even after the evolution of animals to humans was proved and understood by archaeology andhistory studies, it is difficult for us to understand the motivation and significance of the evolution phenomenonin the nature. Although there is such a saying that “existence is reasonable”, if evolution is random, then howcan the nature evolve such a special high-level species as human beings? From primitive society to moderncivilized society, human beings have experienced numerous natural disasters, human wars and other pains andtribulations. The process of human growth and development is really not smooth. Even in the 21st century, thecurrent process of social development not only has material and spiritual civilization achievements, but alsohas a large number of chronic diseases, viral spread, mental stress, anxiety and depression, terrorist attacks,refugee crises, war and other painful events. It makes a doubt whether the emergence and evolution of humanbeings must be accompanied by these pains. Therefore, this paper expects to further study and judge from theperspective of “motivational evolutionism” on the basis of the “gut flora-centric theory of evolution” proposedpreviously. The purpose is to provide a new explanation for the natural motivation of human existence anddevelopment, to promote the profound understanding of human pursuit of a better and happy life, and to makea reasonable outlook and scientific prediction for the future of a better and happy life of human society.


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