《地质科学》期刊 www.dzkx.org分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/yishuihanshi 为地质学交流搭建的学术平台



已有 1554 次阅读 2021-7-15 14:57 |个人分类:论文推广|系统分类:论文交流


刘 欢1 赵希林1 江 涧2 张金国2 刘马钊3

1. 中国地质调查局南京地质调查中心 南京 2100162. 合肥工业大学 合肥2300093. 河北地质大学 石家庄 050031

摘 要 兴国旋卷构造是华南中部发育的一套典型构造形迹,其形成机制能较好的反映华南内部的大地构造格局及其大地构造演化特征。兴国旋卷构造的主体构造要素主要包含两条近北东向走向的剪切带及剪切带所夹的一系列呈弧形或大致弧形展布的走滑断层和3个向斜盆地,以及核部的两个花岗岩体砥柱。本文通过对兴国旋卷构造中岩体砥柱的年代学、边界剪切带的几何学、运动学等研究,发现兴国旋卷构造核部的岩体砥柱为多期幕式侵入就位,侵位时代获得加权平均年龄233~193 Ma151~149 Ma,其侵位和变形主要受控于其两侧的走滑断裂,两条边界断裂具多期活动特征,其中发育的左行剪切作用最为强烈和典型,活动时间主要为中生代,该左行走滑活动是控制和改造兴国旋卷构造形成和演化的关键因素。兴国旋转构造中边界断裂在中生代的左行剪切活动与区域上华南内部微地块之间的断裂缝合带的走滑活动具有可对比性,这些大型的断裂缝合带通常反映了华南内部多微地块之间的碰撞—拼贴活动,因此我们推测兴国旋卷构造可能是华南内部微地块左行走滑式拼贴所产生的远程效应的结果。

关键词 旋卷构造 华南 形成机制 左行剪切

 doi: 10.12017/dzkx.2021.041

The formation mechanism of the Xingguo vortex structure and its geological implication for the Mesozoic sinistral strike-slip in South  China Block

Abstract:There are different understandings on the Mesozoic tectonic evolution model in South  China. The Xingguo vortex structure is developed in the center of South China Block as a set of typical structural features. Its formation mechanism is a commendable indicator for the tectonic evolution of South China Block. The Xingguo vortex structure mainly include two nearly NE trending shear zones, a series of cambered strike-slip faults and three synclinal basins sandwicked between the shear zones, and two granite as pillars in the core. On the basis of the geochronological study on the granite and structural analysis of the NE trending shear zones in the Xingguo vortex structure, we obtained weighted average ages of 233~193 Ma and 151~149 Ma in the granitic pillars, and the Xingguo vortex structure is mainly controlled by the boundary shear zones. Both of the two boundary shear zones developed sinistral shearing in Mesozoic. The structure activities of the sinistral shearing in Mesozoic are consistent with those of the alternative suture-shear zones between the micro-terrenes in the South China. The large fault suture zones usually reflect a collision activity of multiple micro-terranes in the interior of South China. We speculate that the Xingguo vortex structure may be the result of remote effects caused by strike-slip collage of micro-terrenes in the interior of South China Block, which provides some enlightenment for the understanding of microplate tectonics in South  China.

Keywords Vortex structure, South China Block, Formation mechanism, Sinistral shear

爆发式的成矿作用、大面积的岩浆作用和大规模的构造变形是华南中生代地质的显著特征。不同的关注方向以及不同的研究视角,造成了华南中生代演化动力学机制不同的观点和模式。主要有:1)阿尔卑斯型陆陆碰撞模式(Hsü et al., 1988, 1990);2)古太平洋板块俯冲模式(Charvet et al., 1994Lapierre et al., 1997Zhou and Li, 2000; Li et al., 2006Li and Li, 2007Sun et al., 2007Wang et al., 2011);3)多板块相互作用转换模式(郭福祥,1998;董树文等,2007Wang et al., 2007;王清晨,2009;李三忠等,2011);4)板内拉张—裂谷模式(Gilder et al., 1991;赵振华等,1998Li et al., 2000, 2003;郭新生等,2001Wang et al., 2003, 2008; 陈培荣等,2004;贺振宇等,2007);5)地幔柱模式(谢窦克等,1997;毛景文等,1998;毛建仁等,1999;谢桂青等,2001;张旗等,2009);6)走滑模式(Xu et al., 1987Gilder et al., 1996Xu et al., 2007; Lin et al., 2018a)等。古太平洋板片俯冲模式及多板块相互作用转换模式用于解释华南中生代的陆内构造—岩浆—沉积活动一直占据主导地位。然而近年来,随着地质新发现和新数据的不断积累,走滑模式对上述认识提出了挑战。Lin et al. (2018a, 2018b) 提出了华南拼合的阿巴拉契亚型多地体威尔逊旋回模式,该模式认为华南元古代—中生代经历了多地体增生—碰撞、大规模走滑运动和造山后两块体沿剪切带裂离等一系列重要构造演化阶段(Lin et al., 2018a)。新的模式观点引发了华南构造演化模式激烈的争论(Lin et al., 2018a, 2018b; Shu et al., 2018; Faure et al., 2018),这一争论揭示了华南构造演化认识上深层次的矛盾和分歧。走滑构造在华南大面积发育,不仅发育于微地体之间,也在各地块内部广泛发育,其对限定华南中生代的大地构造格局起着重要的作用。厘清走滑构造在华南所占的比重、影响的范围、形成的深层动力学机制对重新认识华南的大地构造演化、变质变形、成岩成矿具有重要的意义,也是迫切需要解决的问题。




1 华南大地构造地质简图及研究区位置(据Li et al., 2016修改)

Fig.1 Simplified geological map of South China and the location of research area (modified after Li et al., 2016)


2 兴国旋卷构造地质图及剖面简图

Fig. 2 Simplified geological map and simplified crosscutting section of the Xinguo vortex structure




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