栾信杰(Prof. LUAN in WTO)分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/hzluan 中国计量学院教授,对外经贸大学中国WTO研究院高级研究员,浙江省重点研究基地(产业政策发展研究中心)教授,硕士生导师。


WTO上诉机构裁定中美轮胎争端中方全败 中国还有两项权利

已有 3467 次阅读 2011-9-6 16:08 |个人分类:实务问题|系统分类:观点评述| WTO, 栾信杰, 中美轮胎, 贸易争端, 贸易报复

Page 122
VII.  Findings and Conclusion
339.  For the reasons set out in this Report, the Appellate Body:
(a)  with respect to the USITC's analysis of whether imports from China are increasing
rapidly within the meaning of Paragraph  16.4 of the Protocol, upholds the Panel's
finding, in paragraph 7.110 of the Panel Report, that the USITC did not fail to
properly evaluate whether imports from China met the specific threshold under
Paragraph 16.4 of China's Accession Protocol of "increasing rapidly";
(b)  with respect to whether rapidly increasing imports from China are "a significant
cause" of material injury to the US  domestic industry within the meaning of
Paragraph 16.4 of China's Accession Protocol:
(i)  upholds the Panel's finding, in paragraph 7.216 of the Panel Report, that the
USITC did not err in its assessment of the conditions of competition in the
US market;
(ii)  upholds the Panel's finding, in paragraph 7.261 of the Panel Report, that the
USITC's reliance on overall coincidence between an upward movement in
subject imports and a downward movement in injury factors supports the
USITC's finding that rapidly increasing imports from China are a significant
cause of material injury to the domestic industry within the meaning of
Paragraph 16.4 of China's Accession Protocol;
(iii)  upholds the Panel's finding, in paragraph 7.378 of the Panel Report, that
China has failed to establish that the USITC improperly attributed injury
caused by other factors to subject imports;
(iv)  finds that the Panel did not act inconsistently with its duties under Article 11
of the DSU in its analysis of the USITC's determination that rapidly
increasing imports from China were a significant cause of material injury to
the domestic industry;  and accordingly
(v)  upholds the Panel's finding, in paragraph 7.379 of the Panel Report, that the
USITC did not fail properly to establish that rapidly increasing imports from
China were a significant cause of material injury to the domestic industry
within the meaning of Paragraph 16.4 of China's Accession Protocol.    WT/DS399/AB/R
  Page 123
340.  Given that we have not found in this Report that the United States acted inconsistently with
any of its WTO obligations, we make no recommendation to the DSB pursuant to Article 19.1 of the
Signed in the original in Geneva this 12th day of August 2011 by: 
Jennifer Hillman 
Presiding Member
 _________________________  _________________________
  Shotaro Oshima  Peter Van den Bossche
   Member  Member


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