Title: The Rose
Description: Attempt to micro-mill a hole, 200 µm diameter, in black -poly(methylmethacrylate)
COC/Topas® with carbon particles). The milling speed was to high and the polymer melted.
Magnification: scale on the picture
Instrument: LEO 1500 SEM-EDX at DANCHIP, Denmark
Submitted by: Ramona Mateiu
Affiliation: SCF-Technologies S/A, Denmark
Title: Black Moon
Description: Hole milled in black-poly(methylmethacrylate) (i.e. COC/Topas® & carbon particles) with a 200 µm tool.
Magnification: scale on the picture
Instrument: LEO 1500 SEM-EDX at DANCHIP, Denmark
Submitted by: Ramona Mateiu
Affiliation: SCF-Technologies A/S, Denmark
Title: Ice Age
Description: Clusters of Fe2O3 nanoparticles micro-contact printed on poly-Si microelectrodes.
Magnification: scale on the picture
Instrument: Philips XL 30 ESEM-FEG at CSEM S/A, Switzerland
Submitted by: Ramona Mateiu
Affiliation: SCF-Technologies A/S, Denmark
Title: Mountain Top
Description: Used micro-mill tool. The tool initial diameter was 200 µm.
Magnification: Scale on the picture
Instrument: Jeol JSM 5500 LV SEM at DANCHIP, Denmark
Submitted by: Ramona Mateiu
Affiliation: SCF-Technologies A/S, Denmark
Title: Landscape @ the Microscale
Description: Carbon nanotubes grown by electric field assisted chemical vapor deposition on poly-Si microelectrodes.
Magnification: scale on the picture
Instrument: Philips XL 30 ESEM-FEG at CSEM S/A, Switzerland
Submitted by: Ramona Mateiu
Affiliation: SCF-Technologies A/S, Denmark
Title: Nano Bridge
Description: A single multi-walled carbon nanotube suspended between gold microelectrodes. A voltage is applied between the middle microelectrode and the outer ones with the nanotube. The middle microelectrode is grounded and therefore appears darker in the micrograph.
Magnification: scale on the picture
Instrument: LEO 1500 SEM-EDX at DANCHIP, Denmark
Submitted by: Ramona Mateiu
Affiliation: SCF-Technologies A/S, Denmark
Title: Spaghetti à la Nano
Description: Gold microelectrodes approaching a single multi-walled carbon nanotube which extends in the open space from a bundle.
Magnification: scale on the picture
Instrument: E-SEM FEI XL 30, FEG at Haldor Topsøe A/S, Denmark
Submitted by: Ramona Mateiu
Affiliation: SCF-Technologies A/S, Denmark
Title: PMMA Ruins
Description: X-ray lithography of a 10 µm PMMA film, tilted under ± 45°. Remaining columns after 1st step of exposure are cut in pieces with 2nd exposure, those remain lying in order like an ancient stone wall.
Magnification: 2000X
Instrument: M. MIKRONA SEM 525 M (Philips)
Submitted by: Timo Mappes
Affiliation: Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH, Germany
Title: German Ordered Collapse
Description: X-ray lithography of a 5 µm PMMA film, 5625 columns with Ø 800 nm. While drying after wet development the columns are torn to each other due to capillary forces and stay in semi-ordered fields.
Magnification: 740X
Instrument: M. MIKRONA SEM 525 M (Philips)
Submitted by: Timo Mappes
Affiliation: Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH, Germany
Title: Micro Viagra® Test Arrays
Description: X-ray lithography of a 10 µm SU-8 film, fields of columns with different diameter and pitch. Patterns as indicators for the limit of stability.
Magnification: 1700X
Instrument: M. MIKRONA SEM 525 M (Philips)
Submitted by: Timo Mappes
Affiliation: Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH, Germany
Title: The Spire
Description: Electrochemical etching of a tungsten wire produces an extremely fine probe and a spire for pico-parishioners.
Magnification: 33X
Instrument: Leo 1530 SEM
Submitted by: Richard Stallcup, PhD
Affiliation: Zyvex Corporation, Richardson, Texas, USA
Title: Not an Escher
Description: Accidental undercutting of square pits, during cryo etch in Si, resulting in a freestanding cage structure
Magnification: 800 x
Instrument: FEI XL30 SFEG
Submitted by: Chris Rétif
Affiliation: FOM-AMOLF, Amsterdam The Netherlands
Title: Letters
Description: Wet etched stamp for nanoimprint lithography. The letters are e-beam written into HSQ (Hydrogen Silsesquioxane) followed by development and a wet etch process with KOH.
Magnification: Scale on the picture
Instrument: Philips XL30
Submitted by: Michael Häffner
Affiliation: Institute of Applied Physics, University of Tübingen
Title: The Dog
Description: Wet etched stamp for nanoimprint lithography. The letters are e-beam written into HSQ (Hydrogen Silsesquioxane) followed by development and a wet etch process with KOH.
Magnification: Scale on the picture
Instrument: Philips XL30
Submitted by: Michael Häffner
Affiliation: Institute of Applied Physics, University of Tübingen
Title: Who spilled the milk?
Description:Optical image of quantum trees evolving from quantum dot solution by evaporation.
Magnification: Scale on the picture
Instrument: AxioCam MR
Submitted by: Yongfeng Mei
Affiliation: Max-Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Germany.
Title: Who spilled the milk again?
Description:Optical image of quantum trees evolving from quantum dot solution by evaporation.
Magnification: Scale on the picture
Instrument: AxioCam MR
Submitted by: Yongfeng Mei
Affiliation: Max-Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Germany.
Title: It is 2006’s nano-Benz logo
Description:AFM image of semiconductor nanochannel ( ~100 nm) network with Benz logo by releasing and bond-back of layers (REBOLA) technology.
Magnification: Scale on the picture
Instrument: NanoScope
Submitted by: Yongfeng Mei
Affiliation: Max-Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Germany.
Title: Logos of MNE 2006 Olympic Games
Description: Optical image of semiconductor nanochannel network by releasing and bond-back of layers (REBOLA) technology.
Magnification: Scale on the picture
Instrument: Axio Cam MR
Submitted by: Yongfeng Mei
Affiliation: Max-Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Germany.
Title: Satellite map of Nano World
Description: Optical image of semiconductor nanochannel network by releasing and bond-back of layers (REBOLA) technology.
Magnification: Scale on the picture
Instrument: Axio Cam MR
Submitted by: Yongfeng Mei
Affiliation: Max-Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Germany.
Title: Who would like to fight with octopus army?
Description: Optical image of semiconductor nanochannel network by releasing and bond-back of layers (REBOLA) technology.
Magnification: Scale on the picture
Instrument: Axio Cam MR
Submitted by: Yongfeng Mei
Affiliation: Max-Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Germany.
Title: Fringes
Description:Detail of a deformed polymeric pattern, after NanoImprint lithography
Magnification: 25 k X
Instrument: SEM LEO 1530
Submitted by: Irene Fernández
Affiliation: CNM, IMB - Barcelona
Title: Giza
Description:Overetched structures in a silicon wafer, after TMAH etching
Magnification: 3.14 k X
Instrument: SEM LEO 1530
Submitted by: Irene Fernández
Affiliation: CNM, IMB - Barcelona
Title: Spider
Description:Deformed polymeric pattern, after NanoImprint lithography
Magnification: 12.38 k X
Instrument: SEM LEO 1530
Submitted by: Irene Fernández
Affiliation: CNM, IMB - Barcelona
Title: Surprise
Description: Some remaining resist after cleaning a sample with acetone
Magnification: 140 X
Instrument: SEM LEO 1530
Submitted by: Irene Fernández
Affiliation: CNM, IMB - Barcelona
Title: Tulipes
Description: Polymeric pattern, after NanoImprint lithography, with high imprinting and demolding temperature
Magnification: 9.29 k X
Instrument: SEM LEO 1530
Submitted by: Irene Fernández
Affiliation: CNM, IMB - Barcelona
Title: A piece of Nano- Mon Chéri
Description: Porous Si after selective chemical treatment.
Magnification: 100,000
Instrument: Carl Zeiss, LEO 1540 XB
Submitted by: E. Horváth
Affiliation: HAS, Research Institute for Technical Physics and Materials Science
Title: Snow Frost
Description: 300 nm silicon balls on Si surface
Magnification: 10,000
Instrument: Carl Zeiss, LEO 1540 XB
Submitted by: E. Horváth
Affiliation: HAS, Research Institute for Technical Physics and Materials Science
Title: Pt Ion Detection
Description: Topo image of Pt ion adsorption (mesa-zone) and gold nanoparticles; mesa-zone is intaglio, however this zone is relievo in LFM image because of chemical properties. In addition, aggregated organic materials is not appeared in LFM image on the same reason.
Instrument: XE-100, PSIA (AFM)
Submitted by: Sung Koo Kang
Affiliation: School of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Seoul National University
Title: Nano Muffin
Description: Porous Si after selective chemical treatment
Magnification: 100,000
Instrument: Carl Zeiss, LEO 1540 XB
Submitted by: E. Horváth
Affiliation: HAS, Research Institute for Technical Physics and Materials Science
Title: Muffins
Description: Optimization of technology for solder bumps.
Magnification: 5.7 kX
Instrument: Leo 1530 SEM
Submitted by: Gemma Rius
Affiliation:IMB-CNM-CSIC, Spain
Title: The Wave
Description: Optical lithography on SU-8 resist after development.
Magnification: 1.81 kX
Instrument: Leo 1530 SEM
Submitted by: Gemma Rius
Affiliation:IMB-CNM-CSIC, Spain
Title: Little Worm
Description: Amorphous carbon nanotube grown on a metal surface.
Magnification: 398. kX
Instrument: Leo 1530 SEM
Submitted by: Gemma Rius
Affiliation:IMB-CNM-CSIC, Spain
Title: Nano Worm
Description: Cross-section of electrodeposited gold nanowires on Si substrate.
Magnification: 70000x
Instrument: JEOL JSM 6340
Submitted by: Ran Ji
Affiliation: Max-Planck-Institute of microstructure physics, Germany
Title: Nano Crocodile
Description: A part of Au nanowire fabricated by templated electrodeposition.
Magnification: 306000x
Instrument: JEOL JSM 6340
Submitted by: Ran Ji
Affiliation: Max-Planck-Institute of microstructure physics, Germany
Title: Time Tunnel
Description: Anisotropic electrochemical etched Si hole.
Magnification: 10000x
Instrument: JEOL JSM 6340
Submitted by: Ran Ji
Affiliation: Max-Planck-Institute of microstructure physics, Germany
Title: Broccoli
Description: Patterned Si substrate after electrochemical etching and cleaning.
Magnification: 6500x
Instrument: JEOL JSM 6340
Submitted by: Ran Ji
Affiliation: Max-Planck-Institute of microstructure physics, Germany
Title: Nano Snake
Description: Bowing of a gold nanowire.
Magnification: 124000x
Instrument: JEOL JSM 6340
Submitted by: Ran Ji
Affiliation: Max-Planck-Institute of microstructure physics, Germany
Title: Black Spade Array
Description: Nanowire array fabricated on SOI wafer by using interference lithography and isotropic HF etching.
Magnification: 40000x
Instrument: JEOL JSM 6340
Submitted by: Ran Ji
Affiliation: Max-Planck-Institute of microstructure physics, Germany
Title: Silicon Paper
Description: (110) Si structure after oxidation and Hf etching formed very thin Si nanofins.
Magnification: 35000x
Instrument: JEOL JSM 6340
Submitted by: Ran Ji
Affiliation: Max-Planck-Institute of microstructure physics, Germany
Title: Honeycomb
Description: Photoresist structure obtained by interference lithography.
Magnification: 33000x
Instrument: JEOL JSM 6340
Submitted by: Ran Ji
Affiliation: Max-Planck-Institute of microstructure physics, Germany
Title: More than a Football Club
Description: AFM topographic image of a local oxidation performed using AFM on a silicon wafer.
Instrument: Dimension 3100, Veeco
Submitted by: Cristina Martin Olmos
Affiliation:IMB-CNM-CSIC, Spain
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