The World of Water——水世界分享 ★上善若水—关注水问题★ 研究领域:农业水文水资源,干旱区水文水资源与生态用水



已有 4318 次阅读 2015-10-23 17:30 |个人分类:论著|系统分类:论文交流| 遥感, 作物估产, 蒸散发, 作物分别识别, 灌溉用水效率



尚松浩, 蒋磊, 杨雨亭. 基于遥感的农业用水效率评价方法研究进展. 农业机械学报, 2015, 46 (10): 81-92.
Shang Songhao, Jiang Lei and Yang Yuting. Review of Remote Sensing-based Assessment Method for Irrigation and Crop Water Use Efficiency [J].Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery, 2015, 46(10): 81-92. DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2015.10.013

基于遥感的农业用水效率评价方法研究进展   [下载全文]
投稿时间: 2015-06-29  
中文关键词:  灌溉水利用效率  作物水分利用效率  遥感  蒸散发  作物分布  作物估产
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51479090)和 “十二五”国家科技支撑计划资助项目(2013BAB05B03)
尚松浩 清华大学 
蒋磊 清华大学 
杨雨亭 澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织水土研究所 
Review of Remote Sensing-based Assessment Method for Irrigation and Crop Water Use EfficiencyIrrigation and Crop Water Use Efficiency   [Download Pdf]
Shang Songhao  Jiang Lei  Yang Yuting
Tsinghua University,Tsinghua University and CSIRO Land and Water, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia)
Key Words:Irrigation water use efficiency  Crop water use efficiency  Remote sensing  Evapotranspiration  Crop classification  Crop yield estimation
Abstract:Advances in remote sensing (RS) technology provide an effective approach for the estimation of regional evapotranspiration, crop classification and yield, which lays the foundation for the quantitative assessment of irrigation efficiency and crop water use efficiency. Relevant models and methods were reviewed, including RS-based evapotranspiration models, upscaling methods of instantaneous evapotranspiration to daily evapotranspiration, interpolation methods of available daily evapotranspiration, RS-based crop classification methods and crop yield estimation models, and assessment methods for irrigation efficiency and crop water use efficiency based on evapotranspiration and crop yield estimations. Furthermore, key issues that require further investigation were proposed, including RS-based evapotranspiration model with strong physical bases and applicable to heterogeneous land surfaces, proper interpolation method of daily evapotranspiration considering the abrupt change of soil water content due to irrigation and/or precipitation, precise estimation of irrigation water consumption in farmland evapotranspiration, RS-based crop classification model applicable to complex cropping pattern and multi-years, and operational RS-based crop yield estimation model with higher precision. With further developments of RS technology and relevant models, the quantitative assessment results of irrigation water use efficiency and crop water use efficiency will provide sound foundation for agricultural water management.

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