田里橙子分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/JRoy 我爱生命,更爱生活



已有 6831 次阅读 2013-6-4 06:38 |个人分类:科研笔记|系统分类:论文交流| 致谢, 青春, 毕业论文, 良师益友

前两天阅读文献,随手发现一个论文致谢比较长的(4页英文),转载于博客。没想到那么高的阅读点击量和推荐(看来又到毕业季啦),并有以曹聪老师为代表的至少三位评论人说自己的论文致谢要超过4页。刚刚就看到尚同学的长达6-7?页的激扬文字,可谓文笔飞扬,非常精彩。殷殷深情,可昭日月。 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-293055-696319.html



----- 尚书勇给我的留言


----- 我给尚同学的回复








Firstly, my sincere gratitude goesto my supervisor, ProfessorTariq P. Sattar. When I first met him, I was clearly not well preparedfrom any aspect and was so weak that I could not even speak understandable English.It must be a terrible moment to him as the same as to me since I repeated every singlesentence/word twice but still massed up them. After our meeting in his office,my brain was exhausted. From then, whenever my parents and friends asked meabout my supervisor, I often replied to them with

He can eat your brain

A beard well lathered is halfshaved. Prof. Sattar is so patient and gentle that he starts educating me byteaching me the language. We start from the beginning and graduallywe are on the right road. On this road, he always served as a great sourceof enthusiasm and encouragement and gave tremendous trust, freedom and supportto my research. His excellent supervision, consistent support, and fatherly patiencethroughout my postgraduate education have been invaluable. Through the threeyearsat theCentre for Automated and Robotics NDT directed by him, we have many prettymemorable and wonderfulmoments that will never decrease over time. Itruly believe that our supervisor-student relationship and collaborationwill continue.

I would also like to sincerelyexpress my gratitude to Dr. Zhanfang Zhao who is my second supervisor andProfessor Shudong Sun who is my supervisor with the School of Mechatronics,Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU) in China with which I am anon-leaving PhD candidate. Both of them provide supports and assistance to Prof. Sattarto my research in London south bank university (LSBU). After I leavefrom LSBU, I will join the team of Prof. Sun with NPU. My research programmewas carried out in collaboration with NPU.

Sincere thanks to my colleagues, friends and brothersMohammed Abdullah Al Rashed, Ousmane Abdoulaye Oumar, Tejas Kaushik Patel, SalmanHussain and Mohammed Hossain. It has been a wonderful experience towork, play, andlive with such passionate, stimulating and friendly people. Thedays we cook in the lab (this is clearly against the rule of the lab!), playcricket (they are my teacher at this part) and look around in the university tofind something that can be useful to us are never far! I also value support from all of thestaff at the Robotics Centre and the faculty as well as the Central Research Support.I am very grateful to all the work they have done to support myresearch. Thanks to the security staffs as well who gave me warm smiles everylater night and weekend when I worked Out Of Hours in the lab.

Sincere thanks to Professor Yu-Chi(Larry) Ho from Harvard University USA for advising me how to do research and encouragingme on several academic topics involved with nonlinear filtering. Thanks to Dr.Miodrag Bolić with the Ottawa University, Canada and Prof. Petar Djurić with theStony Brook university, USA for their collaboration and academic discussion. There are also many otherworldwide peers who provided help to me and who deserve my gratitude. We all work in similarfields to serve for a more bright and intelligent society. In my personalconversation with Professor Ho, he said to me

Filtering is a very mature field.

It is my personal opinion that wehave reached the point of diminishing return to further spent effort in thisfield.  My recommendation is that youfollow my golden rule on how to do research and find useful research problemswith payoff

The biggest thanks go to my parents(Fujun Li and Qiaoyun Zhao), my brother (Gangdong Li), my sisters (Guiju Li andGuifen Li) and my wife-to-beMiss Qian Jia for always supporting me. Lovegoes to my nephews (Pei Li and Ze Li) and nieces (Tiantian Huang and JingjingLiu). Without them and their love, this work would not have been possible.

Last but not least, I wish toacknowledge China Scholarship Council for supporting me to study in UnitedKingdom and the faculty of Engineering, Science, Built and Environments, LSBUfor providing me the faculty scholarship and research fund. Without this financialsupport, this work could also not be possible.

---------- 为杨叔特补----------------


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