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已有 26118 次阅读 2009-9-22 23:12 |个人分类:科研十年路|系统分类:科研笔记| 科研十年路


l        本文为2005年版招生广告,现修订版(2009),长期有效。



l        本人不做工程项目,也不接体力活型课题。以学术型课题为主。

l        本人招学生不是招劳动力,不需要打工仔。没有雇佣关系。

l        本人属于全自动型的。动脑动手泡实验室是俺的强项。

l        本人不依赖学生教俺新东西,也不依赖学生干活。

l        积极主动有创建的学生完全可以自己做主的。

l        被动的学生若不找俺,俺也不太搭理的。

l        俺做科研纯粹是为满足自己的兴趣。

l        名额和精力有限,宁缺毋滥为妙。

l        “缘分”最重要。非诚勿扰。



Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology Laboratory (MMBL)



微生物学//  01 微生物分子生物学与生物技术; 04 微生物与生化药学


生物技术//  03 微生物药物与制药工程


生物信息学//  05 微生物功能基因组学及生物信息学





1  Genetic Engineering and Protein Engineering for Novel Microbial Enzymes

        Enzymes are not only common components of life cells, but essential roles in modern biotechnology and industries even biomedical uses. Novel enzymes with Thermophilic or Psychrophilic nature from marine microorganisms are particularly interested by our lab. We have screened out thousands of strains (STRAIN BANK & DATABASE). Currently we are doing gene cloning and characterizations (GENE BANK & DATABASE), gene expression and mutations focusing on improving their properties and studying the relationship between structure and function. Some specific enzymes relevant to biomedical materials and pharmaceutical uses are given highly priorities.

Representative references:

Yun-Can Ai, David B Wilson. Mutation and expression of N233C-D506C of cellulase Cel6B from Thermobifida fusca in Escherichia coli. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 2002, 30: 804-808.

Yun-Can Ai, David B Wilson. Positional expression effects of cysteine mutations in the Thermobifida fusca cellulase Cel6A and Cel6B catalytic domains. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 2003, 32: 331-336.

Matsuo K, Watanabe H, Tate S, et al. Comprehensive secondary-structure analysis of disulfide variants of lysozyme by synchrotron-radiation vacuum-ultraviolet circular dichroism. Proteins - Structure Function and Bioinformatics. 2009, 77: 191-201

Zhang Y J, Cremer P S. The inverse and direct Hofmeister series for lysozyme. PNAS, 2009, 106: 15249-15253

2  Molecular Biology for the Marine Ecosystem of Bacteria-Bacteriophages
         Bacteriophages are currently interested by leading microbiologists worldwide because of not only their pioneering models for the earlier development of molecular genetics and molecular biology but many special considerations for the bio-safety / anti-bioterrorism and even the final way of combating over infectious bacteria with antibiotic resistance. Our lab is a member of an international network, The Bacteriophage Group, which has been introduced by Science. We have screened out hundreds of strains from marine environment (BACTERIOPHAGE BANK & DATABASE). Currently we are doing characterizations of key gene islands (GENE BANK & DATABASE) focusing on improving their application aspects concerning of bio-safety and of novel bio-agents for replacing antibiotics (i.e. Bacteriophage Therapy), and studying the horizontal gene transfer and genomic co-evolution mediated by mobile genetic elements within the ecosystem of bacteria-bacteriophages, in which all techniques of database and bioinformatics are intensively used and several house-keeping databases and software are being uniquely developed. Genome sequencing and bioinformatics for some unique bacteriophages are being initiated. Proteomics for identifying key functional elements is heavily used.

Representative references:

Phages: Their role in bacterial pathogenesis and biotechnology. Matthew K. Waldor, David I. Friedman, Sankar L. Adhya. ASM Press, 2005; Yun-Can Ai, Fan-Mei Meng. [Chinese Version]. Science Press, 2007;

Pedulla, M. L,
……, R. W. Hendrix, G. F. Hatfull. Origins of highly mosaic mycobacteriophage genomes. Cell. 2003, 113:171-182;

Chun J, Grim C J, Hasan N A,
, Colwell R R. Comparative genomics reveals mechanism for short-term and long-term clonal transitions in pandemic Vibrio cholerae. PNAS, 2009, 106: 15442-15447

3  Molecular Mechanism for the Antibiotic Resistance and Models for Drug Screening

        The problem of antibiotic resistance by infectious microorganisms is drawing back the human being toward the dark age before antibiotics era. This is becoming a hot topic worldwide and has become into one of the priority issues by the WHO and CDC. An international network, ROAR, was recognized in the U.S.A. in 1999. Our lab contributed as an external member to the network at the stage of ROAR II project. We have screened out thousands of strains from marine farming environments with antibiotic resistance (STRAIN BANK & DATABASE). Currently we are doing cloning and characterization of gene islands with antibiotic resistance (GENE BANK & DATABASE) focusing on finding novel mechanism of antibiotic resistance, and studying mechanism of horizontal gene transfer and genomic co-evolution mediated by mobile genetic elements, and creating novel models for screening novel antimicrobial drugs, in which all techniques of database and bioinformatics are intensively used and several house-keeping databases and software are being uniquely developed.

Representative references:

Ivan Gusarov, Konstantin Shatalin, Marina Starodubtseva, Evgeny Nudler. Endogenous nitric oxide protects bacteria against a wide spectrum of antibiotics. Science, 2009, 325: 1380-1384

4  Novel Antimicrobial Drugs from Marine-derived Microorganisms

         An emerging issue for the scientific researches and for the pharmaceutical industries is to find out novel antimicrobial agents to overcome the infectious disease, which is the number one killer in the world. The microbial metabolic products from marine microorganisms have been regarded as novel sources. With our novel models of screening system in hand, we have screened out a number of strains with strong inhibition effects to those strains with multiple antibiotic resistances. Currently we are using state-of-the-art techniques of genetics, biochemistry and functional gene analysis as well as modern methods for fermentation optimizations and instrumental analysis to produce and characterize microbial metabolic products, and applying molecular genetic techniques to elucidate how these antibiotics act in those cells with multiple antibiotic resistances at molecular level. Some unique bacteriophages are being developed as novel bio-agents for replacing antibiotics as well.

Representative references:

Fischbach M A, Walsh C T. Antibiotics for emerging pathogens. Science, 2009, 325: 1089-1093




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