不知过了多久,我才从朦胧中醒来。 拂去身上那厚厚的一层雪花,看着这朦朦胧胧的世界,哀叹一声。想着萍萍的音容笑貌,心中又是一阵发痛。 “幻觉,又是幻觉!一切都是幻觉!好可恶的幻觉!” 我咆哮着将一只落到我鼻尖的蝴蝶赶跑,一翻身坐了起来。朝周围一看,才发现自己好像身在一个绿色的大花园中。 这里一切都是绿色的。银河飘香,花香满园,树荫婆娑,随风飘舞,无数只绿色的蜜蜂在花间飞来飞去,欢愉地玩耍着。 一朵大而发着浅绿色光芒的银河飘香花朵在面前随风摇曳,一对深绿色的蝴蝶翩然起舞在上面飞过。我呆看着,随手将那朵花摘下来,递到鼻前,轻轻地嗅了一下,淡雅的清香让我的精神一振。 “假的,做得再真,也是假的。” 我愤恨的想着,手指用力,将这朵花捻得粉碎。 “好一个不懂风情的男人。难道花不会痛吗?”一个淡雅的声音缓缓传来。 “什么人?”我一惊,大声喝问道。 “我是这里的主人。你为何擅闯绿花园啊?” 说话间,一个苗条的身影转过花丛,带着袭人的香气,居然是一位令人眼睛一亮的绝代佳人。 我终于看到她的眸子。从未见过这样的一对眼睛。只感到进如一个“梦”,一个最深最甜的梦。那闪跃动人光辉的眸子,仿佛带着我进入一种宁静无比的心境。 那女郎看到我这种眼神也是一呆,随即微微一笑,说道:“看来你是真的不知道,那就先随我来吧!” 说着,转身而去。我赶紧跟上,看前面那女郎飘在空中,足不沾地地走着,只见她削肩细腰,穿一身绣著各种花朵的长裙,显得腰肢纤细,慢慢飘动间如风吹杨柳。心中便想: “这个女郎不会也是我的幻觉吧?” 就在我的一愣神间,再看那绿花园主就没了踪影。我无奈,只好继续向前走,转过了一道弯,发现前方有几间绿树搭成的精舍,精舍似乎和一颗巨大的绿色大树结成浑然一体,丝毫看不出人工的痕迹。一条小路蜿蜒而螺旋上伸,两侧绿花似锦。我顺着小路便来到了精舍之内。 精舍不大,现在所处的好像是小小的厅堂,布置得十分古典雅致。对面一幅中堂画,画上乃是一丽人,正飘在高山白云之间。金黄的秀发舞指著,那样的高贵美丽。 不知不觉间太阳已经落下了,繁星满天,璀璨夺目。见绿花园主还未出现,我便信步走出精舍外。仰头看着无尽的星空,心中一动,竟然发现一对双星是绿红色的。 那绿红双星在天空上熠熠闪光,如神奇的双眸,高瞩着大地。 “如果一个是我,那另一个将来是谁呢?神神秘秘的,女子之言,真是不可信。” 我摇头叹息着。 四下寂静,毫无人影。只有点点荧光,在花丛中飞舞回旋。 顺着小路,我到处转着,信步而行,来到了精舍之后。 “这是什么东西?”我突然发现在精舍之后,有一大片石林,恍惚中似乎有星光在晃动。 我赶紧上前两步,藉着星光一看,只见其中最大的一个石面高约五米,宽有六米,明晃似镜,在暗夜里反射着星光。 “女子皆爱美,但也不至于如此惊心动魄地夸张吧?居然弄这么大的一面天然镜子。” 我大笑着说道,笑毕后,看看四周无人,感到一阵凄凉。突然想到自己似乎好久没有照镜子了,便童心大起,来到镜子前仔细端详着镜中的自己。 只见自己变成一个英俊的士兵,只是那双眼神非常的深远,复杂。 正要再欣赏一番,那平静的镜面却突然如水面一般荡漾起来,原本映在镜中的无数星光也颤抖起来,看得我一阵眼晕。 突然眼前一亮,那个引我来此的女子变成萍萍,出现在面前。 “这里是不是很舒服啊?呵呵!” 萍萍问道,脸上巧笑嫣然,似乎十分得意。 “嘿,快点放我出去!”我大喊着就向前猛扑。 但是看起来好像近在咫尺,但是再怎么拚命地跑,还是那么远的距离。再看着眼前的佳人,却是笑弯了腰。 “真是妖精。”我恨恨地骂了一句,停下了毫无效果的努力,这时才猛然感觉到,浑身乏力。 忽见那女子左手一指,只见红光一闪,顿时整个空间宇宙风骤起,将人吹得翻滚不休,没有任何借力之处;只能随着狂风,如浪涛中的一叶小舟,跌宕起伏,翻滚不休。天空的星星居然都旋转起来,化为一条闪耀星光的隧道。 我似乎正飞快地穿过这流光闪闪的隧道,向着那尽头的巨大的绿色星云冲去,接着是金色的光的海洋,没有时间,没有空间,没有生命,只有光入定的平静……。 |
I do not know how long pass before I wake up abruptly. Flicking the thick layer of snow in the body, looking at this hazy world, I lament. Mind thinking Pingping voice and smile, my heart has a burst of pain. "Illusion, it is the illusion! All are the illusions! Very hateful illusions! " I throw out roaring to drive out a butterfly from my nose and hold to stand up. Seeing suddenly around, I find that I just seem to be in a big green garden. Here everything is green. Galaxy fragrance, floral beauties, the shade whirling, dancing with wind, and countless green bees fly between flowers and play with joy. A big flower of Galaxy way fragrance with projecting glow green light flicker with the wind in the front me, a pair of dark green butterfly fly lightly dances on top of the flower. I stay and look, pick that flower randomly, pass before the nose, having scented gently, the simple and elegant fragrance lets my spirit be shaken. "False, it is false too even to do it really." I detestably think with finger exerting, rotating this flower into pieces. "What a man not understanding the conditions and customs. Will not the flower have ache?" A simple and elegant sound comes slowly. "Who?" I am amazed by asking loudly." I am the host here. Why did you rush into the green garden?" As speaking, a slim figure turn over flowering shrubs, bring fragrance, a rare beauty making my eyes bright. I finally see her pupils of eyes. Have never see like this pair of eyes. Feel entering an identical the "dream", the deepest and the sweetest dream. Those bright eyes are moving glorious and bring me into a quite and matchless mood. That girl sees my expression in her eyes to stay too, laugh at slightly immediately, says: "It seems you do not really know, then follow me at first!" Saying, turned round to leave. I am at once to keep up with her, watch the girl ahead to float at sky, dip in foot walk, and see that she sharpens her shoulder thins her waist, wears an embroider of different flowers long skirt, shows the waist to be fine, slowly waves as wind blow willow. Thus I think in my heart: "Is this girl my illusion too?" Among one distracted spirit of me, the host of the green garden disappears. Being helpless, I have to continue going ahead, turn over one curved, and find several fine houses made by tree. The fine houses seem form an integral seamless with a huge green tree without seeing the slightest artificial trace. Twists and turns of a spiral path on the extension, and both sides of the green flower-decked. Along the path I enter into the inside of the house. The house is not big; it is a small hall, assign very classical grace. Opposite one is a picture drawing a beautiful girl is waving to and fro between high maintain and white cloud. Her golden hair waves dance and looks noble beauty. See the sun already drop unconsciously, starry sky is bright and brilliant. See the host girl not appear yet, I stroll out of the house. Face upward head watch endless starry sky, move in the heart, and find a pair of red and green stars. Those double stars seem brighter than before, as one pair of pupils, are looking the mother earth. "If one be me, who will be that another one? Mysterious, the women's speech, is really insincere. " I shake the head and sigh. Having a look around, there are no people at all. Only a bit some fluorescence flutters to flow in the flowering shrubs. Obeying the path, I am visiting everywhere, stroll and walk to behind of the house. "What is this?" I suddenly find that behind fine house, there is a big piece of stone forest, which seems to have star light to flash. I hasten come first; take a look at the stars, which shows one of the largest rock faces about five meters high, six meters wide, as mirror in the dark reflection of star brightness. "The women all like to be beautiful, but do not overstate so either? Get so big native mirror. " I say laughing, see nobody all around. I suddenly remember that I seemed not to look myself in the mirror for a long time, the childlike innocence is getting great, come to mirror and look myself in the mirror over carefully. I find I become a handsome soldier. My eyes are very infinity and beyond with complicated emotions. Just appreciate again, but that calm surface of the mirror suddenly ripples like surface of water, the countless stars light that originally reflect in the mirror trembling, so that I feel dizzy in a period of time. Suddenly bright at the moment, that guided woman who bring me here turns into Ping Ping who appear in the front of me. "Is here very comfortable? Oh! " The Ping Ping asks, smiles skillfully and beautifully on the face, she seems to be very proud. "Hey, let me go as soon as possible!" I shout and swoop forward. But seem close at hand, but run risking my life even more, it is still so far a distance. Look at eyes of that beautiful woman, she bends over to smile. "She is really evil spirit." I gave it a curse hating, stopped to have no efforts of the result at all, felt suddenly at this time entire body exhausted completely. As see that woman left hand points, whole space blast immediately get up suddenly, blow me rolling endlessly, the whole space has not taken advantage of the place of strength; can only with blast, like a leaf flat boat of worried wave, of flowing rhythm, rolling endlessly. Stars of sky are to rotate, turn one glitter tunnel of star light. I seem to tunnel this shading and sparkling tunnel, wash towards end of a great green star light quickly, and follow by the golden light of the ocean, no time, no space, no life, only the meditation in the light with peace ...... |
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