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来自心怿的诗 (2-5-59)

已有 1071 次阅读 2018-4-29 07:14 |个人分类:fiction|系统分类:海外观察| SCI

      第五章  绿色之光








  你的气质比黄金白玉还要珍贵,你的天性比冰雪还要纯洁,你的精神比星星太阳还要光辉,你的容貌比鲜花明月还要艳美。我内心蓄满了辛酸, 无比地怜昔你的夭折! 仙云既散, 芳趾难寻; 高山虹化,没有回生之药。


  天是这样的绿色苍苍呵, 是你化为玉凤傲游太空? 地是这样的绿色茫茫呵, 是你驾驶着彩云降洒雨水看你身上发出五彩缤纷的光芒呵,那是从银河深处传来的星辉?

           Chapter 5 Green Light


Tears filled my face. It was a sentiment towards Ping’s knot. The mood has been reassured and calmed, and it's already the consciousness Ping still singing around. We birdies like a morning bird would fly away from this boundless great East Lake and enter a more advanced cosmic resonance.


We soar on the green hills, Pinghua change to a colorful phoenix, Phoenix falls on the top of the mountain, you let me see you again, a beautiful phoenix.


Your golden long hair shines brightly and radiantly with the wind, bright eyes as the night stars shines on the beautiful face.


Your temperament is more precious than the golden white jade, your nature is more pure than the ice and snow, your spirit is more glorious than the star sun, and your appearance is even brigher than the flowers and the moon. My heart is full of bitterness and incomparable pity for your death! The immortal cloud already disperses and the fragrant trace is difficult to seek; the mountain rainbow disappears and has no return life medicine.


The sky is such green and gray, which is that you change to the jade phoenix arrogantly to swim in the outer space? The ground is such green boundless, which is that you drive the pink clouds to drop the rain? Look on your body sends out the multi-colored ray, which is a glory that comes from the deep place of Milky Way?



上一篇:来自心怿的诗 (2-58)
下一篇:来自心怿的诗 (2-60)
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