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图书馆目录2.0: 图书馆最新的检索模式

已有 6400 次阅读 2010-4-9 09:26 |个人分类:信息检索|系统分类:科研笔记| Catalogue, 跨语言检索、社会标注

      早上收邮件,看到城大邵逸夫图书馆的图书馆目录2.0的发布通知,试用一下,看到返回结果页面,感觉不错,基本上融合了一站式检索、跨语言检索(注:目前是比较简单的功能,还依赖于元数据项是否有中英文记录)、相关搜索(可以看成协同推荐)、社会标注(Social Tagging)等当前比较流行的功能。

      利用“machine learning”检索,结果如下:


附: Library Catalogue 2.0介绍


Library Catalogue 2.0

Library Catalogue 2.0 is a new online tool for searching the Library's resources. Simple and easy to use, it works like a Web search engine with just a single search box. It has innovative features to either broaden or narrow your search, a user friendly format and Web 2.0 options that all help you quickly discover relevant Library resources.

For more help, see the Library Catalogue 2.0 Search Guide.

When to use it?

  • The Classic Library Catalogue will still be available if you prefer to use it instead of Library Catalogue 2.0. Just look for the Classic Library Catalogue link on the Library's homepage.
  • Use Library Catalogue 2.0 when you want to do a broad search to see what the Library has on your topic.
  • Use the Classic Library Catalogue if you want to do a more specific search, for example: search by author, by title, by subject, by call number or by ISSN.

What's new about Library Catalogue 2.0?

Library Catalogue 2.0 has several innovative features.

  • Provides intelligent spell-checking, "Did you mean". It finds the correct word even if you make a mistake.
  • Search results can be refined by a combination of options including availability, format, collection, language and more.
  • Displays items on your topic that have been Recently Added to the collection.
  • Allows City University staff and students to rate books on a scale of 1 to 5.
  • Search results can be refined by tags which are words or phrases used to describe each item. The larger the size of the word or phrase the more items there are on this topic. City University staff and students can also add their own tags, called community tags, to individual records to describe items.
  • Provides a Related Searches option which lets you broaden your search.

Does Library Catalogue 2.0 search the same data as the Classic Library Catalogue?

Library Catalogue 2.0 searches the same data as the Classic Library Catalogue but it retrieves and displays search results in an innovative and more helpful format.

How to search it?

To use Library Catalogue 2.0 simply enter words into the search box, just like a Web search engine.

To refine your search results, select from the options on the left side of the screen including availability, format, collection, and others. You can also choose words listed under the Refine by Tag option to further narrow your results.

To broaden your search results, just select the link Explore Related Searches under the search box or choose from the group of words listed under Related Searches at the bottom of the screen.

    Search tips
    • If you want to search for a phrase, use quotation marks e.g. "corporate social responsibility".
    • You don't need to use the word "And" as it is already implied in the search. Boolean operators such as "Or", "Near" are not recognized nor are brackets.
    • The truncation symbol * can be used e.g. manag* will search for management, manage, managed, managing etc.

Will Library Catalogue 2.0 replace the Classic Library Catalogue?

Library Catalogue 2.0 will not replace the Classic Library Catalogue which you should use if you want to do more specific searching. Links to the Classic Library Catalogue are available on the Library’s home page. You can also access it from Library Catalogue 2.0 search results page by clicking on the link above the search box.


Is the Circulation Record/Renewal function available in Library Catalogue 2.0?

The Circulation Record/Renewal function is available in Library Catalogue 2.0. Just click on the Login link on the top right of screen then enter your name, CityU ID number and your PIN (password) then click below on the Login button. Next, click on My Account to view items you have checked out or to renew the loan period of these items.

Can Library Catalogue 2.0 tell me what is available in other Hong Kong university libraries?

You can find out what books are held in other Hong Kong university libraries by clicking on the Search HKALL icon available on the search results screen.


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