《镜子大全》《朝华午拾》分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/liwei999 曾任红小兵,插队修地球,1991年去国离乡,不知行止。



已有 4385 次阅读 2010-10-31 14:54 |个人分类:成长花絮|系统分类:生活其它| 万圣节, 配乐录象, 讨糖

【配乐录象:讨糖,讨糖!】(万圣节系列) (5618 bytes)
Posted by: 立委
Date: November 01, 2007 01:31AM

鬼节,鬼节! 讨糖,讨糖!Let party begin! 

这是西方最富特色的节日。来美国未曾跟孩子晚上掏糖的网友,无论你有无孩子,一定不要错过今晚的 trick-or-teat! 

今年,甜甜坚决不穿公主服了,说那是 little girl 的打扮,再穿同学都会笑话的。于是,给她买了个黑黄相间的长袍,手持一把笤帚,传统的 Witch(女巫)扮相。甜甜约好她最好的朋友,一个穿着黑袍同样是女巫打扮的邻居女孩,两人一路兴高采烈,一边讨糖,一边麻雀一样叽叽喳喳谈些我完全不知所云的话题。陪着两个 witches 走了五六个街区,近三小时,虽然又渴又饿,累坏了,我还是任由她们尽兴才归。甜甜狼吞虎咽吃完晚餐,冲了淋浴,倒头便睡,怎么也唤不醒,怕她牙齿坏了,我小憩后半夜起来半睡半醒地给她刷了牙。

两年前万圣节夜录制配乐的家庭录象四个片断回放:所配的音乐 Bump In The Night,是美国家喻户晓的悬念恐怖卡通片 ”Scooby-Doo“ 的插曲,渲染风声鹤唳,夜路遇鬼,惊魂不定的恐慌,曲调紧张,不失俏皮,差不多成为鬼节的主题曲了。

05.11.20, 万圣节之夜讨糖(trick or treat). 

前不久的万圣节之夜,甜甜跟往年一样,身着公主服(这次从迪斯尼专卖店买的是灰姑娘套装,前几年的万圣节也是从专卖店买的迪斯尼人物白雪公主和木兰),挨门挨户讨糖,叫trick or treat, 意思是你不给糖果等点心(treat),我就调皮,跟你捣乱(trick)。今年在好朋友Adam家汇合了10几个孩子,大家嬉闹一片,甜甜玩得很开心。有关家庭录象四个片断上网。甜甜跟Adam兄弟俩一起讨糖,然后在Adam家兴致勃勃地跟Adam互相交换战利品。Adam身着古罗马拳击手(gladiator)的服装,他的弟弟Peter身着綠色巨人史瑞克怪物(美国著名童话电影《Shrek》的主人公)的服装。所以甜甜讨糖时这样介绍道:"This is Shrek on a diet (因为Peter比较瘦小,而怪物史瑞克很肥胖高大,所以甜甜戏称Peter是“减肥中的史瑞克”). I am Chinese Cinderella(“我是中国灰姑娘”). And this is a gladiator with curly hair(Adam卷发,所以说他是卷发拳击手). " 

Background music: Bump In The Night

Scooby-Doo Soundtrack Lyrics

Artist: Allstars Lyrics
Song: Bump In The Night Lyrics

There's a chill in the air
You hear a creak on the stairs
You've got a knock on your door
Is there anybody out?

They're out to get you
To capture you 
And make you 
Howling and frowling
You're shivering, quivering

You can not run,
And you can not hide
Yeah you gotta face it baby
Things go bump in the night
Where ever you run,
And where ever you hide
Yeah you gotta face it baby
Things go bump, bump, bump in the night

Tell me who's spooking who
It's very Scooby Doo
You hear a shriek in the house
You know its freaking me out

They're out to get you
To capture you 
And make you 
Howling and frowling
You're shivering, quivering

You can not run,
And you can not hide
Yeah you gotta face it baby
Things go bump in the night
Where ever you run,
And where ever you hide
Yeah you gotta face it baby
Things go bump, bump, bump in the night

You can not run, 
And you can not hide
Yeah you gotta face it baby
Things go bump, bump, bump in the night

You know where ever you run,
And where ever you hide
Yeah you gotta face it baby
Things go bump, bump, bump in the night




"I am a Chinese Cinderella"

"I am sorry, but....Princess Cinderrela is here...Is this how you treat a princess?"
(O, Princess)

Background music: Bump In The Night

Scooby-Doo Soundtrack Lyrics

Artist: Allstars Lyrics
Song: Bump In The Night Lyrics


Tanya Trading Treats with Adam

Tanya trading her trick-or-treated candies with Adam. They always have tons of fun together.

Background Music: Disney - Cinderella - A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes

Classic Disney Soundtrack Lyrics

Artist: Cinderella Lyrics
Song: A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes Lyrics

A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you're fast asleep
In dreams you lose your heartaches
Whatever you wish for, you keep
Have faith in your dreams and someday
Your rainbow will come smiling thru
No matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing
the dream that you wish will come true

Grandma Lucy's home

Every year in Buffalo, Tanya's halloween night trick-or-treating almost always ends at Grandma Lucy's house. 

When we told Grandma that we are leaving Buffalo, she was in tears, "Everybody is leaving. I am going to miss Tanya a lot." Several days later, she gave Tanya a real diamond and gold jewlry, "Tanya, this is an expensive and precious gift. I want you to keep it all your life. When you wear it, you will always remember your Granny." Tanya later told me, "I felt like crying".

We wish Grandma Lucy all the best. Bye bye Buffalo, bye bye Grandma.

Grandma Lucy 安息! (331 bytes)
Posted by: 立委
Date: November 01, 2008 01:15AM


Grandma Lucy 一个多月前已经去世,噩耗传来,我们全家都很悲痛。Tanya 第一次遇到这样的事件,自己躲在房内哭泣。出来眼睛红红的,说:Grandma must be in heaven now, free from any pain. And there is no need for oxygen tank there. (Grandma 生前三年多来一直离不开氧气罐子,到哪里都要带着,很不方便。) 




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