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[转载]抛弃同行评议,拯救人类文明 (科技英语,英汉对照)

已有 1432 次阅读 2024-2-3 13:36 |个人分类:科技英语|系统分类:科普集锦|文章来源:转载







Kill peer review, save civilisation | Times Higher Education (THE)


Kill peer review, save civilization



End 'disastrous' funding system thwarting science's progress, UCL academic urges. Zoe Corbyn reports

伦敦大学学院敦促结束阻碍科学进步的“灾难性”资助制度,Zoe Corbyn报道。


The future of our civilization is under threat from a "disastrous" system of science funding that stifles radical work and makes it "nearly impossible" for leading researchers to make unpredictable discoveries.

科学资助体系正威胁我们文明遭受 “灾难”。这个体系扼杀了最有创新的工作,使领先的研究人员“几乎不可能”做出难于预见的发现。

This is the view of Don Braben, visiting professor at University College London, in his new book.

这是伦敦大学学院客座教授Don Braben在他的新书中提出的观点。

Professor Braben has used his new book Scientific Freedom: The Elixir of Civilization, published in the UK last week, to argue that the great discoveries of the 20th century would never have been funded under the present system - and that science is heading for "stagnation" unless the system is changed.

科学网—[转载]科学创新的良药—抛弃同行评审 (科技英语,英汉对照) - 刘跃的博文 (sciencenet.cn)

Braben教授在他上周在英国出版的新书《科学自由:文明的精髓》中说, 20世纪的伟大发现如果放在目前的体制下,都永远不会得到资助。除非这种体制被改变,科学将走向“停滞”。

Professor Braben argues that the introduction in the 1970s of the review of research proposals has led to a dearth of big scientific discoveries. The most radical ideas, he says, are unlikely to get funded because it is difficult to impress peers before they have been proven. "Before about 1970, scientists were relatively free to do as they pleased but new rules have made it nearly impossible for would-be successors (to the great scientists of the 20th century) to make discoveries that will boost economic growth and prosperity in the 21st century," said Professor Braben.


"It works well enough in the mainstream but it is at the margins where major discoveries are made, where people don't believe in the current wisdom and want to head off into dramatically different directions. To submit those ideas to peer review is disastrous," he told Times Higher Education.

“ 在主流领域框架内同行评审运行得很好。但当人们不相信当前主流理论,想要朝着截然不同的方向前进时,同行评审完败。把这些重大发现提交给同行评审是灾难性的。”他告诉《泰晤士高等教育报》。

Professor Braben, who has served as a scientific adviser to Whitehall, the Bank of England and BP, calls on governments and funding agencies around the world to create a "21st century Planck club", named in honour of physicist Max Planck.

Braben教授曾担任英国政府、英格兰银行和英国石油公司的科学顾问。他呼吁世界各国政府和资助机构创建一个以物理学家马克斯·普朗克命名的“21世纪普朗克俱乐部”。(译者注:普朗克科学定理 -- A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.一个新的科学真理取得胜利并不是通过说服它的反对者们并使他们信服,而是这些反对者们最终死去,新的科学真理终于获得承认。)

The club, Dr Braben envisages, would use public and private funds to provide "total freedom" to a very few scientists to explore fields of interest, without having to subject proposals to peer review.

Braben博士设想,该俱乐部为极少数科学家 “完全自由”的研究提供经费资助,让他们探索自己感兴趣问题,而不必接受同行评审。

"They would be accountable for what they spend but how they spent it would be up to them based on mutual trust," he said. "Max Planck was not motivated by the usual things but by a 'hunger of the soul'. This is who we want to reach: people who are motivated by a hunger of the soul."

“出资人对科学家如何支出充分信任,科学家对他们自己的支出负责。”他说。“Max Planck感兴趣的不是公认的东西,而是‘灵魂的饥渴’。这就是我们想要资助的人:那些被灵魂的渴望所激励的人。”


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