本期刊×见介绍气溶胶专属期刊Aerosol Science and Technology。除了期刊介绍外,本期内容还包含以下刊内近三年高被引文章,以及近一年高阅读文章,欢迎阅览。
l 唱歌和说话时呼出的呼吸道颗粒物
l 用于自制口罩的家用材料的气溶胶过滤效率:材料特性、颗粒大小、颗粒电荷、面速度和泄漏的影响
l 利用复合前向散射振幅约束黑碳粒子的复折射率
l 根据尺寸分布测量计算的气溶胶光学特性:不确定性研究
Aerosol Science and Technology 旨在提高气溶胶知识并促进其应用。文章包括基础和应用性研究,主题包括:
· 测量气溶胶物理、光学、化学和生物特性的仪器
· 气溶胶动力学和传输现象;数值建模
· 充电
· 成核
· 纳米粒子和纳米技术
· 肺部沉积和健康影响
· 过滤
· 气溶胶生成
该期刊已被SCI, SCIE, Chemical Abstracts Service, Civil Engineering Hydraulics Abstracts; Compendex Chemistry Database, CSA Civil Engineering Abstracts, GEOBASE, Royal Society of Chemistry,Mass Spectrometry Bulletin,等数据库收录。
2022 5年影响因子:3.6
2022CiteScore: 7.2
2022CiteScore最佳分区: Q1
根据JCR显示, Aerosol Science and Technology 最新影响因子为5.2,在
l 工程: 化工领域排名 30/140
l 工程:机械领域排名 19/135
(来源:2022 Journal Citation Reports)
根据Scopus显示, Aerosol Science and Technology 的CiteScore(2022)为 7.2, CiteScoreTracker(2023)为7.5。
此外,根据Scopus中显示, Aerosol Science and Technology 在
小类及分区: 工程: 化工4区、气象与大气科学4区、工程:机械4区、环境科学4区
Aerosol Science and Technology的主编由 Jonathan Reid (布里斯托尔大学化学学院) 担任。副主编由多国学者组成,来自中国的是蒋靖坤(清华大学);编委团队中来自中国的有郁建珍(香港科技大学)。
Jonathan Reid,现任布里斯托尔大学化学学院教授,他的研究方向是:使用光学和电动技术来捕捉和操控单个颗粒或颗粒阵列,并运用光谱学来查询它们的大小、组成和形态。
根据JCR显示,近三年在Aerosol Science and Technology 发文的国家中,发文前三的国家有: 美国、中国、加拿大。
近三年,在Aerosol Science and Technology发文的全球高校和科研机构中,发文活跃的有:加利福尼亚大学、法国国家科学研究中心(CNRS)、布里斯托大学, 来自中国的有:清华大学。
(来源:2022 Journal Citation Reports)
Exhaled respiratory particles during singing and talking
作者:M. Alsved et al.
The aim of this study was to investigate aerosol and droplet emissions during singing, as compared to talking and breathing. We also examined the presence of SARS-CoV-2 in the air from breathing, talking and singing, and the efficacy of face masks to reduce emissions. In this study we defined aerosol particles as having a dry size in the range 0.5–10 µm. Although debatable from an aerosol physics point of view, a cutoff diameter between 5 and 10 µm is normally used in medicine for classification of aerosol versus droplet route of transmission. Droplets are here defined as exhaled particles, from micron size with no upper size limit, and measured directly at the mouth before complete evaporation, thus partly in liquid phase.
Aerosol particle mass emission rates during different exercises (dark blue, left y-axis), and the average number of droplets per frame (from image analysis, see Figure 3) in the exhaled air during the same exercises (red, right y-axis). Particle mass was measured in the range 0.5–10 µm. Each blue box represent data for 12 singers for aerosol particles and 5 singers for droplets. Two high values for loud singing not shown.
用于自制口罩的家用材料的气溶胶过滤效率: 材料特性、颗粒大小、颗粒电荷、面速度和泄漏的影响
作者:Frank Drewnick et al.
As a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the widespread daily use of face masks is promoted worldwide. Particle-size dependent filtration efficiencies (FE; dp = 30 nm–10 µm), applying a particle counting approach, and additionally pressure drops (Δp) were determined for 44 samples of household materials and several medical masks. Huge FE differences were found between sample materials and for different particle sizes, spanning from <10% up to almost 100%. Minimum FE were determined for dp = 50–500 nm particles with significantly larger values for dp = 30 nm particles and especially for those with dp > 2.5 µm. Measurements at different numbers of layers showed that stacks of textiles can be treated as separate filters and total FE and Δp can readily be estimated from the features of the individual layers, leaving laborious measurements of individual combinations obsolete. For many materials, electrostatic attraction contributes strongly to overall FE for particles up to 100 nm diameter. Measurements with defined leaks showed that already a small fractional leak area of 1–2% can strongly deteriorate total FE. This is especially the case for particles smaller than 5 µm diameter, where FE dropped by 50% or even two thirds. Our measurements show that by stacking an adequate number of layers of many fabrics, decent filtration efficiencies can be reached for homemade face masks over large particle size ranges with acceptable pressure drop across the material. Very important, however, is good fit of the masks to minimize leak flows and selection of non-hazardous mask material.
Dependence of (a) pressure drop and (b–d) filtration efficiencies at different particle sizes (30 nm, 500 nm, both neutralized aerosol, CPC setup; 2.5 µm, ambient aerosol, SMPS/OPC setup) on face velocity for polyester, cotton woven, cotton jersey, and molleton (2 layers each). For the fitting coefficients, see Tables S2–S4 (supplementary information).
作者:Nobuhiro Moteki et al.
Black carbon is the largest contributor to global aerosol’s shortwave absorption in the current atmosphere and is an important positive climate forcer. The complex refractive index, m = mr + imi, the primary determinant of the absorbed and scattered energies of incident radiation per unit volume of particulate material, has not been accurately known for atmospheric black carbon material. An accurate value at visible wavelengths has been difficult to obtain due to the black carbon’s wavelength-scale irregularity and variability of aggregate shape, distribution in particle size, and mixing with other aerosol compounds. Here, we present a method to constrain a plausible (mr, mi) domain for black carbon from the observed distribution of the complex forward-scattering amplitude S(0°). This approach suppresses the biases due to the above-mentioned complexities. The S(0°) distribution of black carbon is acquired by performing single particle S(0°) measurements in a water medium after collecting atmospheric aerosols into water. We demonstrate the method operating at λ = 0.633 μm for constraining the refractive index of black carbon aerosols in the north-western Pacific boundary layer. From the plausible (mr, mi) domain consistent with the observed S(0°) distributions and the reported range of mass absorption cross-section, we conservatively select 1.95 + 0.96i as a recommendable value of the refractive index for uncoated black carbon at visible wavelengths. The recommendable value is 0.17 larger in mi than the widely used value 1.95 + 0.79i in current aerosol-climate models, implying a ∼16% underestimate of shortwave absorption by black carbon aerosols in current climate simulations.
Schematic diagram of the complex amplitude sensor for waterborne particles. A linearly polarized 2 mW He-Ne laser with λ = 0.633 μm was used for generating high-wavefront quality Gaussian laser beam. An optical isolator was used to prevent laser instability due to back reflections. Each pair of rotatable half-wave plates (HWPs) with polarization beam splitters (PBSs) was used to split the beam with a controlled power ratio. The beam optics in the s- and l-channels are configured to quantify the complex forward-scattering amplitude of the sub- and super-micron particle size range, respectively. Table S1 lists the models and manufacturers of all the optical components in this schematic.
Aerosol optical properties calculated from size distribution measurements: An uncertainty study
作者:Hagen Telg et al.
We use Monte Carlo uncertainty propagation to estimate the uncertainty of aerosol scattering coefficients, σs, that have been derived from measured particle size distributions. We consider the particular case where the size distributions are measured using a combination of a scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS) and an aerodynamic particle sizer (APS). Uncertainties that are propagated include those intrinsic to the instruments and those that arise from variabilities in aerosol microphysical properties, including particle shape, density, and complex refractive index. Particular emphasis is put on the size dependent counting efficiency of both instruments which have weaknesses in a particle size range that dominates aerosol optical properties. The T-matrix method is utilized to simulate the effect of particle shapes on σs. To narrow the probability distribution of aerosol properties we discuss uncertainties for a single geographic location, which is the Southern Great Plains site (SGP) of the Department of Energy’s Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) User Facility. We estimate a 95% confidence interval for σs between −40% and +68%. A partial dependence analysis, for which we use generalized additive models, identifies uncertainties in counting efficiency and particle shapes as the dominant contributors to the size of the confidence interval.
Black graph, left ordinate: average size resolved number concentration of dry aerosol particles for the year 2012 measured by a combination of SMPS and APS at SGP. Particle diameters represent mobility equivalent diameters below 750 nm and aerodynamic equivalent diameters above 750 nm with a narrow transition regime where the overlap of the two measurements are merged (for details see Collins Citation2010b). Gray (orange) graph, right ordinate: size resolved scattering coefficient derived from the size distribution for light with a wavelength of 550 nm and the assumption of spherical particles with a refractive index of 1.5+i0. Short and long dashed lines show contributions from accumulation and coarse mode particles, respectively, which were derived by fitting log-normal distributions to the size distribution.
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