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Grassland Research | 接种原生土壤(native grassland soil)可促进高度扰动土壤中

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Grassland Research | 接种原生土壤(native grassland soil)可促进高度扰动土壤中本土植物的种子萌发

草地研究GR 草地研究GR --- Grassland Research草业科学领域国际学术期刊



俄克拉荷马州立大学Eric B. Duell课题组通过温室实验,研究了16种本土植物种子在Bothriochloa ischaemum (L.) Keng入侵草地土壤中的萌发情况。为了去除该入侵植物,还对该草地施加了除草剂和火烧的管理措施。该研究的目的包括:(1)比较本土植物在原生土壤与退化草地土壤中的萌发差异;(2)评估接种原生土壤对本土植物在退化草地土壤中的萌发的影响。结果显示,与原生土壤相比,本土植物在退化草地中的萌发率极低。但接种原生土壤后,本土植物的萌发率与在原生土壤中的萌发率相当,减轻了退化草地土壤对本土植物种子萌发的负作用。这一研究表明原生土壤可显著改善本土植物在退化草地中的萌发状况。这一结果可为草地保护和退化草地恢复的管理提供一定的参考价值。


Table 1: Complete list of plant species, along with associated taxonomic families, broad functional groups, and life histories used in the seed germination experiment

Note: These species are commonly used in restoration seedings in grasslands of central North America. This experiment was conducted 1 year following the conclusion of the field experiment conducted by Robertson et al. (2013), and was conducted at greenhouse facilities at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, OK, USA. Abbreviation: SL, short-lived.

Table 2: Relative germination of 16 native species commonly used in restoration seedings in grasslands of central North America (see Table 1 for complete species names)

Note: Values represent percent differences in germination relative to native prairie soils (control). Seeds were sown into the following soil treatments: (1) native prairie (control [data not shown]), (2) dominated by Bothriochloa ischaemum (Bi), (3) dominated by B. ischaemum with native prairie soil amendment (Bi, amended), (4) dominated by B. ischaemum and treated with various combinations of herbicide and prescribed fire (Treated), and (5) dominated by B. ischaemum and treated with various combinations of herbicide and prescribed fire with native prairie soil amendment (Treated, amended). *Significant reductions in germination (%) compared to seeds sown in native prairie soils, with significance assessed at p ≤ 0.05.

Figure 1: Relative germination of (a) warm-season grasses, (b) cool-season grasses, and (c) forbs when sown in soils collected from areas dominated by: BiBothriochloa ischaemumBi+A, B. ischaemum amended with native prairie soil; Tr, B. ischaemum treated with various combinations of herbicide and prescribed fire; and Tr+A, B. ischaemum treated with various combinations of herbicides and prescribed fire amended with native prairie soil. Bars represent the relative differences in germination (%) from the native soil control (±SE). *Significant reductions in germination (%) compared to seeds sown in native prairie soils. Bars with different letters indicate significant differences among soil sources, with significance assessed at p ≤ 0.05.




内容来源:Grassland Research(草地研究)第1卷第2期(投稿:2022-02-28;接收:2022-04-09;刊发:2022-06-12)


引用格式:Duell, E. B., Hickman, K. R., & Wilson, G. W. T. (2022). Inoculation with native grassland soils improves native plant species germination in highly disturbed soil. Grassland Research, 1(2), 75–83.

编译者:刘永杰 兰州大学草地农业科技学院 副教授



Grassland Research是我国草业科学领域第一本国际学术期刊,季刊,由中国草学会和兰州大学共同主办。该刊受中国科技期刊卓越计划高起点新刊项目支持,由国际出版集团John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.提供出版及宣传服务,于2022年正式创刊。

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责任编辑 | 王楚怡

审核|彭京伦 武艳培 王新宇


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