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已有 900 次阅读 2024-11-16 08:00 |个人分类:科技期刊|系统分类:博客资讯

GRC 241112-移动 CY.jpg

International Forum on Grassland Research: Contribution to Food Security and Global Change 

Date: 17– 20 November, 2024 (17th Registration, 18th & 19th Speaker Presentations, 20th Returning back)

Place: Lanzhou University, Gansu, China

This conference aims to:

· Deliver the 5th International Symposium on Grassland Agroecosystems;

· Create a think-tank of international significance on positioning of grassland research efforts around the world to serve a future warmer, more populated world, and capture quality, forward-thinking content for Grassland Research;

· Celebrate the launch in 2022 and establishment in 2022–2024 of Grassland Research;

· Build the Grassland Research journal community of researchers and agriculture professionals.



The grassland ecosystem is one of the largest terrestrial ecosystems on our planet, providing essential ecological and production functions. It plays a crucial role in biodiversity conservation, carbon sequestration, soil health, and supports human livelihoods and economic development. As we face increasing challenges such as climate change, land degradation, and habitat loss, understanding and preserving grassland ecosystems has become imperative.

Grassland Research is an open-access journal launched in 2022 at Lanzhou University, China. Grassland Research aims to build a robust platform for the scientific community and capture the best thinking and emerging knowledge in the wider field of grassland research. The journal is dedicated to publishing high-quality, forward-thinking articles that serve a world that is expected to be warmer and more populated.

To facilitate academic communication and exchange and dissemination of new ideas, we are excited to announce the International Forum on Grassland Research: Contribution to Food Security and Global Change", which will be held at Lanzhou University from 17 to 20 November, 2024. We invite you to join us in this important dialogue as we come together to highlight the significance of grasslands and the critical need for scientific collaboration to enhance their future contribution to human needs.

Conference Secretariat:

Cory Matthew +86-17880817911 corym@lzu.edu.cn 

Yanpei Wu 武艳培 +86-15117001940 wuyp@lzu.edu.cn 

Jinglun Peng 彭京伦 +86-18865517559 pengjl@lzu.edu.cn

 Program at a Glance:

GRC Program at a glance_241112_页面_1.jpg

Lanzhou Section of the Yellow River (© Jinglun Peng 彭京伦

Yellow River Iron Bridge (Zhongshan Bridge) and Baita Mountain, Lanzhou (© Yuan Chen 陈媛)

The Statue “Yellow River — The Mother” in Lanzhou (© Weiran Yao 姚蔚然) 

Lanzhou Waterwheel (© Jinglun Peng 彭京伦)

Gate of the Five Springs Park (Wuquan Shan Gongyuan) in Lanzhou (© Weiran Yao 姚蔚然)

Jiayuguan Pass - Greatest Pass of the Ancient Great Wall (© Lanxiang Li 李岚翔)

Zhangye Danxia Landscape (© Keyi Fu 付可轶)


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