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已有 1112 次阅读 2024-1-22 18:01 |系统分类:博客资讯

中国矿物岩石地球化学学会气体地球化学专业委员会(Gas Geochemistry Professional Committee,GGPC)学术年会于2024年1月18-20日在兰州召开。此次年会由中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院等承办。会议开幕式由中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院党委书记、副院长张长春主持。张书记在主持开幕式的同时对大家的到来表示热烈欢迎,并期待本次会议能够取得丰硕成果,为气体地化学领域的研究和发展贡献力量。在年会开幕式上,西北生态环境资源研究院院长冯起院士代表会议承办单位发表致辞。他对各位气体地球化学专业专业委员会委员、嘉宾和参会代表的莅临表示热烈欢迎和衷心的感谢。冯起院士在致辞中强调:“全球生态环境资源科学领域迫切需要深刻理解地球系统的整体运作,以便寻找可持续发展的有效路径。气体地球化学作为这一交叉学科的重要组成部分,不仅在科学研究中扮演关键角色,而且对于人类更全面地认知地球系统科学提供了丰富的信息。通过加深气体地球化学,我们能够更全面地了解大气成分、气候变化、生态系统相互作用等关键因素,为全球环境保护和可持续发展制定更为有效的战略和政策提供宝贵支持。 


学术年会期间,来自中国科学院、中石油、中石化、北京大学、南京大学、兰州大学等国内20余家单位的150余位代表汇聚一堂,共同参与了年会活动。GGPC副主任委员张水昌院士等在内的20位国内气体地球化学领域的知名专家做了学术报告,从不同角度深入阐释了气体地球化学领域的最新研究成果、技术创新以及学科发展趋势。报告专家和与会者分享了在相关领域的独到见解和研究进展,探讨了气体地球化学及相关领域的前沿科学问题。专家们精彩报告为相关领域研究的未来发展提供了新的思路和动力,必将有利于推动学术界在气体地球化学领域的不断探索与创新。与会者普遍表示,通过这次学术年会,不仅对气体地球化学学科领域有了更为深刻的了解和认识,也在与国内顶尖专家学者的交流互动中获得了宝贵的经验和启示。这次学术年会不仅是一场气体地球化学领域的的盛宴,更为促进学术交流与友好合作,为提高我国气体地球化学领域的声望和地位贡献了重要力量。(马向贤 撰稿,李中平 郑国东 审核)















The Academic Annual Meeting of the Gas Geochemistry Professional Committee(GGPC) of the Geochemical Society of China was held in Lanzhou from January 18 to 20, 2024. The meeting was organized by the Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources(NIEER), Chinese Academy of Sciences. The opening ceremony was presided over by Zhang Changchun, the Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice President of NIEER, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Secretary Zhang warmly welcomed everyone and expressed anticipation for the fruitful outcomes of the conference, contributing to the research and development in the field of gas geochemistry.

During the opening ceremony, Academician Feng Qi, the President of NIEER, delivered a speech on behalf of the organizing unit. He extended a warm welcome and heartfelt gratitude to the members of GGPC, distinguished guests, and participants. Academician Feng emphasized the urgent need for a profound understanding of the overall operation of the Earth system in the field of global ecological and environmental resource science. Gas geochemistry, as a crucial interdisciplinary component, not only plays a key role in scientific research but also provides rich information for a more comprehensive understanding of Earth system science. By deepening our knowledge of gas geochemistry, we can gain comprehensive insights into crucial factors such as atmospheric composition, climate change, and ecosystem interactions, contributing valuable support to global environmental protection and sustainable development strategies.

Director Ren Jianguo from the Earth Science Division of the National Natural Science Foundation of China congratulated the convening of this annual meeting. In his address, he pointed out the significant importance of gas geochemistry as a vital branch in the field of Earth science, with implications for enhancing comprehensive knowledge of the Earth system, advancing cutting-edge scientific research, and contributing to environmental protection and sustainable development. The National Natural Science Foundation has consistently focused on innovative and forward-looking research in this field, aiming to elevate China's research capabilities in gas geochemistry.

Guo Sheng, the Deputy Secretary-General of the GGPC, expressed gratitude to the meticulously planned and organized Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources. He provided background information on the Geochemical Society of China and emphasized the crucial role played by the GGPC within the organization. Guo Sheng gave full recognition to the GGPC's work and achievements, offering expectations and suggestions for its future development. He looked forward to further significant achievements in a broader field.

During the academic conference, over 150 representatives from more than 20 domestic institutions, including the Chinese Academy of Sciences, PetroChina, Sinopec, Peking University, Nanjing University, and Lanzhou University, gathered to participate in the conference activities. Twenty well-known experts in the field of gas geochemistry, including Academician Zhang Shuichang, the Deputy Director of GGPC, delivered academic reports. These reports delved into the latest research findings, technological innovations, and trends in the development of gas geochemistry from various perspectives. The experts and participants shared unique insights and research progress in relevant areas, exploring frontier scientific issues in gas geochemistry and related fields.

The expert reports provided new perspectives and impetus for the future development of research in the field. Participants expressed that through this academic annual meeting, they gained a deeper understanding of and insight into the discipline of gas geochemistry. Valuable experiences and inspirations were acquired through interactions with top domestic experts and scholars. The academic annual meeting not only served as a feast for the field of gas geochemistry but also promoted academic exchange and friendly cooperation, contributing significantly to enhancing the reputation and status of gas geochemistry in China. (Reported by Ma Xiangxian, reviewed by Li Zhongping and Zheng Guodong)


下一篇:GGPC Held Academic Conference in Lanzhou,Jan.19, 2024
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