陈文峰的博客分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/陈文峰 专注于根瘤菌的研究



已有 6306 次阅读 2007-10-4 17:41 |个人分类:根瘤菌研究课题组介绍|系统分类:科研笔记| 根瘤菌研究者






Young J. P. W.

B. G. R. Z.


Chen W. X.

K. S.  


Lindstrom K.

Long S. R.



Martinez-Remero E.



Nandasena K. G.


Vinuesa P.

G. O.


Wei G. H.



Parker M. A.

Provorov N. A.



Long S. R.


Parker M. A.


    Department of Biological Sciences,

    State University of New York

    Binghamton, NY 13902

    Phone: (607) 777-6283. 

    Fax: (607) 777-6521. 

    E-mail: mparker@binghamton.edu.

    Parker M. A. 于2003到2006年主持美国一项国家自然科学基金:Ecology and Evolution of a Novel Symbiont Lineage: The Interaction of Burkholderia Bacteria with Neotropical legumes.

    Parker M. A. 的主页:http://bingweb.binghamton.edu/~mparker/index.htm,比较简单,在其research网页中有以下科研方面的介绍:

The symbiosis between legumes and root-nodule bacteria ("rhizobia") is globally important to human welfare and to natural ecosystems.  In return for carbon compounds from photosynthesis, rhizobia provide plants with reduced nitrogen compounds, which are often a key limiting resource.  Nitrogen-fixing legumes provide a major portion of human dietary protein, and also play an important role in the nitrogen economy of ecosystems throughout the world.  This symbiosis has contributed to a spectacular radiation of the Leguminosae, which is among the largest of all flowering plant families.  At least 17,000 species of legumes engage in this symbiosis, in habitats ranging from wet tropical forests to grasslands, deserts and arctic tundra.  However, basic knowledge about symbiotic ecology, diversity, phylogeny, biogeography and host specificity remains very fragmentary.

More than 750 genera of legumes are currently recognized, grouped into three subfamilies (Caesalpinioideae, Mimosoideae, Papilionoideae).  Yet molecular phylogenetic studies have so far analyzed rhizobial symbionts from only 10-15% of legume genera, and most of these have been studied from only one or a few sites within a limited geographic area.  A major focus of research in my laboratory has been to fill in some of the huge gaps in our knowledge of legume-rhizobial interactions.  First, we have begun to explore symbiotic interactions in environments such as tropical forests, where very little prior work has been done, despite the astonishingly high diversity of legumes in these communities.  Second, we are seeking to compare symbiont utilization by various legume species that coexist in a habitat, in order to understand the extent to which distantly-related host species may influence one another through interaction with a shared pool of bacterial mutualist partners.  Finally, we are interested in the geographic structure of phylogenetic relationships (phylogeography).  Among other issues, this will help to develop a historical view of how symbiotic interactions have been reshuffled as a result of bacterial migration.

A related focus of research has been to analyze the role of lateral gene transfer in natural populations of symbiotic bacteria.  Although bacteria are often assumed to have a highly clonal (asexual) mode of reproduction, we have found that DNA sequences for different gene loci commonly show phylogenetic trees that conflict significantly.  This suggests that lateral gene transfer events have altered the genealogy for one genetic marker relative to others. It is not currently known if certain kinds of loci are especially susceptible to gene transfer events (e.g., genes important to symbiotic interaction with hosts), or alternatively, whether transfer events have occurred at high frequency throughout the genome.  This is an important issue for characterizing bacterial biodiversity, because if gene transfer between distantly-related lineages is sufficiently common, it will prove to be impossible to classify bacterial strains into taxa ("species") that have any sort of consistent relationships to other bacterial "species".  To explore this problem, we are seeking to gain DNA sequence information from new marker loci, instead of simply relying on the few traditionally studied genes such as ribosomal RNA.

    Parker M. A.还为本科生讲授系统发育相关的课程。

    Parker M. A. 的代表性论文:

    标题: Origins of Bradyrhizobium nodule symbionts from two legume trees in the Philippines
    作者: Andam, CP; Parker, MA
    来源出版物: JOURNAL OF BIOGEOGRAPHY   卷: 35   期: 6   页: 1030-1039   出版年: 2008

    标题: Symbiotic relationships of legumes and nodule bacteria on Barro Colorado Island, Panama: A review
    作者: Parker, MA
    来源出版物: MICROBIAL ECOLOGY   卷: 55   期: 4   页: 662-672   出版年: 2008 


    标题: Novel alphaproteobacterial root nodule symbiont associated with Lupinus texensis
    作者: Andam, CP; Parker, MA
    来源出版物: APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY   卷: 73   期: 17   页: 5687-5691   出版年: SEP 2007

    标题: Monophyly of nodA and nifH genes across Texan and costa rican populations of Cupriavidus nodule symbiontsv
    作者: Andam, CP; Mondo, SJ; Parker, MA
    来源出版物: APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY   卷: 73   期: 14   页: 4686-4690   出版年: JUL 2007


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