“AMR Accounts Talk(材料研究述评讲座)” 是 Accounts of Materials Research期刊联合科研云举办的系列学术活动,拟邀请期刊作者以讲座报告、实验视频、或在线讨论等形式将本期刊发表的文章内容向广大科研工作者进行文字以外的传播,并介绍材料科学前沿领域的最新研究进展,旨在搭建材料领域专家、学者的学术交流平台,促进相互了解与合作,为我国材料创新资源溢出带动能力。
本期讲座主题“柔性材料(二)”,由 Accounts of Materials Research 主编黄嘉兴教授、主题编辑张莹莹教授主持,特邀韩国蔚山科学技术院Kwanyong Seo教授、日本名古屋大学Yukikazu Takeoka教授、美国康涅狄格大学孙陆逸教授作精彩报告,诚邀您参加!
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黄嘉兴,西湖大学材料科学讲席教授;Accounts of Materials Research(《材料研究述评》)的创刊主编。曾于2007年出任美国西北大学材料科学与工程系助理教授,2013年晋升为副教授并取得终身教授资格,2017年晋升为正教授。也是美国科学促进会会士(AAAS Fellow)。2021年8月全职加入西湖大学,受聘材料科学讲席教授。
黄嘉兴教授在材料化学科研与教育方面的一系列原创思想和工作,曾获美国自然科学基金会青年学者奖(NSF CAREER AWARD)、斯隆研究奖(Sloan Research Fellow)、古根海姆奖(Guggenheim Fellow)、日本学术振兴会JSPS Fellow、德国洪堡研究奖(Humboldt Research Award),以及国际纯粹与应用化学联合会、美国制造工程师学会、美国真空学会、国际气溶胶研究联合会等多项重要奖项的认可。他连续多年被列为全球高被引科学家。目前研究方向和领域包括新型碳材料的基础物理化学特性以及相关的溶液和固相加工性,新型块体纳米结构材料,功能涂料和保护涂层,以及与公共卫生和个人护理相关的材料研发等。
张莹莹,清华大学化学系教授。2007年于北京大学化学与分子工程学院获得博士学位;之后在美国Los Alamos国家实验室从事博士后研究工作;2011年加入清华大学建立独立课题组。研究体系主要包括低维碳材料、蚕丝蛋白材料及其功能复合材料,发展在柔性电子器件、智能织物和特种纤维领域的应用。作为负责人承担了国家重点研发计划课题、国家自然科学基金等科研项目。发表SCI论文130余篇,被引7000余次 (Web of Science),获授权专利18项。出版专著一册,参著书籍两册。研究成果曾被Nature、Nature Nanotechnology、C&E News、Scientific American、科技日报等报道。曾先后获得或入选国家优秀青年科学基金(2014)、青年拔尖人才(2016)、青年长江学者(2017)和国家杰出青年科学基金(2021)。现担任Matter、Advanced Materials Technologies等期刊编委。
Kwanyong Seo is professor in the School of Energy and Chemical Engineering at UNIST, Korea since 2013. He received a PhD in physical chemistry from KAIST in 2008. During his PhD study, he was also a visiting researcher at the UC Berkeley for a year. Then, he pursued postdoctoral research at the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University. His current research interests are nano/microstructure-based energy devices including flexible and transparent c-Si solar cells, c-Si/Perovskite Tandem devices, and Solar Fuel systems.
FlexibleCrystalline-Silicon Photovoltaics: Light Management with Surface Structures
Yukikazu Takeoka received his Ph. D. in the field of electrochemistry from Sophia University under the supervision of Prof. Naoya Ogata (1996). Then he joined Prof. Toyoichi Tanaka’s research group of Massachusetts Institute of Technology with the Uehara Memorial Foundation for Postdoctoral Fellowships and worked on the phase transition of polymer gels and the synthesis of molecular recognition gels. In mid-1998, he moved to Yokohama National University, where he is a research associate. Since 2004, he has been an Associate Professor at Nagoya University. His research focus on smart materials such as structural colored gels, high mechanical strength gels, densely grafted polymer brushes, and photonic band gap materials for optical and biological applications.
Transparent andMechanically High-performance Soft Materials Consisting of Colloidal BuildingBlocks
Dr. Luyi Sun is a professorin the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, as well as a memberof the Polymer Program at the University of Connecticut. His research focuseson the design and synthesis of nanostructured materials for variousapplications. Dr. Sun has published >280 peer-reviewed journal articles. Heis the inventor/co-inventor of >70 U.S./foreign patents. The scientificresults by Dr. Sun’s group have been reported by major media including Chemical & Engineering News of the American Chemical Society, Plastics Engineering magazine of the Society of Plastics Engineers, New Scientist, Smithsonian Magazine, Yahoo, MSN, etc. He is a Fellow of theSociety of Plastics Engineers and the National Academy of Inventors, and amember of the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering.
Smart Soft Materialswith Multiscale Architecture and Dynamic Surface Topographies
Accounts of Materials Research (《材料研究述评(英文)》)由上海科技大学主办、上海科技大学与美国化学会ACS共同出版,2020年10月创刊(月刊)。创刊主编为原美国西北大学、现西湖大学黄嘉兴教授。来自全球15个国家的39名杰出科学家组成编委会(其中国际编委超过80%,女性编委超过三分之一)。
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