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已有 1780 次阅读 2022-12-2 11:24 |系统分类:论文交流

Article title: Compact CubeSat Gamma-ray detector for GRID mission



One sentence summary:


The design details of a student-designed gamma-ray detector for the Gamma-Ray Integrated Detectors (GRID) mission were presented.



The Novelty (What)


This research revealed the in-depth design (both hardware and firmware) of the first and second compact nanosatellite gamma-ray detectors built for the Gamma-Ray Integrated Detectors (GRID) mission. The detector comprised four Gd2Al2Ga3O12 : Ce (GAGG:Ce) scintillators coupled with four silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) arrays, and the detector’s gamma-ray detection efficiency ranged between 10 keV and 2 MeV. The first and second detector were launched into Sun-synchronous orbits with an altitude and inclination of 500 km 97.5 ° and 97.3 °, on October 29, 2018 and November 6, 2020, respectively. The detectors managed to accumulate data for more than 300 hours of on-orbit observation. For further context, detailed calibration of the detector using both simulations and experiments will be reported elsewhere in the near future.

本文介绍了为“天格计划”(GRID)空间科学任务中的第一个和第二个紧凑型纳卫星伽马射线探测器的硬件和固件设计方案。 “天格计划”所用的空间伽马射线探测器由四个Gd2Al2Ga3O12:Ce(GAGG:Ce)闪烁体和四个硅光电倍增管(SIPM)阵列组成,设计的γ射线探测能段在10~2 MeV之间。 “天格计划”的第一个和第二个探测器载荷分别于20181029日和2020116日发射,其轨道分别为高度500公里、倾角97.5°97.3°的太阳同步轨道。 “天格计划”第二个探测器载荷已经获得了超过300个小时的在轨观测数据。 对探测器载荷性能进行的标定实验和模拟研究结果将在其他地方做介绍。

The Background (Why)


The GRID mission is a project which bears the main objective to involve students in monitoring the transient gamma-ray sky in the local universe and in accumulating a sample of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) associated with gravitational waves (GWs). The first detector was launched into a Sun-synchronous orbit on October 29, 2018. After the on-orbit functional and performance tests of the first detector, fewer hardware modifications and improvements have been made in the second detector. This paper shows the detailed design of the GRID detector, and the functionality and performance of this design have been verified by two launches.  By sharing these significant details of the compact CubeSat gamma-ray detector, this study encourages and attracts students from multi-disciplinary to participate in GRID so as to grow their hands-on experience in astrophysics.

“天格计划”(Gamma-Ray Integrated DetectorsGRID)是一个以本科生学生团队为主体的空间科学项目,也是一个理工学科交叉的基础科学人才培养项目,以寻找与引力波、快速射电暴成协的伽马暴及其他高能天体物理瞬变源为主要科学目标。 “天格计划”的第一个探测器载荷(GRID-01)于20181029日发射入轨。 经过GRID-01的在轨调试, “天格计划”的第二个探测器载荷(GRID-02)做了少许的硬件改进,并于2020116日发射入轨。 本文详细介绍了“天格计划”空间伽马射线探测器的设计方案,该设计方案的可行性和可靠性已经通过两次发射和在轨观测得到了验证。 本文也期望通过分享“天格计划”中的立方星伽马射线探测器设计方案,鼓励并吸引更多学科的学生参与“天格计划”,投身天体物理等基础科学研究。

The SDG impact (Big Why)


Astrophysics is a subject area that often involves multi-disciplinary collaboration in developing hardware and data. Hence, having a well-developed research facility and infrastructure is essential to let students and researchers deploy their output in a real environment. Besides sharing the detailed hardware and firmware design, this study also motivates students to participate in the GRID mission by describing how the latter empowered the study's progress. Therefore, the outcome of this study aligns well with UNSDG 9: Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure by supporting the development of research and technology.


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