Nuclear Science and Techniques分享 NST报道核科学与技术研究领域的科学发现、技术创新和重要成果



已有 1435 次阅读 2022-12-1 15:53 |系统分类:论文交流

Article title: Development of gated fiber detectors for laser-induced strong electromagnetic pulse environments



One sentence summary:


A new detector has been developed to detect weak nuclear reaction signals in high-intensity-laser HIL environments without being affected by the induced high electromagnetic pulse EMPby the HIL.


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 The Novelty (What)

Would it be possible for a detector to accurately detect weak nuclear reactions signal in the HIL-induced plasma environments without being affected by the induced high electromagnetic pulse (EMP)? This study has developed a gated fiber detector (GFD) which was meant for that purpose. The main structure of the GFD included a reflective layer, a scintillating layer, a vacuum sealing glass window, a photon coupling cone, a fiber, and a gated photomultiplier tube (gPMT). Based on the results from numerical simulation, the optimal light-collecting efficiency was achieved in the development, which maximized the number of photons to be coupled by fiber and then transferred to a light detector (i.e., gPMT) located far away from the EMP source.  Online tests confirmed that the detector was performing up to expectation and its response time was as short as 70 ns. Future optimization could be explored by collecting feedback from actual utilization.


在强激光等离子体环境下,探测器能准确地甄别出微弱的核反应信号而不受强电磁脉冲(EMP)的影响吗? 本研究开发了一种门控光纤探测器(GFD) GFD 的主要结构包括反射层、闪烁层、真空密封玻璃窗、光子耦合锥、光纤和门控光电倍增管(gPMT) 在数值模拟的基础上,获得了最佳的集光效率,即光纤耦合光子数最大,然后传输到远离 EMP 源的光探测器(即 gPMT)。 线测试证实该探测器的性能达到预期,其响应时间短至 70 ns 未来可以通过进一步优化实现更高的探测灵敏度。

The Background (Why)

The demand for studying nuclear reactions in laser-induced high-temperature plasma environments is. Nevertheless, extremely high EMPs are commonly induced in such environments, thus crippling the functions of many traditional detectors. To overcome these complications caused by EMPs, this study has designed a detector that potentially avoids the effect of EMPs, yet still, be capable of identifying a single event of nuclear reaction products. By overcoming the EMPs, the detector was feasible to be utilized as time-of-flight (TOF) detector in high-intensity laser nuclear physics experiments. Such a development would help to achieve the goals of various studies related to laser nuclear physics.


对激光诱导的高温等离子体环境下核反应的研究需求越来越大。 然而,在这种环境中通常会产生极高的电磁脉冲,这些电磁脉冲会使得传统探测器无法工作乃至损坏。 为了克服电磁脉冲引起的这些问题,本研究设计了一种探测器,该探测器可避免电磁脉冲的影响,但同时仍可识别核反应引起的微弱单离子信号。 该探测器可被作为飞行时间探测器应用于高强激光核物理实验中,帮助实现与激光核物理等有关的各种研究目标。

The SDG impact (Big Why)

The potential of laser-induced nuclear physics has attracted a considerable amount of attention. With continuous progress and development, it is believed to be a window for new technologies in multidisciplinary. Apart from eliminating the hurdles caused by EMPs, this development also creates opportunities to widen the direction of studies related to laser nuclear physics. Hence, by enhancing the progress in peacefully using laser and  nuclear techniques, this study materialized the UN SDG Goal 9: Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure.


激光诱导核物理的潜力已经引起了相当多的关注。 随着不断的进步和发展,它被认为是多学科新技术的机遇窗口。 通过消除电磁脉冲造成的障碍,这中探测器将为拓宽激光核物理相关研究的方向创造了机会。 促进和平利用激光技术与核能等领域的进展,实现联合国可持续发展目标( 9:工业、创新和基础设施)所描绘的愿景。

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