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2023 年度回顾(记录人生),岁末盘点 10 项

已有 721 次阅读 2024-1-1 09:10 |系统分类:科研笔记

2023 年度回顾(记录人生),岁末盘点 10 项:  

1. Family is the most important. My son serves in the Army & We move

家庭是最重要的==》儿子当兵 & 移居

2. Listed in the "World's Top 2% Scientists reward by Stanford University and Elsevier” 

 入选全世界顶尖前2% 科学家”,个人在Information System 领域,排在328名/17784 重要学者。

3. Concurrent have 5 articles in top %1 highly cited research and rank top 50 researchers of Taiwan in Social Science (highly cited articles in Web of Science).

2023/11高被引文章同时有5篇文章上榜Web of Science,总高被自变量在全台湾的 social science 类别,应该还能维持排进前 30th-50th左右。

4. Published 66th book, SPSS+ SmartPLS & Opened a SEM course.

出版 统计分析入门与应用:SPSS中文版+SmartPLS 4(PLS-SEM) & 开了结构方程模型课(长庚资管)

5. More than 10 talks, especially a workshop in PACIS 2023,a methodological talk in CNAIS 2023,and as a Keynote speaker with Prof. Ringle and Prof. Marko in SASEM conference.

 受邀主讲多个讲座 &多个研讨会工作坊 &结构方程模式研讨会担任 Keynote speaker, 同台的是 SEM 的顶尖研究者,Prof. Ringle, Prof. Marko, and Prof. Ramayah.

6. Published 6 SSCI+ 1 SCI Journal articles in 2023 & Accepted 2 SSCI papers

 e.g. 信息安全的核心知识

Wen-Lung Shiau , Xiaoqun Wang , Fei Zheng (2023), What are the trend and core knowledge of information security? A citation and co-citation analysis, Information & Management (2023), 60(3)103774

7. Rejoined IS association in Taiwan

重新连结回资管学会理监事,恭喜 萧瑞祥教授 当选理事长

8. Moderated an important talk by Prof. Michael Myers

  主持顶尖学者 Prof. Michael D. Myers 的讲座

9. [New Milestones] Citations reach more than 1800 times in Web of Science, 4000 times (life) and 800 times ( year 2023 ) in Google Scholar.  

个人的新里程埤,在 Web of Science 的引用超过1800次, Google Scholar 引用超过4000次(终身) ,引用超过800 次(2023年)

10. Give a special talk about 4 disciplines, including EE,CS, IM,and BA in my life.

特别的talk 分享 EE,CS, IM, BA 的实用技能 & 吊车尾的人生。



上一篇:ABS 3* 评价医师的论文被接受和上线了
下一篇:结构方程模式(SEM) 方法论的学者们今天在清大见面讨论了 SEM 的未來
收藏 IP: 117.147.91.*| 热度|

1 郑永军

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