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China Population and Development Studies专刊征稿: 应对人口老龄化

已有 2041 次阅读 2022-9-10 17:13 |系统分类:博客资讯

期刊:China Population and Development Studies



当代中国人口与发展(英文)》(China Population and Development Studies,CPDS)2017年创刊,由国家卫生健康委员会主管、中国人口与发展研究中心主办,为中国人口学会英文会刊,2021年获得国家社科基金立项资助。重点刊载中国人口与发展领域的原创论文、政策评论、研究报告、研究综述以及中外人口比较等最新综合研究成果,内容涵盖人口理论、人口统计、人口和卫生计生政策、人口与社会、人口与经济、人口与资源环境、人口与健康,以及流动人口、贫困人口、女性人口、老年人口、就业问题、中外人口比较等。


  • 全球唯一聚焦中国人口与发展的全英文公开发行的学术季刊。

  • 国内外知名人口学家担任编委,作者大都人口学学术造诣深厚且专注中国人口与发展研究。

  • 主题涵盖人口学及其相关联学科,注重刊载基于一手调查数据的研究报告,及时反映中国人口和社会动态。

  • 免费投稿,不收取任何版面费用,对高质量论文资助开放获取。

  • 由熟悉中国国情的英文母语编审为稿件语言润色,实行双盲同行评审。


CPDS拟于2023年组织一期以应对人口老龄化(Coping with Population Ageing)为议题的专刊,特邀中国人民大学副校长杜鹏教授为客座主编,欢迎感兴趣的同仁踊跃投稿!


China Population and Development Studies (CPDS), a scholarly peer-reviewed international journal which examines a broad range of topics related to population and development, announces a call for papers for a special issue that will address share experiences on coping with population ageing.

When a growing elderly population gets coupled with a low fertility rate, they become a challenge faced by many countries. By the end of 2021, China’s population aged 65 and above reached 200 million, accounting for more than 14.2% of the whole population, marking that China has entered a moderately aging society. Faced with this “aged boom”, how can the world’s most populous country change the world’s largest elderly population into a "longevity dividend"? It’s a major issue in China. In the world, Western Europe is the first region in the world to start population aging, and in Asia, Japan, Korea, Singapore and other countries have rich experience and lessons to share in coping with population ageing.

In this special issue, we are looking for papers on the theme of how can China learn from the world in coping with the population ageing. The papers can be theoretical, commentary or empirical contributions; full length or short descriptive. We would like to invite submissions that discuss experiences and lessons on coping with the population ageing, the effective approaches to cope with low fertility and population ageing.

Comparative study across populations, or between Asia and Europe, would be encouraged when possible.  Submissions can be focused on certain issues about coping with population ageing, such as active ageing policies, family policies, flexible retirement, social security and long term care insurance and services, digital inclusion and age-friendly society, or as case studies for a particular population or a region. 

We encourage you to consider submitting a 300-word abstract proposal (with preliminary results for empirical studies) to  CPDS2017@163.com before 1 October 2022.

The deadline for full paper submission is 30 January 2023.

We aim to complete the first round of peer-review process within 8 weeks of submission. 

The special issue is scheduled for publication in June 2023.





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