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Computational Urban Science 佳文推荐

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《计算城市科学》国际期刊(Computational Urban Science)隆重向读者推荐本刊创刊至今最受关注的五篇文章,欢迎阅读。


The Linear City: illustrating the logic of spatial equilibrium


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作者:Michael Batty

Linear cities where activity is spread out along a transportation line, aim to offer the highest levels of accessibility to their adjacent populations as well as to the countryside. These city forms are popular amongst architects and planners in envisioning ideal cities but they are difficult to implement as they involve strict controls on development which often ignore human behaviour associated with where we locate and how we move. We briefly explore the history of these ideas, noting the latest proposal to build a 170 km city called Neom in north west Saudi Arabia, a plan that has attracted considerable criticism for its apparent ignorance of how actual cities grow and evolve. We use a standard model of human mobility based on gravitational principles to define a set of equilibrium conditions that illustrate how a theoretical city on a line would, without any controls, successively adapt to such a new equilibrium. First, we represent the city on a line, showing how its population moves to an equilibrium along the line, and then we generalise this to a bigger two-dimensional space where the original line cutting across the grid evolves as populations maximise their accessibility over the entire space. In this two-dimensional world, we simulate different forms that reflect a balance of centralising versus decentralising forces, showing the power of such equilibria in destroying any idealised form. This approach informs our thinking about how far idealised future cities can depart from formal plans of the kind that the linear city imposes.


引用格式:Batty, M. The Linear City: illustrating the logic of spatial equilibrium. Comput. Urban Sci. 2, 8 (2022). 



Smart city based on digital twins


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作者:Deren Li, Wenbo Yu & Zhenfeng Shao

Digital twins are considered to be a new starting point for today’s smart city construction. This paper defines the concepts of digital twins and digital twin cities, discusses the relationship between digital twins and smart cities, analyzes the characteristics of smart cities based on digital twins, and focuses on the five main applications of smart cities based on digital twins. Finally, we discuss the future development of smart cities based on digital twins.


引用格式:Li, D., Yu, W. & Shao, Z. Smart city based on digital twins. Comput. Urban Sci. 1, 4 (2021). 



Exploring temporal varying demographic and economic disparities in COVID-19 infections in four U.S. areas: based on OLS, GWR, and random forest models


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作者:Junfeng Jiao, Yefu Chen & Amin Azimian

Although studies have previously investigated the spatial factors of COVID-19, most of them were conducted at a low resolution and chose to limit their study areas to high-density urbanized regions. Hence, this study aims to investigate the economic-demographic disparities in COVID-19 infections and their spatial-temporal patterns in areas with different population densities in the United States. In particular, we examined the relationships between demographic and economic factors and COVID-19 density using ordinary least squares, geographically weighted regression analyses, and random forest based on zip code-level data of four regions in the United States. Our results indicated that the demographic and economic disparities are significant. Moreover, several areas with disadvantaged groups were found to be at high risk of COVID-19 infection, and their infection risk changed at different pandemic periods. The findings of this study can contribute to the planning of public health services, such as the adoption of smarter and comprehensive policies for allocating economic recovery resources and vaccines during a public health crisis.

尽管之前的研究已经调查了COVID-19的空间因素,但大多数研究都是在低分辨率下进行的,并选择将研究区域限制在高密度的城市化地区。因此,本研究旨在探讨美国不同人口密度地区COVID-19感染病例的经济人口差异及其时空格局。特别是,我们基于美国四个地区的邮政编码区级别数据,使用普通最小二乘法、地理加权回归分析和随机森林分析了人口和经济因素与 COVID-19 密度之间的关系。我们的结果表明,人口和经济差异是显著的。此外,一些弱势群体的地区被发现感染COVID-19的风险很高,且在不同的大流行阶段,其感染风险有所变化。这项研究的结果有助于公共卫生服务的规划,例如在公共卫生危机期间采取更明智、更全面的政策来分配经济复苏资源和疫苗。

引用格式:Jiao, J., Chen, Y. & Azimian, A. Exploring temporal varying demographic and economic disparities in COVID-19 infections in four U.S. areas: based on OLS, GWR, and random forest models. Comput. Urban Sci. 1, 27 (2021). 



Street life and pedestrian activities in smart cities: opportunities and challenges for computational urban science


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作者:Zhuangyuan Fan & Becky P.Y. Loo

Ongoing efforts among cities to reinvigorate streets have encouraged innovations in using smart data to understand pedestrian activities. Empowered by advanced algorithms and computation power, data from smartphone applications, GPS devices, video cameras, and other forms of sensors can help better understand and promote street life and pedestrian activities. Through adopting a pedestrian-oriented and place-based approach, this paper reviews the major environmental components, pedestrian behavior, and sources of smart data in advancing this field of computational urban science. Responding to the identified research gap, a case study that hybridizes different smart data to understand pedestrian jaywalking as a reflection of urban spaces that need further improvement is presented. Finally, some major research challenges and directions are also highlighted.


引用格式:Fan, Z., Loo, B.P. Street life and pedestrian activities in smart cities: opportunities and challenges for computational urban science. Comput. Urban Sci. 1, 26 (2021). 



“What should be computed” for supporting post-pandemic recovery policymaking? A life-oriented perspective


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作者:Junyi Zhang, Tao Feng, Jing Kang, Shuangjin Li, Rui Liu, Shuang Ma, Baoxin Zhai, Runsen Zhang, Hongxiang Ding & Taoxing Zhu

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused various impacts on people’s lives, while changes in people’s lives have shown mixed effects on mitigating the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Understanding how to capture such two-way interactions is crucial, not only to control the pandemic but also to support post-pandemic urban recovery policies. As suggested by the life-oriented approach, the above interactions exist with respect to a variety of life domains, which form a complex behavior system. Through a review of the literature, this paper first points out inconsistent evidence about behavioral factors affecting the spread of COVID-19, and then argues that existing studies on the impacts of COVID-19 on people’s lives have ignored behavioral co-changes in multiple life domains. Furthermore, selected uncertain trends of people’s lives for the post-pandemic recovery are described. Finally, this paper concludes with a summary about “what should be computed?” in Computational Urban Science with respect to how to catch up with delays in the SDGs caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, how to address digital divides and dilemmas of e-society, how to capture behavioral co-changes during the post-pandemic recovery process, and how to better manage post-pandemic recovery policymaking processes.


引用格式:Zhang, J., Feng, T., Kang, J. et al. “What should be computed” for supporting post-pandemic recovery policymaking? A life-oriented perspective. Comput. Urban Sci. 1, 24 (2021).


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