Mathematizing the DIKWP Whitebox Test Using DIKWP×DIKWP
Yucong Duan
International Standardization Committee of Networked DIKWP for Artificial Intelligence Evaluation(DIKWP-SC)
World Artificial Consciousness CIC(WAC)
World Conference on Artificial Consciousness(WCAC)
(Email: duanyucong@hotmail.com)
To mathematize the DIKWP whitebox tests for the cognitive development stages (Months 12–24), we'll represent the internal processes and transformations within the DIKWP framework using mathematical expressions. The DIKWP model comprises five modules:
D: Data
I: Information
K: Knowledge
W: Wisdom
P: Purpose
By using DIKWP×DIKWP consecutive expressions, we model the iterative and recursive nature of cognitive development, where outputs from one stage serve as inputs for the next, reflecting the continuous growth and refinement of cognitive abilities.
Mathematical Representation of DIKWP ModulesNotation and DefinitionsLet DDD represent raw data input.
I=fD(D)I = f_D(D)I=fD(D): Information derived from data through processing function fDf_DfD.
K=fI(I)K = f_I(I)K=fI(I): Knowledge constructed from information using function fIf_IfI.
W=fK(K)W = f_K(K)W=fK(K): Wisdom obtained by applying knowledge via function fKf_KfK.
P=fW(W)P = f_W(W)P=fW(W): Purpose alignment achieved through wisdom using function fWf_WfW.
Each function fff represents the transformation process between modules.
Consecutive ExpressionsThe consecutive application of DIKWP can be expressed as:
P=fW(fK(fI(fD(D))))P = f_W(f_K(f_I(f_D(D))))P=fW(fK(fI(fD(D))))
For iterative development, we model the process over time ttt with stages nnn:
Pn=fW(fK(fI(fD(Dn))))P_n = f_W(f_K(f_I(f_D(D_n))))Pn=fW(fK(fI(fD(Dn))))
Stage 1: Months 12–15Test Case 1.1: Responding to Simple WordsMathematical ModelingData Acquisition (D):
Daudio=Audio signal of words "Mama" and "Dada"D_{\text{audio}} = \text{Audio signal of words "Mama" and "Dada"}Daudio=Audio signal of words "Mama" and "Dada"
Dvisual=Images of respective caregiversD_{\text{visual}} = \text{Images of respective caregivers}Dvisual=Images of respective caregivers
Information Processing (I):
Iaudio=fD(Daudio)=Phoneme extraction and pattern recognitionI_{\text{audio}} = f_D(D_{\text{audio}}) = \text{Phoneme extraction and pattern recognition}Iaudio=fD(Daudio)=Phoneme extraction and pattern recognition
Ivisual=fD(Dvisual)=Facial feature recognitionI_{\text{visual}} = f_D(D_{\text{visual}}) = \text{Facial feature recognition}Ivisual=fD(Dvisual)=Facial feature recognition
Knowledge Construction (K):
Kassociation=fI(Iaudio,Ivisual)=Association between words and facesK_{\text{association}} = f_I(I_{\text{audio}}, I_{\text{visual}}) = \text{Association between words and faces}Kassociation=fI(Iaudio,Ivisual)=Association between words and faces
Wisdom Application (W):
Wresponse=fK(Kassociation)=Directed attention or gesture towards caregiverW_{\text{response}} = f_K(K_{\text{association}}) = \text{Directed attention or gesture towards caregiver}Wresponse=fK(Kassociation)=Directed attention or gesture towards caregiver
Purpose Alignment (P):
Pcommunication=fW(Wresponse)=Effective communication of recognitionP_{\text{communication}} = f_W(W_{\text{response}}) = \text{Effective communication of recognition}Pcommunication=fW(Wresponse)=Effective communication of recognition
Pcommunication=fW(fK(fI(fD(Daudio,Dvisual))))P_{\text{communication}} = f_W(f_K(f_I(f_D(D_{\text{audio}}, D_{\text{visual}}))))Pcommunication=fW(fK(fI(fD(Daudio,Dvisual))))
Test Case 3.1: Cause and Effect UnderstandingMathematical ModelingData Acquisition (D):
Dtoy=Sensory data from toy interactionD_{\text{toy}} = \text{Sensory data from toy interaction}Dtoy=Sensory data from toy interaction
Information Processing (I):
Iaction=fD(Dtoy)=Mapping actions to sensory feedback (e.g., shaking produces sound)I_{\text{action}} = f_D(D_{\text{toy}}) = \text{Mapping actions to sensory feedback (e.g., shaking produces sound)}Iaction=fD(Dtoy)=Mapping actions to sensory feedback (e.g., shaking produces sound)
Knowledge Construction (K):
Kcause-effect=fI(Iaction)=Understanding the cause-effect relationshipK_{\text{cause-effect}} = f_I(I_{\text{action}}) = \text{Understanding the cause-effect relationship}Kcause-effect=fI(Iaction)=Understanding the cause-effect relationship
Wisdom Application (W):
Wrepetition=fK(Kcause-effect)=Intentional repetition of action to achieve desired effectW_{\text{repetition}} = f_K(K_{\text{cause-effect}}) = \text{Intentional repetition of action to achieve desired effect}Wrepetition=fK(Kcause-effect)=Intentional repetition of action to achieve desired effect
Purpose Alignment (P):
Pexploration=fW(Wrepetition)=Engagement in exploratory behaviorP_{\text{exploration}} = f_W(W_{\text{repetition}}) = \text{Engagement in exploratory behavior}Pexploration=fW(Wrepetition)=Engagement in exploratory behavior
Pexploration=fW(fK(fI(fD(Dtoy))))P_{\text{exploration}} = f_W(f_K(f_I(f_D(D_{\text{toy}}))))Pexploration=fW(fK(fI(fD(Dtoy))))
Stage 2: Months 15–18Test Case 1.2: Two-Word CombinationsMathematical ModelingData Acquisition (D):
Dneeds=Internal states indicating desires (e.g., wanting a toy)D_{\text{needs}} = \text{Internal states indicating desires (e.g., wanting a toy)}Dneeds=Internal states indicating desires (e.g., wanting a toy)
Information Processing (I):
Ilexicon=fD(Dneeds)=Selection of relevant words from vocabularyI_{\text{lexicon}} = f_D(D_{\text{needs}}) = \text{Selection of relevant words from vocabulary}Ilexicon=fD(Dneeds)=Selection of relevant words from vocabulary
Knowledge Construction (K):
Ksyntax=fI(Ilexicon)=Formation of syntactic structures (e.g., "want car")K_{\text{syntax}} = f_I(I_{\text{lexicon}}) = \text{Formation of syntactic structures (e.g., "want car")}Ksyntax=fI(Ilexicon)=Formation of syntactic structures (e.g., "want car")
Wisdom Application (W):
Wcommunication=fK(Ksyntax)=Verbal expression of needsW_{\text{communication}} = f_K(K_{\text{syntax}}) = \text{Verbal expression of needs}Wcommunication=fK(Ksyntax)=Verbal expression of needs
Purpose Alignment (P):
Pneed fulfillment=fW(Wcommunication)=Achieving desired outcome through communicationP_{\text{need fulfillment}} = f_W(W_{\text{communication}}) = \text{Achieving desired outcome through communication}Pneed fulfillment=fW(Wcommunication)=Achieving desired outcome through communication
Pneed fulfillment=fW(fK(fI(fD(Dneeds))))P_{\text{need fulfillment}} = f_W(f_K(f_I(f_D(D_{\text{needs}}))))Pneed fulfillment=fW(fK(fI(fD(Dneeds))))
Test Case 3.1: Shape SorterMathematical ModelingData Acquisition (D):
Dshapes=Visual and tactile data from shapes and sorterD_{\text{shapes}} = \text{Visual and tactile data from shapes and sorter}Dshapes=Visual and tactile data from shapes and sorter
Information Processing (I):
Iproperties=fD(Dshapes)=Extraction of shape properties (edges, angles)I_{\text{properties}} = f_D(D_{\text{shapes}}) = \text{Extraction of shape properties (edges, angles)}Iproperties=fD(Dshapes)=Extraction of shape properties (edges, angles)
Knowledge Construction (K):
Kmatching=fI(Iproperties)=Understanding of shape-hole correspondenceK_{\text{matching}} = f_I(I_{\text{properties}}) = \text{Understanding of shape-hole correspondence}Kmatching=fI(Iproperties)=Understanding of shape-hole correspondence
Wisdom Application (W):
Wproblem-solving=fK(Kmatching)=Placement of shapes into correct holesW_{\text{problem-solving}} = f_K(K_{\text{matching}}) = \text{Placement of shapes into correct holes}Wproblem-solving=fK(Kmatching)=Placement of shapes into correct holes
Purpose Alignment (P):
Pachievement=fW(Wproblem-solving)=Satisfaction from completing the taskP_{\text{achievement}} = f_W(W_{\text{problem-solving}}) = \text{Satisfaction from completing the task}Pachievement=fW(Wproblem-solving)=Satisfaction from completing the task
Pachievement=fW(fK(fI(fD(Dshapes))))P_{\text{achievement}} = f_W(f_K(f_I(f_D(D_{\text{shapes}}))))Pachievement=fW(fK(fI(fD(Dshapes))))
Stage 3: Months 18–21Test Case 1.2: Simple SentencesMathematical ModelingData Acquisition (D):
Dexperience=Perceived actions or events (e.g., dog running)D_{\text{experience}} = \text{Perceived actions or events (e.g., dog running)}Dexperience=Perceived actions or events (e.g., dog running)
Information Processing (I):
Isemantic=fD(Dexperience)=Identification of subjects and actionsI_{\text{semantic}} = f_D(D_{\text{experience}}) = \text{Identification of subjects and actions}Isemantic=fD(Dexperience)=Identification of subjects and actions
Knowledge Construction (K):
Klanguage=fI(Isemantic)=Grammatical structuring of sentencesK_{\text{language}} = f_I(I_{\text{semantic}}) = \text{Grammatical structuring of sentences}Klanguage=fI(Isemantic)=Grammatical structuring of sentences
Wisdom Application (W):
Wexpression=fK(Klanguage)=Verbalizing observations ("Dog runs")W_{\text{expression}} = f_K(K_{\text{language}}) = \text{Verbalizing observations ("Dog runs")}Wexpression=fK(Klanguage)=Verbalizing observations ("Dog runs")
Purpose Alignment (P):
Pcommunication=fW(Wexpression)=Sharing information with othersP_{\text{communication}} = f_W(W_{\text{expression}}) = \text{Sharing information with others}Pcommunication=fW(Wexpression)=Sharing information with others
Pcommunication=fW(fK(fI(fD(Dexperience))))P_{\text{communication}} = f_W(f_K(f_I(f_D(D_{\text{experience}}))))Pcommunication=fW(fK(fI(fD(Dexperience))))
Test Case 3.1: Memory RecallMathematical ModelingData Acquisition (D):
Devent=Sensory data from the park visitD_{\text{event}} = \text{Sensory data from the park visit}Devent=Sensory data from the park visit
Information Processing (I):
Iencoding=fD(Devent)=Encoding experiences into memoryI_{\text{encoding}} = f_D(D_{\text{event}}) = \text{Encoding experiences into memory}Iencoding=fD(Devent)=Encoding experiences into memory
Knowledge Construction (K):
Kmemory=fI(Iencoding)=Storage of event detailsK_{\text{memory}} = f_I(I_{\text{encoding}}) = \text{Storage of event details}Kmemory=fI(Iencoding)=Storage of event details
Wisdom Application (W):
Wretrieval=fK(Kmemory)=Recalling and articulating past eventsW_{\text{retrieval}} = f_K(K_{\text{memory}}) = \text{Recalling and articulating past events}Wretrieval=fK(Kmemory)=Recalling and articulating past events
Purpose Alignment (P):
Psharing=fW(Wretrieval)=Engaging in social interaction through storytellingP_{\text{sharing}} = f_W(W_{\text{retrieval}}) = \text{Engaging in social interaction through storytelling}Psharing=fW(Wretrieval)=Engaging in social interaction through storytelling
Psharing=fW(fK(fI(fD(Devent))))P_{\text{sharing}} = f_W(f_K(f_I(f_D(D_{\text{event}}))))Psharing=fW(fK(fI(fD(Devent))))
Stage 4: Months 21–24Test Case 2.1: Retelling StoriesMathematical ModelingData Acquisition (D):
Dstory=Auditory data from listening to the storyD_{\text{story}} = \text{Auditory data from listening to the story}Dstory=Auditory data from listening to the story
Information Processing (I):
Icomprehension=fD(Dstory)=Understanding narrative elementsI_{\text{comprehension}} = f_D(D_{\text{story}}) = \text{Understanding narrative elements}Icomprehension=fD(Dstory)=Understanding narrative elements
Knowledge Construction (K):
Knarrative=fI(Icomprehension)=Internal representation of story sequenceK_{\text{narrative}} = f_I(I_{\text{comprehension}}) = \text{Internal representation of story sequence}Knarrative=fI(Icomprehension)=Internal representation of story sequence
Wisdom Application (W):
Wretelling=fK(Knarrative)=Reconstructing and verbalizing the storyW_{\text{retelling}} = f_K(K_{\text{narrative}}) = \text{Reconstructing and verbalizing the story}Wretelling=fK(Knarrative)=Reconstructing and verbalizing the story
Purpose Alignment (P):
Pcommunication=fW(Wretelling)=Demonstrating understanding and engaging with othersP_{\text{communication}} = f_W(W_{\text{retelling}}) = \text{Demonstrating understanding and engaging with others}Pcommunication=fW(Wretelling)=Demonstrating understanding and engaging with others
Pcommunication=fW(fK(fI(fD(Dstory))))P_{\text{communication}} = f_W(f_K(f_I(f_D(D_{\text{story}}))))Pcommunication=fW(fK(fI(fD(Dstory))))
Test Case 4.1: Role-PlayingMathematical ModelingData Acquisition (D):
Dsocial=Observations of social roles (e.g., doctor, teacher)D_{\text{social}} = \text{Observations of social roles (e.g., doctor, teacher)}Dsocial=Observations of social roles (e.g., doctor, teacher)
Information Processing (I):
Irole=fD(Dsocial)=Understanding functions and behaviors associated with rolesI_{\text{role}} = f_D(D_{\text{social}}) = \text{Understanding functions and behaviors associated with roles}Irole=fD(Dsocial)=Understanding functions and behaviors associated with roles
Knowledge Construction (K):
Krole-play=fI(Irole)=Internalization of role characteristicsK_{\text{role-play}} = f_I(I_{\text{role}}) = \text{Internalization of role characteristics}Krole-play=fI(Irole)=Internalization of role characteristics
Wisdom Application (W):
Wsimulation=fK(Krole-play)=Enacting roles through pretend playW_{\text{simulation}} = f_K(K_{\text{role-play}}) = \text{Enacting roles through pretend play}Wsimulation=fK(Krole-play)=Enacting roles through pretend play
Purpose Alignment (P):
Psocial development=fW(Wsimulation)=Enhancing social understanding and empathyP_{\text{social development}} = f_W(W_{\text{simulation}}) = \text{Enhancing social understanding and empathy}Psocial development=fW(Wsimulation)=Enhancing social understanding and empathy
Psocial development=fW(fK(fI(fD(Dsocial))))P_{\text{social development}} = f_W(f_K(f_I(f_D(D_{\text{social}}))))Psocial development=fW(fK(fI(fD(Dsocial))))
Consecutive DIKWP×DIKWP ExpressionsTo represent the iterative nature of cognitive development, we can model consecutive applications of the DIKWP cycle, where the output of one cycle feeds into the next:
First Iteration (n):
Pn=fW(fK(fI(fD(Dn))))P_n = f_W(f_K(f_I(f_D(D_n))))Pn=fW(fK(fI(fD(Dn))))
Second Iteration (n+1), using PnP_nPn as input:
Pn+1=fW(fK(fI(fD(Dn+1+Pn))))P_{n+1} = f_W(f_K(f_I(f_D(D_{n+1} + P_n))))Pn+1=fW(fK(fI(fD(Dn+1+Pn))))
This expression indicates that the system's previous purpose-driven actions (PnP_nPn) influence new data acquisition and subsequent processing, reflecting learning and development over time.
Mathematical Representation of Developmental ProgressionBy expressing cognitive development as a function of time ttt, we model the cumulative effect of consecutive DIKWP cycles:
P(t)=fW(fK(fI(fD(D(t)+∫0tP(τ)dτ))))P(t) = f_W(f_K(f_I(f_D(D(t) + \int_{0}^{t} P(\tau) d\tau))))P(t)=fW(fK(fI(fD(D(t)+∫0tP(τ)dτ))))
Here, ∫0tP(τ)dτ\int_{0}^{t} P(\tau) d\tau∫0tP(τ)dτ represents the accumulated purposeful actions up to time ttt, influencing current data processing.
Handling the 3-No Problem MathematicallyThe system addresses incomplete, imprecise, and inconsistent data through functions that generate hypotheses and adjust processing:
Hypothesis Generation Function (H):
For incomplete data:
D′=D+Hincomplete(D)D' = D + H_{\text{incomplete}}(D)D′=D+Hincomplete(D)
Data Abstraction Function (A):
For imprecise data:
D′′=A(D′)D'' = A(D')D′′=A(D′)
Consistency Adjustment Function (C):
For inconsistent data:
D′′′=C(D′′)D''' = C(D'')D′′′=C(D′′)
Incorporating these into the DIKWP process:
P=fW(fK(fI(fD(C(A(D+H(D)))))))P = f_W(f_K(f_I(f_D(C(A(D + H(D)))))))P=fW(fK(fI(fD(C(A(D+H(D)))))))
Example: Test Case Incorporating the 3-No ProblemTest Case: Vocabulary Expansion with Incomplete DataMathematical ModelingData Acquisition with Incomplete Data (D):
D=Partial auditory signals of new wordsD = \text{Partial auditory signals of new words}D=Partial auditory signals of new words
Hypothesis Generation (H):
D′=D+Hincomplete(D)=Predicted missing phonemesD' = D + H_{\text{incomplete}}(D) = \text{Predicted missing phonemes}D′=D+Hincomplete(D)=Predicted missing phonemes
Data Abstraction (A):
D′′=A(D′)=Focus on key phonetic featuresD'' = A(D') = \text{Focus on key phonetic features}D′′=A(D′)=Focus on key phonetic features
Information Processing (I):
I=fD(D′′)=Extraction of word meaningsI = f_D(D'') = \text{Extraction of word meanings}I=fD(D′′)=Extraction of word meanings
Knowledge Construction (K):
K=fI(I)=Integration into existing vocabularyK = f_I(I) = \text{Integration into existing vocabulary}K=fI(I)=Integration into existing vocabulary
Wisdom Application (W):
W=fK(K)=Usage of new word in contextW = f_K(K) = \text{Usage of new word in context}W=fK(K)=Usage of new word in context
Purpose Alignment (P):
P=fW(W)=Effective communication and learningP = f_W(W) = \text{Effective communication and learning}P=fW(W)=Effective communication and learning
P=fW(fK(fI(fD(A(D+Hincomplete(D))))))P = f_W(f_K(f_I(f_D(A(D + H_{\text{incomplete}}(D))))))P=fW(fK(fI(fD(A(D+Hincomplete(D))))))
ConclusionBy mathematizing the DIKWP whitebox tests using DIKWP×DIKWP consecutive expressions, we model the cognitive development of the artificial consciousness system in a precise and structured manner. This mathematical representation captures:
The sequential and iterative nature of cognitive processes.
The integration of previous experiences into current processing.
The handling of incomplete, imprecise, and inconsistent data through specific functions.
The continuous alignment of actions with purpose, reflecting the growth of consciousness.
This approach provides a formal framework to analyze and understand the system's internal workings, facilitating further development and refinement of artificial cognitive architectures.
Note: The functions fD,fI,fK,fW,H,A,Cf_D, f_I, f_K, f_W, H, A, CfD,fI,fK,fW,H,A,C are abstract representations of complex processes within the system. In a practical implementation, these would correspond to specific algorithms or neural network operations designed to perform the transformations between modules.
References for Further Reading
International Standardization Committee of Networked DIKWP for Artificial Intelligence Evaluation (DIKWP-SC),World Association of Artificial Consciousness(WAC),World Conference on Artificial Consciousness(WCAC). Standardization of DIKWP Semantic Mathematics of International Test and Evaluation Standards for Artificial Intelligence based on Networked Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom-Purpose (DIKWP ) Model. October 2024 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26233.89445 . https://www.researchgate.net/publication/384637381_Standardization_of_DIKWP_Semantic_Mathematics_of_International_Test_and_Evaluation_Standards_for_Artificial_Intelligence_based_on_Networked_Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom-Purpose_DIKWP_Model
Duan, Y. (2023). The Paradox of Mathematics in AI Semantics. Proposed by Prof. Yucong Duan:" As Prof. Yucong Duan proposed the Paradox of Mathematics as that current mathematics will not reach the goal of supporting real AI development since it goes with the routine of based on abstraction of real semantics but want to reach the reality of semantics. ".
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