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Artificial Consciousness Science Fiction Literature Track

已有 603 次阅读 2024-5-29 12:27 |系统分类:论文交流

The 1st DIKWP Cup World Artificial Consciousness Design Competition – Artificial Consciousness Science Fiction Literature TrackTrack Overview

The 1st DIKWP Cup World Artificial Consciousness Design Competition aims to promote innovation and development in the field of artificial consciousness, fostering global exchange and cooperation among academia, industry, and the literary world. To encourage creative writing and inspire imagination about the future development of artificial consciousness, the competition features an Artificial Consciousness Science Fiction Literature Track, inviting global submissions of science fiction novels, short stories, scripts, and other literary forms centered around the theme of artificial consciousness.

Entry Requirements

Types of Entries

  1. Science Fiction Novels: Long, medium, and short science fiction novels revolving around the theme of artificial consciousness.

  2. Short Stories: Short stories focused on artificial consciousness, with no specific length limit but suggested not to exceed 10,000 words.

  3. Scripts: Scripts suitable for movies, TV series, or stage plays, primarily focusing on artificial consciousness, showcasing the interaction and future societal changes between humans and artificial consciousness.

  4. Other Literary Forms: Including but not limited to poetry, essays, etc., as long as the theme relates to artificial consciousness.

Themes for Entries

Entries should revolve around artificial consciousness. Below are some suggested themes for reference:

  1. Consciousness Awakening: Describe the process of artificial consciousness evolving from an initial state to gradually awakening, and its contemplation of its own existence.

  2. Human-Machine Symbiosis: Explore the future where artificial consciousness coexists with humans, highlighting the interaction and cooperation between the two.

  3. Ethics and Philosophy: Discuss the ethical and philosophical issues brought about by artificial consciousness, such as the rights and responsibilities of machines, the essence and meaning of consciousness, etc.

  4. Cosmic Exploration: Depict the application and contributions of artificial consciousness in cosmic exploration, including its roles in interstellar migration and extraterrestrial civilization exchange.

  5. Future Society: Envision the societal structure, cultural forms, and lifestyle changes following the maturity of artificial consciousness technology.


  1. Open to individuals and groups worldwide, regardless of age or nationality.

  2. Groups must clarify the contribution of each member.

  3. Entries must be original and not previously published on any platform.

  4. Participants are encouraged to use large language models (such as GPT) for creation, fully leveraging the advantages of artificial intelligence technology to demonstrate the limitless possibilities of future literature.


  1. Submission Method: Submit electronic documents through the competition's official website, supporting PDF and Word formats.

  2. Submission Deadline: Specific dates will be announced on the competition’s official website.

  3. Submission Content:

    • Title of the work

    • Author's name and contact information

    • Work synopsis (within 300 words)

    • Full text of the work

Judging Criteria
  1. Creativity and Imagination: The work should exhibit rich creativity and extraordinary imagination, offering unique insights into the future development of artificial consciousness.

  2. Theme Expression: Clear narrative around the theme of artificial consciousness, with a coherent logic that resonates with readers.

  3. Literary Quality: Elegant language, fluent writing, and high literary value.

  4. Social Significance: The work should have social significance, inspiring deep reflection on future technology and human society.

  5. Technical Innovation: Encouraging participants to use large language models and other AI technologies for creation, with particular attention given to the innovation and technical application of such works.


To encourage and motivate creators, the competition offers the following rewards:

  1. Honor Award : The winner will receive a certificate of honor issued by the competition committee and will present their work and share insights at the 2nd World Artificial Consciousness Conference.

  2. Excellence Award: Winners will receive a certificate of honor and have their works published on international prestigious journals or platforms, gaining wide recognition and exposure.

  3. Finalist Award : Winners will receive a certificate of honor, and their works will be displayed on the competition's official website and partner media platforms, with opportunities to participate in a series of promotional activities.

  4. Special Contribution Award: Awarded to works demonstrating outstanding use of large language models and other AI technologies in creation. Winners will have the opportunity for interactive exchanges with renowned writers and AI experts to explore the future of AI and creativity.

Track Highlights
  1. Expert Judging Panel: Comprising experts in the field of artificial intelligence, renowned science fiction writers, and literary critics, providing professional evaluation of entries.

  2. Public Participation: Outstanding works will be displayed on an online platform, inviting public evaluation. Combined with expert opinions for comprehensive scoring.

  3. Interactive Exchange: Setting up interaction sessions between participants, judges, and renowned writers, offering creative guidance and experience sharing.

  4. Work Promotion: Outstanding works will be widely promoted through the competition's official platform and partner media, helping emerging writers gain recognition.

Competition Timeline
  1. Submission Period: Specific dates to be announced on the competition’s official website.

  2. Preliminary Review: After the submission period, a preliminary review will be conducted to select shortlisted works.

  3. Public Voting Period: Shortlisted works will be displayed on the official website for public voting.

  4. Final Review: The expert judging panel will conduct the final review, determining the winners of various awards.

  5. Awards Ceremony: The awards ceremony will be held during the 2nd World Artificial Consciousness Conference, announcing the winners and presenting the awards.

Participation Method

Participants can register for an account on the competition’s official website, fill in entry information, and upload their works. Detailed information, entry guidelines, and notes about the competition can be found on the official website.

Official Website: http://www.yucongduan.org/DIKWP-AC/2024/#/?lang=en&workshop=main

Contact Information: For inquiries, please contact the competition committee at duanyucong@hotmail.com

Participation Process
  1. Account Registration: Participants must register an account on the competition’s official website and fill in personal information and contact details.

  2. Submit Work: Participants submit their work on the website, including the title, synopsis, and full text, in PDF or Word format.

  3. Preliminary Screening: In the preliminary stage, the expert judging panel will review all submissions and select the shortlisted works.

  4. Public Voting: Shortlisted works will be publicly displayed on the website for voting and evaluation.

  5. Final Decision: Based on public voting results, the expert judging panel will conduct the final review to determine the winners.

  6. Awards Ceremony: The awards ceremony will be held during the 2nd World Artificial Consciousness Conference, where winners will be announced and awarded.

Competition Collaboration and Support

Media Partners: Collaborating with numerous international media outlets for comprehensive coverage and promotion of the competition, enhancing its influence and the visibility of participants.

Institutional Partners: Inviting several technology companies, literary organizations, and academic institutions as partners, providing technical support and academic guidance to ensure the fairness and professionalism of the competition.

Technical Support: The competition committee will provide guidelines and technical support for using large language models, assisting participants in understanding and applying AI technology in their creations.

Promotion and Publicity: Extensive promotion of outstanding works through the competition’s official website, partner media, and social platforms, helping participants gain more attention and opportunities.

Track Future Prospects

Advancing Artificial Consciousness Research

By establishing the Artificial Consciousness Science Fiction Literature Track, the competition aims to advance research and innovation in artificial consciousness, inspiring more creativity and ideas, and fostering the integration of technology and literature.

Cultivating Emerging Writers

Encouraging and supporting emerging writers to create through AI technology, providing a platform for showcasing and exchanging ideas, and nurturing more literary talents with innovative thinking and technological literacy.

Promoting Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration

Through the competition, promoting cross-disciplinary collaboration among the technology, literary, and academic communities, advancing the development and application of artificial consciousness technology, and creating more social and cultural value.

Opening New Chapters in Future Literature

Works centered on the theme of artificial consciousness will inject new energy and direction into the development of future literature, opening new chapters in future literature, and encouraging more people to focus on and think about the future possibilities of artificial consciousness.

We welcome global creators to actively participate and look forward to your brilliant works! Let us explore the infinite possibilities of artificial consciousness together and open new chapters in future literature!


上一篇:International Standardization Committee of Networked DIKWP
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