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The future of academic research and publication

已有 569 次阅读 2024-2-15 09:56 |系统分类:论文交流

Traditional Invention and Innovation Theory 1946-TRIZ Does Not Adapt to the Digital Era

-Innovative problem-solving methods combining DIKWP model and classic TRIZ

Purpose driven Integration of data, information, knowledge, and wisdom Invention and creation methods: DIKWP-TRIZ

(Chinese people's own original invention and creation methods:DIKWP - TRIZ)



The future of academic research and publication: from traditional evaluation to the DIKWP model




Yucong Duan, Shiming Gong

DIKWP-AC Artificial Consciousness Laboratory

AGI-AIGC-GPT Evaluation DIKWP (Global) Laboratory

World Association of Artificial Consciousness






1 Introduction

2 Academic research and paper publishing mechanism is changing.

2.1 Decentralized research platform

2.2 AI-assisted research and writing

2.3 Real-time collaboration and interdisciplinary research

2.4 Research results of dynamic updating

2.5 Evaluation and reward mechanism changes

2.6 Public participation in scientific research process

3 Perspective based on DIKWP model

4 From conceptual space to semantic space

5 Profound changes in traditional peer review mechanisms disrupted by AI technology

6 Changes and influences on the current academic evaluation mechanism

6.1 Impact on SCI retrieval

6.2 Change of influencing factor

6.3 New evaluation mechanism of highly cited papers

6.4 Overall impact on the academic evaluation system

7 Impact analysis based on DIKWP model

8 Academic evaluation mechanism in the context of the transformation from conceptual space to semantic space

9 Realization of the reform of traditional academic evaluation mechanism

9.1 Initial stage: building the basic framework

9.2 Development Stage: Integration and Optimization

9.3 Mature stage: intelligent decision-making and social feedback

9.4 Long-term Maintenance and Innovation

10 How to connect, integrate and transition the traditional evaluation mechanism with the DIKWP evaluation mechanism

10.1 Convergence stage: integration of data and information.

10.2 Integration stage: deepening of knowledge and wisdom.

10.3 Transition stage: introduction of purpose level and dynamic adjustment of evaluation system.

10.4 Improvement stage: build a comprehensive evaluation platform based on DIKWP.

10.5 Implementation stage: continuous optimization and community participation.



1 引言

2 学术研究和论文发表机制正在发生的变革

2.1 去中心化的研究平台

2.2 AI辅助的研究和写作

2.3 实时协作与跨学科研究

2.4 动态更新的研究成果

2.5 评价和奖励机制的变革

2.6 公众参与的科研过程

3 基于DIKWP模型的视角

4 从概念空间到语义空间

5 AI技术颠覆下的传统同行评议机制的深刻变革

6 对当前的学术评价机制产生的变革和影响

6.1 SCI检索的影响

6.2 对影响因子的变革

6.3 高被引论文的新评价机制

6.4 对学术评价体系的整体影响

7 基于DIKWP模型的影响分析

8 从概念空间到语义空间转换背景下学术评价机制

9 传统学术评价机制变革实现

9.1 初始阶段:构建基础框架

9.2 发展阶段:集成与优化

9.3 成熟阶段:智慧决策与社会反馈

9.4 长期维护与创新

10 传统评价机制如何与DIKWP评价机制衔接、融合与过渡

10.1 衔接阶段:数据和信息层面的整合

10.2 融合阶段:知识和智慧层面的深化

10.3 过渡阶段:意图层面的引入和评价体系的动态调整

10.4 完善阶段:构建基于DIKWP的综合评价平台

10.5 实施阶段:持续优化和社区参与





With the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) and digital technology, the mechanism of academic research and paper publishing is on the verge of change. The future research ecosystem may undergo subversive changes in five aspects: decentralized research platform, AI-assisted research and writing, real-time collaboration and interdisciplinary research, dynamically updated research results, and changes in evaluation and reward mechanisms. These changes indicate that the research process will become more efficient, open and collaborative. At the same time, they also pose new challenges, including how to ensure the quality of research, protect intellectual property rights and maintain research ethics. Based on the DIKWP model, this report makes an in-depth analysis of the changes in the future academic research and paper publishing mechanism, discusses the impact of these changes on the current academic evaluation mechanism, and imagines a new evaluation mechanism based on the DIKWP model.

1 Introduction

With the rapid development of information technology, especially artificial intelligence (AI), the global academic research and publishing field is undergoing unprecedented changes. These changes not only affect the research methods and processes, but also reshape the basic framework of academic exchange and evaluation mechanism. The purpose of this paper is to explore the potential impact of these technological advances on academic research and paper publishing mechanism, especially how to transition from the traditional evaluation mechanism to a new evaluation system based on DIKWP (data, information, knowledge, wisdom and purpose) model.

First of all, the traditional publication of papers may no longer be the only way to display achievements in future academic research. With the development of multimedia and interactive technology, the display of research results can take more abundant and dynamic forms, such as data visualization, interactive demonstration, and even the application of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies, which makes academic communication more intuitive and vivid.

In addition, the mode of collaborative research may also change with the development of digital tools and platforms. The application of cloud computing, online collaboration platform and social network will make it more convenient for researchers to cooperate across geographical and disciplinary boundaries. This increase in cross-border cooperation is expected to promote the collision of innovative ideas and accelerate the process of scientific discovery.

Furthermore, the rise of Open Access and Preprint Servers is changing the way of sharing and disseminating academic achievements. The development of these platforms has promoted the instant sharing of academic achievements, accelerated the dissemination and exchange of knowledge, and lowered the threshold for acquiring knowledge. In the future, these platforms may be further developed, combining artificial intelligence technology to realize intelligent recommendation and customized reading, making the dissemination of academic research more efficient and personalized.

Finally, academic integrity and ethical issues will be paid more attention in future academic research. The application of artificial intelligence technology, such as tools to automatically detect plagiarism and forged data, will help maintain the quality and integrity of academic research. At the same time, with the diversification of academic communication methods, how to ensure the accuracy and reliability of research results will also become a new challenge for academic circles in the future. In a word, with the progress of technology and the change of academic communication mode, the future of academic research will be more open, interactive and diversified. These changes will bring new opportunities to academic circles and promote the creation, sharing and application of knowledge.

2 Academic research and paper publishing mechanism is changing.

At present, the mechanism of academic research and paper publishing is on the verge of change, which is influenced by the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) and digital technology. The progress of these technologies has not only changed the research methods and tools, but also gradually reshaped the way of academic communication. Future academic research and paper publishing may experience the following subversive changes:

2.1 Decentralized research platform

With the development of decentralized technologies such as blockchain, future academic research may migrate to decentralized platforms. These platforms can provide a transparent and fair research publishing and peer review environment, effectively reduce the delay and prejudice in the traditional publishing process, and ensure the copyright and certification of research results. The decentralized mechanism also helps to break the monopoly of traditional academic publishing and encourage more Open Access to research results.

2.2 AI-assisted research and writing

AI technology will play a more important role in future academic research. AI can help researchers extract useful information from a large amount of data, predict research trends, and even automatically generate research hypotheses and experimental designs in some fields. In writing, AI can assist researchers in document arrangement, draft writing and language correction, which can improve research efficiency and lower the threshold.

2.3 Real-time collaboration and interdisciplinary research

The development of digital tools and cloud computing technology will make real-time collaboration and interdisciplinary research more convenient. Researchers can communicate and share data in real time through the online platform, and easily set up cross-regional and interdisciplinary research teams. This collaborative approach will accelerate the innovation and integration of knowledge and promote the continuous expansion of the boundaries of academic research.

2.4 Research results of dynamic updating

Future papers may no longer be a one-time release of results, but a process of continuous updating and iteration. Researchers can constantly update their research results according to new data and feedback, and readers can also get the latest research progress in real time. This dynamic updating mechanism will make academic research more transparent and flexible and better adapt to the rapidly changing scientific research environment.

2.5 Evaluation and reward mechanism changes

With the diversification of research methods and results, the traditional evaluation and reward mechanism will also face challenges. The future evaluation system may pay more attention to the social impact, innovation and interdisciplinary contribution of research, not just the number of publications or influencing factor. In addition, technologies such as Digital Badges and blockchain certificates may be used to authenticate and reward research results and personal contributions, providing more flexible and diverse incentives.

2.6 Public participation in scientific research process

Future academic research may be more open and inclusive, and the public will be encouraged to participate in the scientific research process. Through crowdsourcing and citizen science projects, non-professionals can contribute their observation, data collection and analysis, making scientific research activities more diversified and democratic. This mode of public participation can not only increase the quantity and quality of research data, but also improve the transparency of scientific research and the public's understanding and trust in science.

To sum up, the future academic research and paper publishing mechanism will undergo subversive changes, which will make the research process more efficient, open and collaborative, and at the same time pose new challenges, such as how to ensure research quality, protect intellectual property rights and maintain research ethics. With the continuous progress of technology and the adaptation of academic circles, we are expected to witness the birth of a more flexible, inclusive and innovative academic research ecosystem.

This change will have a far-reaching impact on the traditional academic evaluation system. At present, the system with the number of publications, impact factors and highly cited papers as the main evaluation indicators may gradually change to a more comprehensive and fair evaluation mechanism. This includes paying attention to the social impact of research, interdisciplinary contribution and public participation. The application of AI technology and digital tools will make the evaluation process more transparent and objective, and also provide new challenges, including data security, privacy protection and the unification of evaluation standards.

Future academic evaluation may adopt more diversified indicators, such as innovation, social influence and interdisciplinary integration ability, which are difficult to cover in the traditional evaluation system. The application of digital badge and blockchain technology may provide new authentication methods for research results and personal contributions, thus making academic evaluation more comprehensive and fair.

In addition, the emergence of decentralized research platform and AI-assisted writing tools will make the publication of research results more convenient and efficient, thus accelerating academic exchanges and knowledge dissemination. This can not only improve the research efficiency, but also reduce the research cost, so that more researchers can participate in academic research and further promote the democratization and globalization of academic research.

In short, technological progress will lead to major changes in academic research and paper publishing mechanisms. These changes are both challenges and opportunities, which require the joint efforts of academic circles, technical circles and all walks of life to ensure that the development of science and technology is consistent with the needs and values of human society and jointly promote the formation of a more open, just and innovative academic research ecosystem.

3 Perspective based on DIKWP model

When considering the in-depth analysis of the future changes or subversive changes in academic research based on the publication of papers by DIKWP model, we can explore the deep influence of this process from the perspective of data, information, knowledge, wisdom and purpose.

Data level change: Future academic research will rely more on big data and artificial intelligence technology to collect, process and analyze massive data in an automated way. This can not only improve the efficiency of research, but also reveal patterns and correlations that are difficult to observe by traditional methods. For example, using machine learning algorithm to mine scientific documents can automatically identify research trends, theoretical gaps and potential research directions, thus guiding researchers to conduct more targeted research.

Information level change: With the popularization of Open Science, the transparency of research process and results will be greatly improved. The research data, preliminary results and detailed records of the research process will be made public through the digital platform, which will make the research information flow more unimpeded. This openness not only helps to improve the repeatability and verifiability of research, but also promotes interdisciplinary and international cooperation and accelerates the spread of knowledge and innovation.

Knowledge level change: future academic publishing will no longer be limited to traditional peer-reviewed papers, but include various forms of academic achievements such as data sets, codes and research notes. This diversified knowledge representation will enrich the connotation and form of scientific knowledge and make the accumulation and dissemination of knowledge more efficient and comprehensive. At the same time, the development of new knowledge management and evaluation tools, such as knowledge authentication and copyright management system based on blockchain, will provide stronger support and protection for the creation, sharing and application of knowledge.

Wisdom level change: In future academic research, wisdom will not only reflect the ability to solve the specific scientific problem, but also include the ability to make ethical and social responsibility decisions in the research process. As research activities increasingly involve sensitive data and complex social and ethical issues, researchers need to take into account the ethical, legal and social impact of research while pursuing scientific discoveries. This requires that the future academic evaluation mechanism should not only consider the innovation and influence of research, but also evaluate the ethical standards and social responsibilities of research.

Change at the level of Purpose: The ultimate goal of future academic research will pay more attention to solving global challenges, such as climate change, public health and sustainable development. This requires that scientific research activities should not only pursue knowledge accumulation and technological innovation, but also devote themselves to transforming scientific knowledge into concrete applications to solve practical problems. Therefore, the future academic evaluation mechanism will pay more attention to the social impact and application value of research results, not just the number of papers published and the influencing factor.

To sum up, based on the perspective of DIKWP model, the future academic research and paper publishing mechanism will undergo profound changes. These changes will make the academic research process more efficient, transparent and collaborative, the expression and dissemination of knowledge more diverse and rich, and the research purpose will pay more attention to social responsibility and application value. This will not only promote the rapid development of scientific knowledge, but also promote the wide spread and application of knowledge and provide strong support for solving the global challenges facing mankind.

4 From conceptual space to semantic space

In the digital age, the rapid development and wide application of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, especially the progress in processing data, information, knowledge, wisdom and purpose (DIKWP), has brought unprecedented challenges and opportunities to the traditional publishing industry. The purpose of this paper is to deeply discuss the influence of AI technology, especially the widespread use of Agent, on traditional publications, and how to use the transformation framework of semantic mathematics to obtain content from conceptual space to semantic space to meet these challenges.

4.1 Impact of AI technology

With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology and the accelerated integration of DIKWP (Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom and Purpose) model, traditional publishing is facing unprecedented challenges. The widespread use of AI technology, especially AI Agent, provides a faster way for human beings to obtain content from conceptual space to semantic space, which means that the traditional publishing industry needs to rethink its positioning and strategy in the new technical environment.

4.2 Challenges faced by traditional publications

Automation of content creation and planning: AI technology can automatically generate or plan content, which poses a challenge to the traditional publishing model that relies on editors and authors' manual creation. AI can not only improve the efficiency of content generation, but also provide personalized content recommendation according to users' reading preferences, which puts pressure on traditional publications in terms of content innovation and personalized service.

Transformation of distribution channels: With the rise of digital reading platform and social media, people's access to information is becoming more and more diversified. The distribution channels of traditional publications (such as physical bookstores and libraries) are gradually losing their dominant position, which requires traditional publishers to embrace digitalization and develop new online distribution strategies to adapt to the changes in consumer behavior.

Challenges of copyright and intellectual property rights: The application of AI technology, especially AI-generated content, has brought new challenges to copyright protection. How to define the copyright ownership of AI creative content and how to protect the intellectual property rights of traditional authors has become an important issue for traditional publishing industry.

The need to enhance readers' interaction and participation: Modern readers expect a more interactive and participatory reading experience. AI technologies, such as chat bots and augmented reality, provide new ways to enhance readers' participation. Traditional publishers need to explore these new technologies to provide more attractive reading products and experiences.

Increased demand for personalized content: With the development of technology, readers' demand for personalized content is increasing. AI and big data analysis can help publishers better understand readers' preferences and provide customized reading experience. For traditional publishers, how to use these technologies to meet individual needs is the key to enhance their competitiveness.

In short, in the face of the challenges brought by AI technology, the traditional publishing industry needs constant innovation and adaptation. Using the transformation framework of semantic mathematics, the content acquisition means from conceptual space to semantic space can provide new development direction and strategy for traditional publishing and realize the transformation and upgrading of the industry.

5 Profound changes in traditional peer review mechanisms disrupted by AI technology

In the scenario of the traditional peer review mechanism under the subversion of AI technology, we can foresee a series of profound changes:

Automated preliminary screening process: AI technology can automatically analyze submitted academic papers and conduct preliminary screening based on preset quality standards and relevance standards. This not only greatly reduces the burden of manual screening, but also improves the efficiency and fairness of the screening process.

In-depth content analysis: AI system can deeply analyze the contents of papers and identify key factors such as novelty, accuracy of research methods and effectiveness of data analysis. Through deep learning and natural language processing technology, AI can understand complex academic papers and provide review opinions comparable to or even beyond those of human experts.

Predicting the influence of papers: Using big data and machine learning algorithms, AI technology can predict the citation and academic influence of papers in the future. This provides an important reference for editors and reviewers, and helps them identify those research works that may have a significant impact on the academic community.

Detection of academic misconduct: AI technology can effectively detect academic misconduct such as plagiarism, data forgery and repeated publication in papers. Through the analysis of massive literature database, AI can quickly identify the possible problems in the paper and ensure the academic purity.

Personalized matching experts: AI system can automatically match the most suitable evaluation experts according to the content and research direction of the paper. This process takes into account experts' research interests, professional background and review history, and ensures that each paper can get the most fair and professional review.

Real-time feedback and interaction system: AI technology can establish a platform to allow more direct and real-time communication between authors and reviewers. This interaction not only speeds up the evaluation process, but also improves the transparency and interactivity of the evaluation.

Continuous learning and self-optimization: With the passage of time, the quality and accuracy of AI system evaluation will continue to improve by continuously learning new data and evaluation results. This ability of self-optimization makes AI technology an evolving system, which can adapt to the ever-changing needs of academic circles.

The traditional peer review mechanism under the subversion of AI technology will become more efficient, fair and intelligent. This reform not only improves the quality and speed of academic publishing, but also provides researchers with a more convenient and interactive academic exchange environment, which promotes the progress and innovation of the entire academic community.

Time course of change.

In the next few years, we can expect that the application of AI technology in peer review mechanism will go through the process from initial attempt to full implementation. The following is the possible time course of these changes:

2024-2025: Preliminary attempt and verification

Research stage: Academia and technology developers began to cooperate to study how to effectively apply AI technology to peer review. During this period, a small number of pilot projects will be launched to verify the effectiveness of AI in automatic preliminary screening, content analysis and detection of academic misconduct.

Technical verification: The successful cases in this stage will prove the potential of AI technology in improving the efficiency and accuracy of evaluation, but at the same time, it will also expose the initial challenges of technology implementation, such as the formulation of evaluation standards and the quality of training data of AI system.

2026-2027: technical perfection and initial application

Technical iteration: According to the feedback from the initial test, technical developers will constantly improve the AI system, improve the algorithm and expand the database to adapt to a wider range of academic fields and complex review needs.

Preliminary application: More academic journals and conferences began to use AI technology for preliminary screening and content analysis of papers, and AI-assisted peer review became the new normal accepted by more and more editors and scholars.

2028-2029: widespread application and community feedback

Widely used: With the maturity of AI technology and the improvement of community trust in AI-assisted review mechanism, more and more academic publications and organizations begin to fully adopt AI technology for peer review.

Community feedback: The academic community began to conduct extensive discussions and feedback on the effectiveness of the AI review mechanism, further promoting the optimization and improvement of technology. At the same time, ethical and moral discussions on AI review will emerge to promote the transparency and fairness of the review mechanism.

2030 and beyond: continuous optimization and deep integration

Continuous optimization: Based on the continuously collected data and feedback, the AI system will enter the stage of continuous optimization and learning, and its evaluation quality and accuracy will gradually surpass or reach the level of human experts.

Deep integration: AI technology will not only play a role in peer review, but also deeply integrate into all aspects of academic research, including research design, data analysis, result verification, etc., forming a comprehensive and intelligent academic research and publishing ecology.

The application of AI technology in peer review mechanism will be a gradual development process, from the initial attempt and verification to the perfection and wide application of technology, and then to the deep integration and continuous optimization. This process requires not only technological progress, but also the joint efforts and adaptation of academia, technology developers and all walks of life. With the passage of time, we can foresee the arrival of a new era of more efficient, fair and intelligent peer review.

6 Changes and influences on the current academic evaluation mechanism

With the wide application of artificial intelligence technology in peer review, we will witness profound changes in the current academic evaluation mechanism, especially the impact on important indicators such as SCI retrieval, impact factors and highly cited papers. The following are the specific impacts and changes that these changes may bring:

6.1 Impact on SCI retrieval

Wider inclusiveness: AI technology can identify and evaluate the value of interdisciplinary research more efficiently, which may lead to more fields of research in SCI retrieval system and increase the visibility of interdisciplinary research.

Retrieval quality improvement: AI-assisted retrieval system can understand the research content and context more accurately, improve the relevance and accuracy of retrieval results, and thus improve the efficiency of researchers' retrieval of documents.

6.2 Change of influencing factor

Diversification of evaluation criteria: AI technology will make the calculation of impact factors not only depend on the number of citations, but also include multi-dimensional evaluation criteria such as social impact and interdisciplinary impact of papers.

Real-time dynamic update: With the real-time data processing ability of AI, the impact factor may become a dynamically updated indicator, which more truly reflects the real-time influence of journals or articles.

6.3 New evaluation mechanism of highly cited papers

Emphasis on content quality: the evaluation of highly cited papers may no longer depend only on the number of citations. AI technology can deeply analyze the innovation, academic quality and social value of papers and form a more comprehensive evaluation mechanism.

Rapid discovery and popularization: AI technology can quickly identify potential high-quality research, promote its rapid spread and application in academic circles, and accelerate the iterative update of scientific knowledge.

6.4 Overall impact on the academic evaluation system

Improvement of fairness and transparency: The application of AI technology will reduce the influence of artificial prejudice and subjectivity, and improve the fairness and transparency of academic evaluation.

Enhanced adaptability and flexibility: With the continuous development and changes of academic research, AI technology can quickly adapt to new academic trends and evaluation needs, making the academic evaluation mechanism more flexible and effective.

Promote academic innovation: AI-assisted evaluation mechanism will pay more attention to the originality and innovation of research and encourage scholars to explore new fields and methods, thus promoting academic innovation and scientific progress.

Artificial intelligence technology will have a far-reaching impact on the existing academic evaluation mechanism and promote its development in a more fair, transparent, pluralistic and dynamic direction. These changes will help to better motivate and evaluate academic achievements and promote the healthy development of academic research.

7 Impact analysis based on DIKWP model

With the help of DIKWP model, we can understand the influence of artificial intelligence technology on the reform of academic evaluation mechanism from the perspective of data, information, knowledge, wisdom and purpose (DIKWP):


In the process of reform, data, as the basic level, refers to the original information about journal citation, paper quality, interdisciplinary research and so on. Artificial intelligence technology can effectively process and analyze these large and complex data, and provide more accurate and comprehensive basic support for academic evaluation. For example, through the deep learning algorithm, key data can be extracted from the literature, such as citation times, research fields, author contributions, etc., which lays the foundation for subsequent information extraction and knowledge formation.


The information level involves transforming raw data into useful information, such as identifying high-quality research and potential interdisciplinary influence through algorithm analysis. The application of AI technology at this level makes the information extracted from a large number of data more accurate and targeted, and provides more abundant and in-depth content for academic evaluation.


The knowledge level focuses on extracting and constructing valuable knowledge from information, such as understanding the deep meaning of influencing factor and constructing evaluation standards for interdisciplinary research. Through in-depth analysis and learning of information, AI technology helps to form an understanding and knowledge of new academic evaluation standards, thus promoting the innovation and optimization of evaluation mechanism.


On the intellectual level, it emphasizes the application of knowledge to make wise decisions and judgments, such as deciding which new evaluation criteria should be introduced into the academic evaluation system. The application of AI technology at this level can provide strategic suggestions for the improvement of academic evaluation mechanism based on in-depth knowledge and data analysis, and ensure the fairness, comprehensiveness and foresight of evaluation criteria.


Finally, the purpose level focuses on the long-term goals achieved by reforming the academic evaluation mechanism, such as promoting academic innovation, ensuring the quality of research, and encouraging academic exchanges. Through the application of DIKWP model, the introduction of artificial intelligence technology is not only a means to change the evaluation mechanism, but also to achieve a higher level goal-to create a healthier, fairer and more innovative academic ecosystem.

DIKWP model provides us with a comprehensive analysis of how artificial intelligence technology affects the reform of academic evaluation mechanism. From data collection and processing, to information extraction, to knowledge construction and wisdom application, until the ultimate purpose of evaluation mechanism reform is realized, artificial intelligence technology will play a key role at every level, and promote the development of academic evaluation in a more scientific, reasonable and innovative direction.

8 Academic evaluation mechanism in the context of the transformation from conceptual space to semantic space

Based on the DIKWP model and the transformation from conceptual space to semantic space, a new academic evaluation mechanism is envisaged, which not only pays attention to traditional quantitative indicators (such as citation times and impact factors), but also digs into the semantic value and social impact of academic achievements, so as to evaluate the quality and contribution of research more comprehensively. The following is the imagination of the new evaluation mechanism designed based on DIKWP model:

Data level

Automatic data collection: use AI technology to automatically collect raw data about academic publications, including but not limited to citation times, downloads, social media mentions, etc.

Multidimensional data integration: In addition to traditional indicators, non-traditional data indicators such as interdisciplinary research, diversity of research teams and openness of research (such as open access to publications) are also considered.

Information level

Information extraction and enhancement: Through natural language processing (NLP) technology, more abundant information is extracted from the literature, such as the novelty of research topics, the innovation of research methods, the practicability of research results, etc.

Semantic analysis: analyze the semantic information of the research content, and identify the core contribution of the research and its influence on the existing knowledge system.

Knowledge level

Construction of knowledge map: build knowledge map in the field, connect new research results with existing knowledge system, and evaluate the innovation and complementarity of research.

Interdisciplinary evaluation: through the analysis of knowledge map, evaluate the contribution and influence of research in interdisciplinary field.

Wisdom level

Decision support system: Based on AI technology, it provides decision support for academic evaluation, such as automatically identifying high-quality research and recommending potential research partners.

Value and ethical considerations: ethical and social responsibility considerations are integrated into the evaluation process to evaluate the social value and moral impact of research.

Purpose level

Diversified evaluation objectives: establish diversified evaluation objectives, including promoting scientific innovation, supporting social progress and encouraging open science.

Dynamic adjustment and feedback: according to the changes of scientific research environment and social needs, dynamically adjust the evaluation mechanism and establish a feedback mechanism to promote the continuous optimization of evaluation standards.

The new evaluation mechanism based on DIKWP will no longer rely solely on traditional quantitative indicators, but comprehensively use artificial intelligence technology to conduct in-depth analysis and evaluation of academic achievements from the whole chain of data to wisdom. This mechanism can reflect the real value and social impact of research more accurately, and promote the quality improvement of scientific research and the healthy development of scientific research ecology.

9 Realization of the reform of traditional academic evaluation mechanism

Based on the DIKWP model and the transformation from conceptual space to semantic space, the reform of the traditional academic evaluation mechanism can be realized through the following detailed processes:

9.1 Initial stage: building the basic framework

Define new evaluation indicators: with the cooperation of multidisciplinary experts, define a comprehensive evaluation system including quantitative and qualitative indicators. These indicators not only cover the traditional influencing factor and citation times, but also include the innovation, social influence and interdisciplinary contribution of the research.

Construction of technical platform: develop a platform based on AI technology, and use natural language processing, data mining, semantic analysis and other technologies to automatically collect and analyze relevant data of academic achievements.

9.2 Development Stage: Integration and Optimization

Automatic processing at the data level: use AI technology to automatically collect the data of academic publications, such as downloads and social media mentions, and integrate these data to enhance the richness of information.

In-depth analysis of information level: through NLP technology, the text content is deeply analyzed, and the core concepts and contributions of the research are extracted, as well as its supplements and challenges to the existing knowledge system.

Connection and mapping at the knowledge level: construct a domain knowledge map, link new research results with the existing knowledge system, and evaluate their position and contribution in the knowledge system.

9.3 Mature stage: intelligent decision-making and social feedback

Intelligent decision support: Based on the evaluation system and integrated data, AI system provides decision support, such as identifying and recommending high-impact research and evaluating the social value of research.

Dynamic adjustment of purpose level: dynamically adjust the evaluation system and indicators according to the changes of social needs and scientific research environment to ensure the timeliness and adaptability of the evaluation mechanism.

Social impact feedback: through communication with academia, industry and the public, collect feedback on the new evaluation mechanism, and constantly optimize and adjust the evaluation indicators and processes.

9.4 Long-term Maintenance and Innovation

Continuous technological innovation: With the development of AI and data science and technology, new data analysis and processing technologies are continuously explored to improve the accuracy and efficiency of the evaluation mechanism.

Openness and transparency: maintain the openness and transparency of the evaluation mechanism, encourage academic communities and the public to participate in the evaluation process, and improve the credibility of the evaluation system.

Globalization cooperation: cooperate with international academic organizations and research institutions to promote the unification of evaluation standards on a global scale and promote international academic exchanges and cooperation.

Through this process, the new academic evaluation mechanism based on DIKWP model can not only evaluate the quality and influence of research more accurately, but also promote the healthy development of scientific research and the diversity of scientific research ecology. This change will be a gradual process, which requires the joint efforts and support of scientific research, technology and society.

10 How to connect, integrate and transition the traditional evaluation mechanism with the DIKWP evaluation mechanism

In the current academic circles, the traditional evaluation mechanism mainly relies on peer review, impact factors, cited times and other indicators. Although these indicators provide some indications of the influence and quality of research, they also have many limitations, such as focusing too much on quantity and ignoring quality and the value of interdisciplinary research. With the development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology and the proposal of DIKWP (Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom and purpose) model, the possibility of applying this new model to academic evaluation appears, in order to build a more comprehensive, fair and dynamic evaluation system. The following is a detailed discussion on how to connect, integrate and transition the traditional evaluation mechanism with the evaluation mechanism based on DIKWP.

10.1 Convergence stage: integration of data and information.

In the convergence stage, the first task is to integrate the data and information from the traditional evaluation mechanism into the DIKWP model. This includes transforming existing academic publications, cited data, impact factors, etc. into data and information input under the framework of DIKWP. Through AI technology, such as natural language processing (NLP) and data mining, we can automatically extract relevant data and information from a large number of academic documents and evaluate their quality and relevance. This process not only improves the efficiency of data processing, but also lays the foundation for further analysis.

10.2 Integration stage: deepening of knowledge and wisdom.

The core of the fusion stage is to use the extracted data and information to construct a deep understanding of knowledge through semantic analysis and knowledge mapping technology. At this stage, the research results are no longer regarded as independent data points, but as a part of the knowledge system, and its value and significance lie in its association with existing knowledge and its contribution to the knowledge system. In addition, the evaluation at the level of wisdom has also begun to get attention, and the evaluation mechanism has begun to consider the social impact, ethical considerations and practical application value of the research, rather than just paying attention to its theoretical contribution.

10.3 Transition stage: introduction of purpose level and dynamic adjustment of evaluation system.

The key to the transition stage lies in the introduction of the level of purpose, that is, considering the ultimate goal of research and the embodiment of purpose in the evaluation system. This requires that the evaluation mechanism can identify and evaluate the motives and objectives behind the research and its potential contribution to academia and society. At this time, traditional evaluation indicators (such as impact factors and cited times) and evaluation indicators based on DIKWP model need to be dynamically integrated to form a multi-evaluation system that can not only reflect the immediate impact of research, but also evaluate its long-term value and social impact.

10.4 Improvement stage: build a comprehensive evaluation platform based on DIKWP.

In the improvement stage, the evaluation mechanism based on DIKWP will be fully formed and become a comprehensive evaluation platform, including not only traditional evaluation indicators, but also comprehensive evaluation based on data, information, knowledge, wisdom and purpose. This platform will be highly flexible and dynamic, and can adjust the evaluation criteria and indicators in time according to the changes in academia and society. It will adopt AI and machine learning technology, and constantly learn and adapt from new research results, so as to improve the accuracy and foresight of evaluation. In addition, the platform will encourage openness and transparency, allow researchers and reviewers to directly participate in the evaluation process, and increase the interactivity and participation of the evaluation mechanism.

10.5 Implementation stage: continuous optimization and community participation.

Finally, in order to ensure the effectiveness and adaptability of the evaluation mechanism, it is necessary to establish a continuous optimization mechanism and extensive community participation. This involves regular evaluation system review, updating evaluation standards, introducing new evaluation techniques and methods, and collecting and responding to feedback from academia and society. Community participation is particularly important, because it ensures that the evaluation system can truly reflect the needs and values of academia and society, and at the same time promotes academic exchanges and cooperation.

The connection, integration and transition between the traditional evaluation mechanism and the evaluation mechanism based on DIKWP model marks the evolution of academic evaluation to a more comprehensive, dynamic and participatory direction. By integrating AI technology and DIKWP model, the new evaluation system can not only evaluate the quality and influence of research more accurately, but also consider the social value and long-term significance of research. This change will promote the healthy development of academic research, encourage interdisciplinary and innovative research, and provide researchers with a fairer, more transparent and diversified evaluation environment. With the progress of technology and the constant changes in academic circles, the evaluation mechanism based on DIKWP will continue to evolve and improve, making greater contributions to academic research and social progress. The reform of academic evaluation mechanism based on DIKWP model is an important supplement and development to the traditional academic evaluation system. By introducing artificial intelligence technology and DIKWP model, the new evaluation mechanism can evaluate the quality and influence of research more accurately and comprehensively, while considering the social value and long-term significance of research. This reform not only promotes the healthy development of academic research, but also encourages interdisciplinary and innovative research, and improves the fairness, transparency and diversity of evaluation. With the continuous progress of technology and the change of academic needs, the evaluation mechanism based on DIKWP will continue to evolve and make greater contributions to global academic research and social progress.


The progress of technology is promoting the major changes in the mechanism of academic research and paper publishing. Emerging technologies such as decentralized platform, AI technology and real-time collaboration tools will make the academic research process more efficient, transparent and inclusive. This not only provides researchers with new tools and methods, but also challenges the traditional academic evaluation mechanism and urges it to develop in a more comprehensive, just and pluralistic direction. DIKWP model provides a powerful framework for understanding and adapting to these changes, which enables us to better evaluate and reward the social impact, innovation and interdisciplinary contribution of research. With the continuous progress of technology and the adaptation of academic circles, the future academic research ecosystem will be more flexible, inclusive and innovative, opening up a new path for global scientific research activities.




1 引言




再者,开放获取(Open Access)和预印本服务器(Preprint Servers)的兴起正在改变学术成果分享和传播的方式。这些平台的发展促进了学术成果的即时共享,加速了知识的传播和交流,同时也降低了获取知识的门槛。未来,这些平台可能会进一步发展,结合人工智能技术实现智能推荐和定制化阅读,使得学术研究的传播更加高效和个性化。


2 学术研究和论文发表机制正在发生的变革


2.1 去中心化的研究平台

随着区块链等去中心化技术的发展,未来的学术研究可能会迁移到去中心化平台上。这些平台可以提供一个透明、公平的研究发表和审稿环境,有效减少传统出版过程中存在的延迟和偏见,同时确保研究成果的版权和认证。去中心化的机制也有助于打破传统学术出版的垄断,鼓励更多的开放获取(Open Access)研究成果。

2.2 AI辅助的研究和写作


2.3 实时协作与跨学科研究


2.4 动态更新的研究成果


2.5 评价和奖励机制的变革

随着研究方法和成果形式的多样化,传统的评价和奖励机制也将面临挑战。未来的评价体系可能会更加注重研究的社会影响、创新性和跨学科贡献,而不仅仅是发表数量或影响因子。此外,数字徽章(Digital Badges)和区块链证书等技术可能会被用来认证和奖励研究成果和个人贡献,提供更加灵活和多元的激励方式。

2.6 公众参与的科研过程







3 基于DIKWP模型的视角



信息(Information)层面的变革:随着开放科学(Open Science)的推广,研究过程和结果的透明度将大大提高。研究数据、初步结果和研究过程的详细记录将通过数字化平台公开,使得研究信息流通更为畅通无阻。这种开放性不仅有助于提高研究的可重复性和可验证性,还促进了跨学科和国际间的合作,加速了知识的传播和创新的发生。





4 从概念空间到语义空间


4.1 AI技术的影响

人工智能技术的大幅发展和DIKWP(数据、信息、知识、智慧、意图)模型的加速融合,传统出版发行面临着前所未有的挑战。AI技术,特别是AI Agent的普遍使用,为人类提供了更快的跨越从概念空间到语义空间的内容获取手段,这对传统出版业意味着需要重新思考其在新的技术环境中的定位和策略。

4.2 传统出版物面临的挑战







5 AI技术颠覆下的传统同行评议机制的深刻变革

























6 对当前的学术评价机制产生的变革和影响


6.1 SCI检索的影响



6.2 对影响因子的变革



6.3 高被引论文的新评价机制



6.4 对学术评价体系的整体影响





7 基于DIKWP模型的影响分析













8 从概念空间到语义空间转换背景下学术评价机制


















9 传统学术评价机制变革实现


9.1 初始阶段:构建基础框架



9.2 发展阶段:集成与优化




9.3 成熟阶段:智慧决策与社会反馈




9.4 长期维护与创新





10 传统评价机制如何与DIKWP评价机制衔接、融合与过渡


10.1 衔接阶段:数据和信息层面的整合


10.2 融合阶段:知识和智慧层面的深化


10.3 过渡阶段:意图层面的引入和评价体系的动态调整


10.4 完善阶段:构建基于DIKWP的综合评价平台


10.5 实施阶段:持续优化和社区参与









[1] Duan Y. Which characteristic does GPT-4 belong to? An analysis through DIKWP model. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.25042.53447. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/375597900_Which_characteristic_does_GPT-4_belong_to_An_analysis_through_DIKWP_model_GPT-4_shishenmexinggeDIKWP_moxingfenxibaogao. 2023.

[2] Duan Y. DIKWP Processing Report on Five Personality Traits. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35738.00965. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/375597092_wudaxinggetezhide_DIKWP_chulibaogao_duanyucongYucong_Duan. 2023.

[3] Duan Y. Research on the Application of DIKWP Model in Automatic Classification of Five Personality Traits. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.15605.35047. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/375597087_DIKWP_moxingzaiwudaxinggetezhizidongfenleizhongdeyingyongyanjiu_duanyucongYucong_Duan. 2023.

[4] Duan Y, Gong S. DIKWP-TRIZ method: an innovative problem-solving method that combines the DIKWP model and classic TRIZ. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.12020.53120. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/375380084_DIKWP-TRIZfangfazongheDIKWPmoxinghejingdianTRIZdechuangxinwentijiejuefangfa. 2023.

[5] Duan Y. The Technological Prospects of Natural Language Programming in Large-scale AI Models: Implementation Based on DIKWP. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.19207.57762. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/374585374_The_Technological_Prospects_of_Natural_Language_Programming_in_Large-scale_AI_Models_Implementation_Based_on_DIKWP_duanyucongYucong_Duan. 2023.

[6] Duan Y. The Technological Prospects of Natural Language Programming in Large-scale AI Models: Implementation Based on DIKWP. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.19207.57762. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/374585374_The_Technological_Prospects_of_Natural_Language_Programming_in_Large-scale_AI_Models_Implementation_Based_on_DIKWP_duanyucongYucong_Duan. 2023.

[7] Duan Y. Exploring GPT-4, Bias, and its Association with the DIKWP Model. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11687.32161. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/374420003_tantaoGPT-4pianjianjiqiyuDIKWPmoxingdeguanlian_Exploring_GPT-4_Bias_and_its_Association_with_the_DIKWP_Model. 2023.

[8] Duan Y. DIKWP language: a semantic bridge connecting humans and AI. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.16464.89602. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/374385889_DIKWP_yuyanlianjierenleiyu_AI_deyuyiqiaoliang. 2023.

[9] Duan Y. The DIKWP artificial consciousness of the DIKWP automaton method displays the corresponding processing process at the level of word and word granularity. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13773.00483. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/374267176_DIKWP_rengongyishide_DIKWP_zidongjifangshiyiziciliducengjizhanxianduiyingdechuliguocheng. 2023.

[10] Duan Y. Implementation and Application of Artificial wisdom in DIKWP Model: Exploring a Deep Framework from Data to Decision Making. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.33276.51847. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/374266065_rengongzhinengzai_DIKWP_moxingzhongdeshixianyuyingyongtansuocongshujudaojuecedeshendukuangjia_duanyucongYucong_Duan. 2023.

Data can be regarded as a concrete manifestation of the same semantics in our cognition. Often, Data represents the semantic confirmation of the existence of a specific fact or observation, and is recognised as the same object or concept by corresponding to some of the same semantic correspondences contained in the existential nature of the cognitive subject's pre-existing cognitive objects. When dealing with data, we often seek and extract the particular identical semantics that labels that data, and then unify them as an identical concept based on the corresponding identical semantics. For example, when we see a flock of sheep, although each sheep may be slightly different in terms of size, colour, gender, etc., we will classify them into the concept of "sheep" because they share our semantic understanding of the concept of "sheep". The same semantics can be specific, for example, when identifying an arm, we can confirm that a silicone arm is an arm based on the same semantics as a human arm, such as the same number of fingers, the same colour, the same arm shape, etc., or we can determine that the silicone arm is not an arm because it doesn't have the same semantics as a real arm, which is defined by the definition of "can be rotated". It is also possible to determine that the silicone arm is not an arm because it does not have the same semantics as a real arm, such as "rotatable".

Information, on the other hand, corresponds to the expression of different semantics in cognition. Typically, Information refers to the creation of new semantic associations by linking cognitive DIKWP objects with data, information, knowledge, wisdom, or purposes already cognised by the cognising subject through a specific purpose. When processing information, we identify the differences in the DIKWP objects they are cognised with, corresponding to different semantics, and classify the information according to the input data, information, knowledge, wisdom or purpose. For example, in a car park, although all cars can be classified under the notion of 'car', each car's parking location, time of parking, wear and tear, owner, functionality, payment history and experience all represent different semantics in the information. The different semantics of the information are often present in the cognition of the cognitive subject and are often not explicitly expressed. For example, a depressed person may use the term "depressed" to express the decline of his current mood relative to his previous mood, but this "depressed" is not the same as the corresponding information because its contrasting state is not the same as the corresponding information. However, the corresponding information cannot be objectively perceived by the listener because the contrasting state is not known to the listener, and thus becomes the patient's own subjective cognitive information.

Knowledge corresponds to the complete semantics in cognition. Knowledge is the understanding and explanation of the world acquired through observation and learning. In processing knowledge, we abstract at least one concept or schema that corresponds to a complete semantics through observation and learning. For example, we learn that all swans are white through observation, which is a complete knowledge of the concept "all swans are white" that we have gathered through a large amount of information.

Wisdom corresponds to information in the perspective of ethics, social morality, human nature, etc., a kind of extreme values from the culture, human social groups relative to the current era fixed or individual cognitive values. When dealing with Wisdom, we integrate this data, information, knowledge, and wisdom and use them to guide decision-making. For example, when faced with a decision-making problem, we integrate various perspectives such as ethics, morality, and feasibility, not just technology or efficiency.

Purpose can be viewed as a dichotomy (input, output), where both input and output are elements of data, information, knowledge, wisdom, or purpose. Purpose represents our understanding of a phenomenon or problem (input) and the goal we wish to achieve by processing and solving that phenomenon or problem (output). When processing purposes, the AI system processes the inputs according to its predefined goals (outputs), and gradually brings the outputs closer to the predefined goals by learning and adapting.

Yucong Duan, male, currently serves as a member of the Academic Committee of the School  of Computer Science and Technology at Hainan University. He is a professor and doctoral supervisor and is one of the first batch of talents selected into the South China Sea Masters Program of Hainan Province and the leading talents in Hainan Province. He graduated from the Software Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2006, and has successively worked and visited Tsinghua University, Capital Medical University, POSCO University of Technology in South Korea, National Academy of Sciences of France, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, Milan Bicka University in Italy, Missouri State University in the United States, etc. He is currently a member of the Academic Committee of the School of Computer Science and Technology at Hainan University and he is the leader of the DIKWP (Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom, Purpose) Innovation Team at Hainan University, Distinguished Researcher at Chongqing Police College, Leader of Hainan Provincial Committee's "Double Hundred Talent" Team, Vice President of Hainan Invention Association, Vice President of Hainan Intellectual Property Association, Vice President of Hainan Low Carbon Economy Development Promotion Association, Vice President of Hainan Agricultural Products Processing Enterprises Association, Director of Network Security and Informatization Association of Hainan Province, Director of Artificial Intelligence Society of Hainan Province, Visiting Fellow, Central Michigan University, Member of the Doctoral Steering Committee of the University of Modena. Since being introduced to Hainan University as a D-class talent in 2012, He has published over 260 papers, included more than 120 SCI citations, and 11 ESI citations, with a citation count of over 4300. He has designed 241 serialized Chinese national and international invention patents (including 15 PCT invention patents) for multiple industries and fields and has been granted 85 Chinese national and international invention patents as the first inventor. Received the third prize for Wu Wenjun's artificial intelligence technology invention in 2020; In 2021, as the Chairman of the Program Committee, independently initiated the first International Conference on Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom - IEEE DIKW 2021; Served as the Chairman of the IEEE DIKW 2022 Conference Steering Committee in 2022; Served as the Chairman of the IEEE DIKW 2023 Conference in 2023. He was named the most beautiful technology worker in Hainan Province in 2022 (and was promoted nationwide); In 2022 and 2023, he was consecutively selected for the "Lifetime Scientific Influence Ranking" of the top 2% of global scientists released by Stanford University in the United States. Participated in the development of 2 international standards for IEEE financial knowledge graph and 4 industry knowledge graph standards. Initiated and co hosted the first International Congress on Artificial Consciousness (AC2023) in 2023.


Prof. Yucong Duan

DIKWP-AC Artificial Consciousness Laboratory

AGI-AIGC-GPT Evaluation DIKWP (Global) Laboratory

DIKWP research group, Hainan University




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