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GPT4的智商(IQ)有多高? --DIKWP团队国际标准测评

已有 1403 次阅读 2023-11-21 19:57 |系统分类:论文交流

GPT4 先生的智商有多高? --DIKWP 团队国际标准测评 DIKWP-TRIZ DIKWP-AC Artificial Consciousness Laboratory AGI-AIGC-GPT Evaluation DIKWP (Global) Laboratory (Email:duanyucong@hotmail.com)





    段玉聪(Prof. Yucong Duan, 梅映天, 杨泽宇


    (Chinese people's own original invention and creation methods:DIKWP - TRIZ)

    DIKWP-AC Artificial Consciousness Laboratory

    AGI-AIGC-GPT Evaluation DIKWP (Global) Laboratory






    1. 引言










    2 5 8 11 __



    A:房屋 B:冰屋 C:平房 D:办公室 E:茅舍



    7 10 9 11 __



    A:沙丁鱼 B:鲸鱼 C:鳕鱼 D:鲨鱼 E:鳗鱼



    A:马罗 B:尼斯威 C:姆丹阿特斯 D:艾斯斯布利诺宜 E:哈本根哥







    谜底:水__ __ __



    E H L O S __




    谜底:史__ __ __




    谜底:非__ __ __




    谜底:不__ __ __







    2 5 7

    4 7 5

    3 6 _



    A:爱因斯坦 B:居里夫人 C:振杨宁 D:秀川汤树 E:莎士比亚





    NA(G__ __L__ __T)LA






    A:富兰克林 B:贝多芬 C:巴赫 D:莫特扎 E:斯卡拉蒂



    N Q L S J U __




    643(__ __ __ _)721




    A因为、所以 B既然、于是

    C倘若、就 D固然、但是




    7 9 5 11

    4 15 12 7

    13 8 11 __



    A:华盛顿 B:伦敦 C:波恩 D:渥太华 E:坎培拉 F:巴黎




    A F __ J I

    D C __ G L



    我喜爱李白的诗,____因为他的诗写的美, ___因为他的诗有一股潇洒久羁的情怀。

    A不仅、而且 B不单、也许

    C不只、只是 D不光、就是




    8 10 14 18 __ 34 50 66






    2 7 24 77 __











    2. GPT-4智商测评过程
















    第三题的答案是14。这个数列的规律是交替增加和减少,每次变化的数值逐渐增加(+3, -1, +2),所以接下来应该是+3,即113等于14​







































    第一列是:2, 4, 3(增加2再减少1

    第二列是:5, 7, 6(增加2再减少1
































































    标准的国际象棋棋盘由 8x8 的方格组成,总共有 64 个方格。





    给定这辆自行车轮子的直径是 20 英寸,所以它的周长C会是:



    这辆自行车轮子的周长约为 62.83 英寸。





    3. GPT4智商标准测评可视化




















    4. 结论




















    段玉聪,海南大学计算机科学与技术学院教授,博士生导师, 第一批入选海南省南海名家计划、海南省领军人才,2006年毕业于中国科学院软件研究所,先后在清华大学、首都医科大学、韩国浦项工科大学、法国国家科学院、捷克布拉格查理大学、意大利米兰比克卡大学、美国密苏里州立大学等工作与访学。现任海南大学计算机科学与技术学院学术委员会委员、海南大学数据、信息、知识、智慧、意图DIKWP创新团队负责人、兼重庆警察学院特聘研究员、海南省委双百人才团队负责人、海南省发明协会副会长、海南省知识产权协会副会长、海南省低碳经济发展促进会副会长、海南省农产品加工企业协会副会长、美国中密西根大学客座研究员及意大利摩德纳大学的博士指导委员会委员等职务。自2012年作为D类人才引进海南大学以来,累计发表论文260余篇,SCI收录120余次,ESI高被引11,引用统计超过4300次。面向多行业、多领域设计了241件(含15PCT发明专利)系列化中国国家及国际发明专利,已获授权第1发明人中国国家发明专利及国际发明专利共85件。2020年获吴文俊人工智能技术发明三等奖;2021年作为程序委员会主席独立发起首届国际数据、信息、知识与智慧大会-IEEE DIKW 20212022年担任IEEE DIKW 2022大会指导委员会主席;2023年担任IEEE DIKW 2023大会主席;2022年获评海南省最美科技工作者(并被推全国);2022年与2023年连续入选美国斯坦福大学发布的全球前2%顶尖科学家的终身科学影响力排行榜榜单。参与研制IEEE金融知识图谱国际标准2项、行业知识图谱标准4项。2023年发起并共同举办首届世界人工意识大会(Artificial Consciousness 2023, AC2023)

















    [1] Liu Y, Wang W, Wang W, et al. Purpose-Driven Evaluation of Operation and Maintenance Efficiency and Safety Based on DIKWP[J]. Sustainability, 2023, 15(17): 13083.

    [2] Duan Y, Sun X, Che H, et al. Modeling data, information and knowledge for security protection of hybrid IoT and edge resources[J]. Ieee Access, 2019, 7: 99161-99176.

    [3] Mei Y, Duan Y, Chen L, et al. Purpose Driven Disputation Modeling, Analysis and Resolution Based on DIKWP Graphs[C]//2022 IEEE 24th Int Conf on High Performance Computing & Communications; 8th Int Conf on Data Science & Systems; 20th Int Conf on Smart City; 8th Int Conf on Dependability in Sensor, Cloud & Big Data Systems & Application (HPCC/DSS/SmartCity/DependSys). IEEE, 2022: 2118-2125.

    [4] Guo Z, Duan Y, Chen L, et al. Purpose Driven DIKW Modeling and Analysis of Meteorology and Depression[C]//2022 IEEE 24th Int Conf on High Performance Computing & Communications; 8th Int Conf on Data Science & Systems; 20th Int Conf on Smart City; 8th Int Conf on Dependability in Sensor, Cloud & Big Data Systems & Application (HPCC/DSS/SmartCity/DependSys). IEEE, 2022: 2126-2133.

    [5] Huang Y, Duan Y, Yu L, et al. Purpose Driven Modelling and Analysis for Smart Table Fill and Design based on DIKW[C]//2022 IEEE 24th Int Conf on High Performance Computing & Communications; 8th Int Conf on Data Science & Systems; 20th Int Conf on Smart City; 8th Int Conf on Dependability in Sensor, Cloud & Big Data Systems & Application (HPCC/DSS/SmartCity/DependSys). IEEE, 2022: 2134-2141.

    [6] Fan K, Duan Y. Purpose Computation-Oriented Modeling and Transformation on DIKW Architecture[J]. Intelligent Processing Practices and Tools for E-Commerce Data, Information, and Knowledge, 2022: 45-63.

    [7] Li Y, Duan Y, Maamar Z, et al. Swarm differential privacy for purpose-driven data-information-knowledge-wisdom architecture[J]. Mobile Information Systems, 2021, 2021: 1-15.

    [8] Hu T, Duan Y, Mei Y. Purpose Driven Balancing of Fairness for Emotional Content Transfer Over DIKW[C]//2021 IEEE 23rd Int Conf on High Performance Computing & Communications; 7th Int Conf on Data Science & Systems; 19th Int Conf on Smart City; 7th Int Conf on Dependability in Sensor, Cloud & Big Data Systems & Application (HPCC/DSS/SmartCity/DependSys). IEEE, 2021: 2074-2081.

    [9] Huang Y, Duan Y. Fairness Modelling, Checking and Adjustment for Purpose Driven Content Filling over DIKW[C]//2021 IEEE 23rd Int Conf on High Performance Computing & Communications; 7th Int Conf on Data Science & Systems; 19th Int Conf on Smart City; 7th Int Conf on Dependability in Sensor, Cloud & Big Data Systems & Application (HPCC/DSS/SmartCity/DependSys). IEEE, 2021: 2316-2321.

    [10] Mei Y, Duan Y, Yu L, et al. Purpose Driven Biological Lawsuit Modeling and Analysis Based on DIKWP[C]//International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2022: 250-267.

    [11] Lei Y, Duan Y. Purpose-driven Content Network Transmission Protocol Crossing DIKW Modals[C]//2021 IEEE 23rd Int Conf on High Performance Computing & Communications; 7th Int Conf on Data Science & Systems; 19th Int Conf on Smart City; 7th Int Conf on Dependability in Sensor, Cloud & Big Data Systems & Application (HPCC/DSS/SmartCity/DependSys). IEEE, 2021: 2322-2327.

    [12] Huang Y, Duan Y. Towards purpose driven content interaction modeling and processing based on DIKW[C]//2021 IEEE World Congress on Services (SERVICES). IEEE, 2021: 27-32.

    [13] Li Y, Duan Y, Maamar Z, et al. Swarm differential privacy for purpose-driven data-information-knowledge-wisdom architecture[J]. Mobile Information Systems, 2021, 2021: 1-15.

    [14] Qiao H, Yu L, Duan Y. Analysis of Evolutionary Model of DIKW Based on Cloud Resource Allocation Management[C]//2021 IEEE 23rd Int Conf on High Performance Computing & Communications; 7th Int Conf on Data Science & Systems; 19th Int Conf on Smart City; 7th Int Conf on Dependability in Sensor, Cloud & Big Data Systems & Application (HPCC/DSS/SmartCity/DependSys). IEEE, 2021: 2172-2179.

    [15] Chen L, Wei X, Chen S, et al. Reconstruction of Smart Meteorological Service Based on DIKW[C]//2021 IEEE 23rd Int Conf on High Performance Computing & Communications; 7th Int Conf on Data Science & Systems; 19th Int Conf on Smart City; 7th Int Conf on Dependability in Sensor, Cloud & Big Data Systems & Application (HPCC/DSS/SmartCity/DependSys). IEEE, 2021: 2180-2183.

    [16] Hu T, Duan Y. Modeling and Measuring for Emotion Communication based on DIKW[C]//2021 IEEE World Congress on Services (SERVICES). IEEE, 2021: 21-26.

    [17] Haiyang Z, Lei Y, Yucong D. Service Recommendation based on Smart Contract and DIKW[C]//2021 IEEE World Congress on Services (SERVICES). IEEE, 2021: 54-59.

    [18] Hu S, Duan Y, Song M. Essence Computation Oriented Multi-semantic Analysis Crossing Multi-modal DIKW Graphs[C]//International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020: 320-339.

    [19] Duan Y, Lu Z, Zhou Z, et al. Data privacy protection for edge computing of smart city in a DIKW architecture[J]. Engineering Applications of Artificial wisdom, 2019, 81: 323-335.

    [20] Duan Y, Zhan L, Zhang X, et al. Formalizing DIKW architecture for modeling security and privacy as typed resources[C]//Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communities: 13th EAI International Conference, TridentCom 2018, Shanghai, China, December 1-3, 2018, Proceedings 13. Springer International Publishing, 2019: 157-168.

    [21] Wang Y, Duan Y, Wang M, et al. Resource Adjustment Processing on the DIKWP Artificial Consciousness Diagnostic System, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23640.06401. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/375492685_Resource_Adjustment_Processing_on_the_DIKWP_Artificial_Consciousness_Diagnostic_System. 2023.

    [22] Tang F, Duan Y, Wei J, et al. DIKWP Artificial Consciousness White Box Measurement Standards Framework Design and Practice, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23010.91848. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/375492522_DIKWP_Artificial_Consciousness_White_Box_Measurement_Standards_Framework_Design_and_Practice. 2023.

    [23] Wu K, Duan Y, Chen L, et al. Computer Architecture and Chip Design for DIKWP Artificial Consciousness, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.33077.24802. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/375492075_Computer_Architecture_and_Chip_Design_for_DIKWP_Artificial_Consciousness. 2023.

    [24] Duan Y. Which characteristic does GPT-4 belong to? An analysis through DIKWP model. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.25042.53447. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/375597900_Which_characteristic_does_GPT-4_belong_to_An_analysis_through_DIKWP_model_GPT-4_shishenmexinggeDIKWP_moxingfenxibaogao. 2023.

    [25] Duan Y. DIKWP Processing Report on Five Personality Traits. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35738.00965. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/375597092_wudaxinggetezhide_DIKWP_chulibaogao_duanyucongYucong_Duan. 2023.

    [26] Duan Y. Research on the Application of DIKWP Model in Automatic Classification of Five Personality Traits. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.15605.35047. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/375597087_DIKWP_moxingzaiwudaxinggetezhizidongfenleizhongdeyingyongyanjiu_duanyucongYucong_Duan. 2023.

    [27] Duan Y, Gong S. DIKWP-TRIZ method: an innovative problem-solving method that combines the DIKWP model and classic TRIZ. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.12020.53120. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/375380084_DIKWP-TRIZfangfazongheDIKWPmoxinghejingdianTRIZdechuangxinwentijiejuefangfa. 2023.

    [28] Duan Y. The Technological Prospects of Natural Language Programming in Large-scale AI Models: Implementation Based on DIKWP. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.19207.57762. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/374585374_The_Technological_Prospects_of_Natural_Language_Programming_in_Large-scale_AI_Models_Implementation_Based_on_DIKWP_duanyucongYucong_Duan. 2023.

    [29] Duan Y. The Technological Prospects of Natural Language Programming in Large-scale AI Models: Implementation Based on DIKWP. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.19207.57762. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/374585374_The_Technological_Prospects_of_Natural_Language_Programming_in_Large-scale_AI_Models_Implementation_Based_on_DIKWP_duanyucongYucong_Duan. 2023.

    [30] Duan Y. Exploring GPT-4, Bias, and its Association with the DIKWP Model. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11687.32161. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/374420003_tantaoGPT-4pianjianjiqiyuDIKWPmoxingdeguanlian_Exploring_GPT-4_Bias_and_its_Association_with_the_DIKWP_Model. 2023.

    [31] Duan Y. DIKWP language: a semantic bridge connecting humans and AI. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.16464.89602. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/374385889_DIKWP_yuyanlianjierenleiyu_AI_deyuyiqiaoliang. 2023.

    [32] Duan Y. The DIKWP artificial consciousness of the DIKWP automaton method displays the corresponding processing process at the level of word and word granularity. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13773.00483. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/374267176_DIKWP_rengongyishide_DIKWP_zidongjifangshiyiziciliducengjizhanxianduiyingdechuliguocheng. 2023.

    [33] Duan Y. Implementation and Application of Artificial wisdom in DIKWP Model: Exploring a Deep Framework from Data to Decision Making. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.33276.51847. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/374266065_rengongzhinengzai_DIKWP_moxingzhongdeshixianyuyingyongtansuocongshujudaojuecedeshendukuangjia_duanyucongYucong_Duan. 2023.

    [34] Duan Y. DIKWP Digital Economics 12 Chain Machine Learning Chain: Data Learning, Information Learning, Knowledge Learning, Intelligent Learning, purposeal Learning. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26565.63201. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/374266062_DIKWP_shuzijingjixue_12_lianzhijiqixuexilian_shujuxuexi-xinxixuexi-zhishixuexi-zhihuixue_xi-yituxuexi_duanyucongYucong_Duan. 2023

    [35] Duan Y. Big Data and Small Data Governance Based on DIKWP Model: Challenges and Opportunities for China. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21532.46724. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/374266054_jiyuDIKWPmoxingdedashujuyuxiaoshujuzhili_zhongguodetiaozhanyujiyu. 2023.

    [36] Duan Y. DIKWP is based on digital governance: from "data governance", "information governance", "knowledge governance" to "wisdom governance". "Analysis of the current situation. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23210.18883. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/374265977_DIKWPjiyushuzizhilicongshujuzhilixinxizhilizhishizhilidaozhihuihuazhilidexianzhuangfenxi. 2023.

    [37] Duan Y. Exploration of the nature of data tenure and rights enforcement issues based on the DIKWP model. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35793.10080. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/374265942_jiyu_DIKWP_moxingdeshujuquanshuxingzhiyuquequanwentitantao_duanyucongYucong_Duan. 2023.

    [38] Duan Y. The DIKWP Model: Bridging Human and Artificial Consciousness. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23839.33447. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/374265912_DIKWP_moxingrenleiyurengongyishideqiaoliang_duanyucongYucong_Duan. 2023.

    [39] Duan Y. An Exploration of Data Assetisation Based on the DIKWP Model: Definitions, Challenges and Prospects. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24887.91043. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/374265881_jiyu_DIKWP_moxingdeshujuzichanhuatanjiudingyitiaozhanyuqianjing_duanyucongYucong_Duan. 2023.

    [40] Duan Y. Purpose-driven DIKWP Resource Transformation Processing: A New Dimension of Digital Governance. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29921.07529. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/374265796_yituqudongde_DIKWP_ziyuanzhuanhuachulishuzizhilidexinweidu_duanyucongYucong_Duan. 2023.

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    DIKWP series of technological inventions









    Method of Object Recognition in Image Data Based on a Three-Layer Graph Architecture of Data, Information, and Knowledge

    Enhanced Method of Object Recognition in Image Data Based on Data Graph, Information Graph, and Knowledge Graph

    Design Method of IoT Monitoring System Based on Data Graph, Information Graph, and Knowledge Graph for Investment Decision-making

    Cross-Modal Text Ambiguity Resolution Method for Essence Computing and Reasoning in the DIKW Framework

    Essence Computing-Based Differential Content Recommendation Method Across Data, Information, and Knowledge Modalities


    User Behavior Content Encoding and Decoding Method Across Data, Information, and Knowledge Modalities

    Essence Identification Method and Components Across Data, Information, Knowledge Modalities, and Dimensions

    Cross-Modal Recommendation Method and Device for Essence Computing and Integrated Reasoning

    Modeling and Optimization Mechanism for Content Transmission Based on Data Graph, Information Graph, and Knowledge Graph

    Essence Computing-Based Method and Components for Processing Virtual Community Resources Across DIKW Graphs


    Automated Security Situational Awareness, Analysis, and Alert System for Typified Resources

    Information Privacy Protection Method for Typified Resources in the IoT Environment

    A Graph-Based Target-Driven Learning Point and Learning Path Recommendation Method Oriented towards the 5Ws

    Personalized and Convenient Adaptive Multilevel Interaction Zone Optimization Configuration Method

    Cross-Modal Randomized Privacy Protection Method and System for Essence Computing and Inference


    Multi-dimensional Value-Oriented purpose-Based Object Numerical Calculation Method

    Value-Driven Hidden Resource Method for Typified Data and Its Graph Representation

    Value-Driven Dynamic Recommender System with Multi-Factor Dimensional Space and Multi-Scale Fusion

    Personalized Organization and Optimization Method for Network Personnel and Content

    Time-Sensitive Blockchain-like Cryptographic System Based on Social Networks


    purpose-Driven Multi-Modal DIKW Content Transmission Method

    purpose-Driven DIKW Content Processing Method and System

    purpose-Driven Interactive Form-Filling Method for DIKW Content

    Multi-dimensional Value-Oriented purpose-Based Object Numerical Calculation Method

    Value-Driven Purpose-Oriented Fusion Optimization System








    Fairness-Oriented Mapping and Transmission Method of Emotional Content to DIKW

    A cross-modal user healthcare data analysis method oriented towards fundamental computation

    Modeling and processing optimization mechanisms for content transmission based on data graphs, information graphs, and knowledge graphs

    A design method for a typified healthcare resource processing system oriented towards edge computing 

    Privacy protection method for Internet of Things (IoT) data with a focus on typified resources


    Combination optimization method for spatial representation oriented towards groups

    Optimization system for Internet of Things (IoT) resource collection and transmission, oriented towards typified resources

    A security-definable resource protection method for investment decisions based on data graphs, information graphs, and knowledge graphs

    A user satisfaction modeling and display space adjustment method that integrates fairness, user experience, and pricing

    purpose-driven group differential privacy protection method and device for the DIKW system


    A technology-based multimodal privacy protection method that integrates fairness, justice, and transparent regulatory measures

    A learner competency modeling and learning process optimization management system based on data graphs, information graphs, and knowledge graphs


    Investment-driven security protection method for Internet of Things (IoT) resources

    A customized system for environmentally friendly interactive cookware, defined with a focus on processing-defined health

    Emotion expression mapping, measurement, and optimization transmission system oriented towards DIKW resources


    Multimodal DIKW content multi-semantic analysis method oriented towards fundamental computation

    An investment-driven efficiency optimization method for resource storage based on data graphs, information graphs, and knowledge graphs

    An investment-driven design method for an Internet of Things (IoT) monitoring system based on data graphs, information graphs, and knowledge graphs

    Emotion-based personalized region generation and display method

    Privacy resource handling method and components for DIKW (Data, Information,Knowledge, Wisdom) oriented towards fundamental computation


    purpose-driven computation and inference DIKW model construction method and device

    purpose-driven content enrichment system for adaptive competition and cooperation purposes

    Value-driven method for concealing resources of typified data and their graph representation

    Interactive region partitioning and transmission optimization processing mechanism based on data graphs, information graphs, and knowledge graphs

    purpose-driven interactive form filling method for DIKW content








    Image Data Object Recognition Method Based on Three-tier Graph Architecture of Data, Information, and Knowledge

    A Semantic Modeling and Abstraction Enhancement Method Based on a Framework of Data Graph, Information Graph, and Knowledge Graph with Association Frequency Calculation

    Privacy Protection Method for Cross-DIKW Modalities Focused on Essential Computation using Relative Differential Privacy

    Oral Language Learning Correction Method Based on Visualization of Biased Organ Morphology and Behavior

    Personality Analysis and Content Recommendation Method for Virtual Community Members Based on DIKW Graphs


    Cross-Modal and Dimension Warning Method and Components

    Personalized English Letter Presentation Style Transformation Method

    Enhanced Image Object Recognition Method based on Data Graph, Information Graph, and Knowledge Graph

    Method for Customizable Interaction Area Definition, Presentation, and Recognition

    Image Data Object Recognition Method Based on Three-Tier Graph Architecture of Data, Information, and Knowledge


    Method and System for Carrying Out Value Exchange Conversion Between Data Portraits and Information Portraits

    Essential Content Processing Method and System for Multimodal Resources based on Common Sense Reasoning

    Value-Oriented Integrated Optimization System for Typed Resources Storage and Computation

    Active Adaptive Algorithm for Spatial Presentation Platform Angle Distance

    Search Optimization Method Based on Data Graph, Information Graph, and Knowledge Graph


    Multidimensional Value-Oriented Object-Oriented Numerical Calculation Method for purpose

    Multidimensional Systematized Interaction Mechanism with Definable Privacy Ambiguity

    Emotion-Based Personalized Area Generation and Presentation Method

    Cross-Modal Typed Privacy Information Resource Differential Protection Method and System

    Privacy Resource Protection Method for Cross-Modal DIKW with a Focus on Essential Computation and Inference


    DIKW Model Construction Method and Device for purpose-Based Computation and Inference

    Content Processing Method and System for DIKW Driven by purpose

    Intelligent Reminder Mechanism for Matching Scenes, Events, Characters, and purposes

    DIKW Resource Analysis Method and System for purpose-Based Computation and Inference

    Interaction Cost-Driven Security Protection Method for Typed Resources

    A Semantic Modeling and Abstract Enhancement Method Based on Data Graph, Information Graph, and Knowledge Graph Frameworks for Correlation Frequency Calculation

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    The present invention is a semantic modeling and abstract enhancement method based on data graph, information graph, and knowledge graph frameworks for correlation frequency calculation. It is mainly used to obtain reasonable class and object graphs from initial requirement descriptions and application scenarios, belonging to the cross domain of distributed computing and software engineering technology. Expressing discrete entities, objects, attributes, and operations on a data graph, recording the frequency of each entity, object, attribute, or operation, including structural frequency, temporal frequency, and spatial frequency; Mark the interaction relationships between nodes on the information graph, calculate the interaction frequency, which is the number of interactions. When the interaction frequency exceeds the set threshold, integrate multiple nodes, and generate new nodes as entities to continue labeling structural frequency, temporal frequency, and spatial frequency; Applying relationship abstraction rules to further abstract the relationships between classes on the knowledge graph can supplement the completeness of requirement expression and improve development efficiency.

    2. A Positive and Negative Bidirectional Dynamic Balancing Search Strategy for Resource Environment

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    The present invention is a bidirectional dynamic balance search strategy for resource environment, belonging to the cross field of distributed computing and software engineering technology. The present invention is mainly used for conducting a limited number of progressive searches on positive and negative discriminative problems proposed by searchers, introducing a three-layer architecture of data graph, information graph, and knowledge graph, organizing resources on the network, understanding the tendency of searchers to retrieve information through semantic analysis, and searching for the requirements proposed by searchers based on positive and negative tendencies, The reliability of the inclined resource is calculated by the number of entries searched each time and the entropy value of the corresponding resource for each entry. False information and invalid information are eliminated with the number of progressive searches, improving the quality of search resources and avoiding the situation of search falling into a dead cycle when facing the problem of infinite super complexity.

    3. A Fault Tolerant Intelligent Semantic Search Method Based on Graph Architecture

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    The present invention is a fault-tolerant intelligent semantic search method based on graph architecture, belonging to the interdisciplinary field of distributed computing and software engineering technology. It is mainly used to solve decision-making problems in the face of uncertain and untrue information during the use of search engines. Introduce a three-layer architecture of data graph, information graph, and knowledge graph, organize resources on the network, establish a user investment model based on the user's pre waiting time and planned payment amount, understand the user's tendency to retrieve information through semantic analysis, and allocate user investment according to the proportion of each tendency based on the number of searches for different tendencies. Calculate the reliability of the inclined resource based on the number of entries searched each time and the entropy value of the corresponding resource for each entry. False and invalid information will be excluded with the number of progressive searches. After returning the resource to the user, obtain user feedback. If the user is not satisfied, prompt the user to increase their investment and continue the progressive search.

    4. Automatic Security Situation Awareness, Analysis, and Alarm System for Typed Resources

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    The present invention is a development method for an automatic security situational awareness, analysis, and alarm system for typed resources, and provides explanations of resource forms including data, information, and knowledge, as well as conceptual representations of data graphs, information graphs, and knowledge graphs. It belongs to the cross domain of distributed computing and software engineering technology. The present invention proposes to map network security situation and automatic alarm rules into a collection of resource instances of types such as data, information, and knowledge, establish a resource optimization objective function, adjust resource storage and matching schemes through storage and calculation collaboration, optimize the spatial cost of resource storage and the time efficiency of situation awareness, monitor network security situation changes in real-time, and update the automatic alarm rule set, It is conducive to timely response to safety situations.

    5. Optimization System for Collection and Transmission of IoT Resources for Typed Resources

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    The present invention is a development method for optimizing the collection and transmission of IoT resources for typed resources. The resources collected by sensor groups in the form of data, information, and knowledge are transmitted to resource processing nodes using IoT transmission networks to optimize resource allocation, belonging to the cross domain of distributed computing and software engineering technology. The present invention proposes to change the scale of resources through type conversion between resources such as data, information, and knowledge, solving the problem of low efficiency in resource transmission and low utilization of network resources due to limited network bandwidth resources.

    6. Image Data Target Recognition Enhancement Method Based on Data Graph, Information Graph, and Knowledge Graph

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    The present invention is an image data target recognition enhancement method based on data graph, information graph, and knowledge graph architecture. Mainly used to solve the problem of existing image recognition methods being unable to recognize unlabeled categories in the training set, it belongs to the cross domain of distributed computing and software engineering technology. The key is to start from the existing image type recognition results based on deep learning methods, construct a three-layer graph based on existing image resources, perform feature matching on the data graph for unrecognized image categories to obtain initial matching results, perform relationship matching on the information graph spectrum for identified image categories to obtain intermediate matching results, and finally perform indirect interaction relationship matching on the knowledge graph, Calculate the credibility of the intermediate matching results and sort them, and recommend the matching image category with the highest credibility to the user.

    7. Image Information Target Recognition Enhancement Method Based on Data Graph, Information Graph, and Knowledge Graph


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    The present invention is an image information target recognition enhancement method based on data graphs, information graphs, and knowledge graphs, belonging to the cross field of distributed computing and software engineering technology. The purpose of this method is to enable machines to automatically and intelligently perform image recognition, finding information in the image that cannot be directly observed. The present invention establishes a data graph, information graph, and knowledge graph architecture. Firstly, the observable images in the recognition image are combined with the data graph to achieve image classification. Then, the interaction relationships displayed in the image are combined with the information graph to find parallel relationships. Finally, hidden information is found through knowledge reasoning on the paths in the knowledge graph to achieve information recognition.

    8. Investment driven IoT resource security protection methods

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    An investment driven method for protecting the security of IoT resources belongs to the cross domain of distributed computing and software engineering technology. Its characteristic is to transform the types of resources existing in the form of data, information, and knowledge in the Internet of Things to increase the difficulty of obtaining resources by unauthorized users, and store the converted resources on data graphs, information graphs, and knowledge graphs, calculating the conversion and storage costs, while considering the transmission of resources in the Internet of Things and calculating the transmission costs, Its characteristic is to calculate the search cost for attackers to search for original form resources by traversing a three-layer graph. Its characteristic is to provide cost-effective resource security protection based on the calculated user investment and resource security level, while allowing service providers to obtain profits from the provided services by integrating user investment and security level values.

    9. A Data Privacy Protection Method for Typed Resources in the Internet of Things

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    A type oriented resource oriented IoT data privacy protection method, characterized in that it can protect data privacy in different forms, directly search for data privacy on data graphs and information graphs, and obtain data privacy by combining data, information, and related data on information graphs; Its feature is to distinguish between user information in the form of links and aggregated information, and provide a fusion solution for protecting the privacy of these two forms of information related to data privacy; Its characteristic is to use privacy to evaluate the degree of user data privacy exposure and provide cost-effective privacy protection services, hoping to obtain the strongest level of privacy protection with minimal user investment.

    10. A time sensitive blockchain like cryptosystem based on social networks

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    The present invention is a time sensitive blockchain like cryptosystem based on social networks. Social networks are composed of a series of subnets, consisting of nodes that store member information and protocol information between members and users in a specific social network; Divide these nodes into overlapping nodes and non overlapping nodes, calculate the contribution value of the nodes and the time cost spent searching for the nodes, stop the search after the total time cost exceeds the user's expected time, store the searched nodes in the dataset, and perform blockchain processing on the nodes in the dataset; The present invention belongs to the interdisciplinary field of information technology and software engineering.

    11. Method of providing customizable and adaptive multi-functional interaction areas for portable mobile terminal users

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    The present invention provides portable mobile terminal users with customizable and adaptive multi-functional interaction areas. The interaction areas are divided into two categories: single-sided and double-sided screens. Users can freely draw the appearance, including size, color, position, and shape. Afterwards, users can customize the corresponding instructions and triggering methods for each interaction area. After the user completes the customization, The present invention provides a method for dividing shapes into complete and incomplete recognition region ranges, and encoding both within and outside the range; At the same time, the system will provide intelligent recommendations for users based on their information and customization, including their gender, age, mood, habits, etc; The present invention belongs to the interdisciplinary field of computer accessory technology and software engineering.

    12. Value driven typed data and its graph representation for resource hiding methods

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    The present invention proposes a value driven resource hiding method for typed data and its graph representation based on a data graph in a three-layer knowledge graph that can be automatically abstracted; The characteristic is to measure the various components of security resources and their topological structures through systematic and fully typed dimensionally defined data. Security resources and their topological structures are defined based on data elements of different dimensions, thereby weakening the data resources of security resources through the newly defined different security resources and their topological structures, and achieving the purpose of data resource hiding.

    13. A Semantic Modeling Method for Dynamically Abstract Processing Architecture Resources Based on Data Graph, Information Graph, and Knowledge Graph

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    In response to the challenges of existing value oriented or value driven data, information, and knowledge lifecycle assessment methods, the present invention proposes a semantic modeling method based on data graph, information graph, and knowledge graph processing architecture resources that can be dynamically abstracted, belonging to the cross domain of distributed computing and software engineering technology. Based on the data graph, the data observation and collection in software development activity requirement analysis were analyzed, and the structural frequency, temporal frequency, and spatial frequency of the data were labeled. Using information graphs to record the frequency of interaction between entities, abstracting and integrating frequently interacting nodes based on the calculated cohesion between entities, and marking the structural, temporal, and spatial frequencies of the integrated new entities. In the requirement modeling of detailed design activities, the present invention elaborates on the advantages of knowledge graph in requirement expression compared to UML, including the completeness and coverage of semantic expression of requirements.

    14. A Defined Resource Security Protection Method Based on Data Graph, Information Graph, and Knowledge Graph for Investment Determined Security

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    The present invention is a resource security protection method based on data graph, information graph, and knowledge graph, which can define the security of investment decisions. It provides an explanation of resource forms including data, information, and knowledge, as well as a conceptual representation of data graph, information graph, and knowledge graph. It belongs to the cross field of distributed computing and software engineering technology. To maintain the security of resources, it is not possible to determine which layer of graph the resources should be stored on solely based on the resource type. The present invention allocates the search and storage types of different types of resources reasonably through the calculation of the transfer cost of resource search object type, resource storage space resource type transfer cost, and resource search cost. The resource storage scheme is determined through the investment of the resource owner, providing resource protection services.

    15. A Search Optimization Method Based on Data Graph, Information Graph, and Knowledge Graph

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    The present invention is a search optimization method based on data graphs, information graphs, and knowledge graphs, and provides conceptual representations of data graphs, information graphs, and knowledge graphs, belonging to the cross domain of distributed computing and software engineering technology. Mainly used to search for resources stored in the form of data, information, and knowledge through data graphs, information graphs, and knowledge graphs, calculating the efficiency and cost of searching for resources on different levels of graphs. By parameterizing the search process, the efficiency and cost of searching for resources on data graphs, information graphs, and knowledge graphs are measured, enabling users to obtain relatively effective and accurate resources at the lowest cost and improving search efficiency.

    16. A Method for Correcting Oral Learning Based on Visualization of Deviated Organ Morphology and Behavior

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    The present invention is a verbal learning correction method based on visualization of deviant organ morphology and behavior. By comparing the phonemes, stress, word pauses, and intonation of learners' pronunciation with the standard pronunciation, the accuracy of learners' pronunciation and the deviation between the behavior of their pronunciation organs and the standard behavior are calculated, and visualized for learners. The main step is S1. Collect pronunciation information of learners and standard tones, preprocess the collected signals, and extract features; S2. Construct a standard pronunciation organ morphology behavior library for sentences, mapping the pronunciation features of standard pronunciation to the organ morphology behavior library; S3. Calculate the similarity between the phonemes, stress, pauses, and intonation of learners' pronunciation and the standard pronunciation, calculate the deviation value of organ behavior, and visually display it to learners; S4. Comprehensive evaluation of learners' pronunciation based on four indicators and feedback to improve learning efficiency.

    17. Value-oriented integrated storage and computing optimization system for typed resources

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    The present invention is a value-oriented storage and processing integration optimization method for typed resources, which classifies resource instances collected by the Internet of Things (IoT) into three types of data, information, and knowledge at the conceptual level, and in order to solve the contradiction between the limited bandwidth of the IoT network and the demand for transmission of massive resources, determines a processing scheme for the resources by comparing the cost of directly processing the resources and converting the resource types and then processing them, and belongs to the intersection of distributed computing and software engineering technologies. The invention models the collection, transmission, storage, processing, conversion, creation, display, protection and use of resources as the corresponding activities of the relevant resources, realizes dynamic resource allocation under limited network bandwidth resources, improves the efficiency of resource use and maintains a balanced resource load, optimizes the computational and spatial costs required for resource processing and storage, and maintains the system in a relatively stable state.


    18. Target recognition method for image data based on the three-layer mapping architecture of data, information and knowledge

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    The present invention is an image data target recognition method based on a three-layer graph architecture of data, information, and knowledge, and belongs to the intersection of distributed computing and software engineering technologies. The present invention mainly introduces the data graph, information graph, and knowledge graph architecture to carry out knowledge reasoning on unidentified images, so as to realize automatic and intelligent recognition of entity targets in pictures or in images captured by cameras. The specific realization step is to find a path that can connect with the unidentified target in the data graph, information graph, or knowledge graph by analyzing the identified target, traversing the entities on the path while performing feature matching, and finally finding the identification result that has the highest degree of match with the unidentified target.

    19.  Dynamic simulation and display system for off-line suitability of vessel liquids

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    The present invention is a container liquid offline suitability dynamic simulation and display system, the present invention for different environments, vessels, solution attributes to establish the influencing factors model, but also through the acquisition of user needs to provide to meet the user's personalized use of equipment. Users can predict the use of any vessel for different environments under the use of various indicators, but also in the use of personal needs through the temperature patch and APP in a very convenient access to the temperature information of the liquid in the vessel in line with the desired temperature of the solution in the use of the vessel, so as to get more convenient. The present invention provides the user with the patch and APP applicable to any vessel greatly reduces the user cost, more environmentally friendly and convenient. The present invention belongs to the temperature detection and water cup technology cross field.

    20. An Emotion-Based Approach to Personalized Region Generation and Presentation

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    The present invention is a method for generating and displaying personalized regions based on emotions, collecting users' emotional factors, analyzing users' emotions, analyzing individual users' emotions and corresponding emotions that this emotion tends to be based on emotional learning; displaying the emotional concentration of a group of users in a region in a visual way, and later recommending for an individual user a group of users on a region that corresponds to the emotional concentration that meets the user's emotional tendency region, the present invention belongs to the cross field of graphic image and software engineering.

    21. Optimization method for group-oriented spatial display combinations

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    The present application relates to a group-oriented spatial display combination optimization method and belongs to the intersection of service computing and software engineering. It is characterized in that the present invention uses spatially movable intelligent projection materials to display images such as animations, and meets the fairness, experience and satisfaction of users by means of a reasonable pricing method, adjusting the projection content, adjusting the spatial position of the display system, adjusting the shape of the display system, and employing a plurality of projection screens. The methods of the present invention can be loaded onto a variety of projection devices. The present invention adopts the idea of divide-and-conquer algorithm design to categorize the different shapes constituted by the positions between multiple users into three categories: linear shapes, circular shapes, and irregular shapes illuminated by factors such as terrain. For these three situations, the present invention gives three solutions to solve the problems of unfairness, poor experience and low satisfaction that may exist among users.

    22. Active adaptation algorithms for angular distance of space display platforms

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    CN 109597488A

    The present invention discloses a spatial display platform angle distance active adaptation algorithm, which mainly solves the problem that the spatial display platform cannot actively adapt to changes in the user's position and visual angle. The realization process is as follows: (1) Based on the data derived from facial recognition technology, positioning technology, and sensing technology, the orientation can be quickly determined, and the optimal distance of the display platform from the user can be determined by combining the most comfortable viewing distance in the health model. (2) Based on the data analyzing the overall morphology of the user, calculate the vector direction of the user's line of sight (3) Find the tilting direction of the display platform as well as the height based on the direction of the line of sight, and combine with the previous data to obtain the specific position of the display platform (4) Calculate the moving distance and direction of the display platform based on the effects of time, user comfort, and eye fatigue, and other factors. In the field of research adaptive, the present invention can not only meet the user in different positions can maximize the comfort of viewing the display platform, but also has a high efficiency and accuracy.

    23. Methods for organizing and optimizing personalized web presence and content

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    CN 109144494A

    The present invention is a method for organizing and optimizing personalized network personnel and content, and the method organizes and optimizes the user's social network resources into two parts, namely, personnel and content; the importance of personnel is sorted while recommending implied real social relationships to the user, and finally the two parts are displayed to the user according to personalized choices to form the user's virtual social network; the user's social relationships are combined with the user's social relationships, and the content is sorted according to the user's personalized choice to rank the importance of the content, and display the content according to the criteria that is most comfortable for the user to view; the present invention belongs to the cross field of social and software engineering.

    24. Methods for defining, displaying and identifying areas for customized interaction areas

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    CN 109144645A

    The present invention is a method for defining, displaying and identifying regions of customized interactive regions, the region definition includes appearance definition and instruction definition, the appearance definition means that the user draws the appearance freely, including size, color, position and shape, after the user defines the appearance, the user can customize the corresponding instruction and trigger mode of each interactive region; after the end of the region definition, the present invention gives a display method of the customized region and a recognition method of the shape of an individual and a group, after identifying the region, the region is coded inside and outside the recognized region; the present invention belongs to the cross field of computer accessories technology and software engineering. After the definition of the region, the present invention gives a method for displaying the customized region and a method for recognizing the shape of an individual and a group, and after recognizing the region, the region is coded inside and outside the recognized region; the present invention belongs to the intersection of computer accessory technology and software engineering.

    25. A typed medical resource processing system design approach for edge computing

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    CN 107945880A

    The present invention is a method for designing a typed medical resource processing system for edge computing, which solves the problem of transmission optimization of massive typed medical resources under limited bandwidth conditions in an edge computing environment from the perspectives of optimizing the resource-optimized storage, processing, and transmission of edge devices for the Internet of Things (IoT). It belongs to the intersection of IoT and software engineering. The key lies in transforming the types of medical resources based on data mapping, information mapping and knowledge mapping resource processing architectures, and at the same time establishing a bandwidth resource utilization limitation model to balance the network load. The present invention provides medical diagnostic, storage, and transmission services at local nodes and allows user inputs and associated benefit ratios to determine the resource approach for system optimization, keeping the system relatively stable. The system decentralizes computational tasks to edge devices to alleviate the pressure of highly centralized transaction processing in cloud computing environments that triggers the inability to transmit important medical resources in real time.

    26. Simulation and display system for measuring and changing the temperature of liquids in containers

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    CN 109738089A

    The present invention is a container of liquid temperature metrics, changes in simulation and display system, the present invention for different environments, vessels, solution attributes to establish a model of the influencing factors, and through the acquisition of user needs to provide to meet the user's personalized use of the device. Users can predict the use of any vessel for different environments under the use of various indicators, but also in the use of personal needs through the temperature patch and APP in a very convenient access to the temperature information of the liquid in the vessel in line with the desired temperature of the solution in the use of the vessel, so as to get more convenient. The present invention provides the user with the patch and APP applicable to any vessel greatly reduces the user cost, more environmentally friendly and convenient. The present invention belongs to the temperature detection and water cup technology cross field.

    27. Eco-interactive cookware customization system for process-defined health

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    CN 109948177A

    The present invention is an environmentally friendly interactive cookware customization system for processing-defined health, which mainly provides a system for selecting the optimal container curve among a plurality of peripheral curves and outputting it according to the needs of different users' tastes for food as well as their own personal conditions, using an analysis of the cooking items as well as a variety of models established. The process can also be carried out in real time to remind the user in a personalized way, which provides great convenience to the user. On the other hand, the physical patch is provided, which contains a timer, temperature sensor, etc., so that the user can set the time range of the cooking item as well as input his/her own personal needs through the cell phone APP, and monitor the temperature and the changes in the nature of the cooking item and the temperature, and the curves of the change of the nature of the food over time during the firing process can be obtained, which can then be fed back to the user through the APP.

    28. Interactive cost-driven security protection methods for typed resources

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    CN 109344649A

    The present invention is an interaction cost-driven security protection method for typed resources; the present invention is based on a knowledge graph architecture that can be automatically abstracted and adjusted in three layers, namely, data graph, information graph and knowledge graph, and divides security resources into data security resources, information security resources and knowledge security resources, and calculates the resource protection cost, the protector protection cost and the attacker attack cost, which are classified into three different interaction scenarios and are targeted at the three different dynamic interaction scenarios. These three different dynamic interaction situations, in the explicit and implicit security resource situation so that the static resources are not added, deleted, modified or checked, and the dynamic resources are not destroyed, the present invention belongs to the intersection of distributed computing and software engineering.

    29. User satisfaction modeling and display space adjustment methodology incorporating fairness, experience and price

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    CN 109615433A

    The present application relates to a method for modeling user satisfaction and adjusting a display space that incorporates fairness, experience and price, and belongs to the intersection of service computing and software engineering. It is characterized in that the present invention uses fairness, experience and price to measure user satisfaction, and maximizes the satisfaction of all users by adjusting the spatial position, angle, shape of the display space and the price that the user has to pay.

    30. Multi-dimensional systematic interaction mechanisms with definable privacy ambiguities

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    CN 110825888A

    The present application relates to a multi-dimensional systematic interaction mechanism with definable privacy ambiguity, characterized in that the decision-making system provides the user with decision-making operations by considering the user's social network and the confidence level calculated based on the multi-dimensionality of the data graph, the information graph, and the knowledge graph, and the purpose of the decision-making system is to provide the user with online social networking convenience while maintaining the user's right to know to maximize user satisfaction; the content of the decision-making system involved includes the user's personal label data, the collection of user's liking and disliking label data, the collection of labels in a specific social network and the confidence level calculated based on the multi-dimensionality of data mapping, information mapping, and knowledge mapping; the content of the interactions involved includes the input of the user's personal label, the input of the user's liking and disliking labels, and the output of the decision-making system's judgement; the content of the privacy fuzzification processing involved elements of the mechanism include multi-dimensional data mixing, system data invisible to the user.

    31. Multidimensional value-oriented object-oriented numerical computation methods for purpose

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    CN 111026879A

    The present invention provides a multi-dimensional value-oriented object-oriented numerical computation method for purpose, which is characterized in that based on the computation cost, a plurality of imprecise results are processed by adopting a plurality of imprecise rules to satisfy the user's needs, and finally the final result is measured by a multi-dimensional comprehensive value; the specific steps are S1: obtaining the target object and its attributes to be computed; S2: traversing the knowledge graph to determine the operators of the target object and its attributes; S3: calculate multiple numerical results through the attributes and operators of the target object and store them in an array; S4: traverse the knowledge graph to determine the existence rules of the target object and its attributes; S5: validate the obtained numerical results through multiple rules, delete all the numerical results that do not conform to the rules, get the final result, and measure the final result with the multidimensional comprehensive value. Metrics.

    32. Interaction area classification and transmission optimization processing mechanism based on data mapping, information mapping and knowledge mapping

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    CN 110442734A

    The present invention provides an interaction area division and transmission optimization processing mechanism based on data mapping, information mapping, and knowledge mapping, and constructs a content library based on data mapping, information mapping, and knowledge mapping by taking into account the accuracy and efficiency of content transmission, realizing the optimization of the transmission scheme and the reconstruction of the transmitted content, solving the problem of the discrepancy in the understanding of the content between different users, and realizing personalized expression and optimization and integration of transmitted content based on the key semantic meanings of the original content, and improving the accuracy and efficiency of content transmission. The reconstructed content, on the basis of retaining the key semantics of the original content, realizes personalized expression and optimizes and integrates the delivered content to improve the accuracy and efficiency of content delivery.

    33. Purpose-driven content-population systems to accommodate competition and cooperative purpose

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    CN 110717318A

    The present invention provides an purpose-driven content filling system adapted to competitive and collaborative purpose, wherein a data migration process occurring during the filling process is converted into an purpose-driven competitive process by converting the filled content into a bunch of rules modeling process, wherein each option in a table is modeled according to purpose based on an purpose determining module, a competitive and collaborative filling module, a common-sense reasoning module, an interaction module, and a value-driven module The table is then populated based on the purposeions. Minimizing the time, effort and privacy data invested by the form filler based on the resulting purpose, while solving the challenge of existing form filling systems not working properly when the data is incomplete and the options filled are uncertain.

    34. Intelligent alert mechanism for matching scene, event, character and purpose

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    CN 110969420A

    The present invention provides an intelligent reminder mechanism for matching scene, event, character and purpose. In order to achieve automatic adjustment and personalization of the reminder, it is necessary to analyze the influencing factors of the reminder from multiple dimensions; different characters correspond to different reminders, the same character corresponds to different reminders in different scenes and events, and different reminders correspond to different purpose. Combining the initial settings and user data for learning, while taking into account the privacy protection of user data; designing the mechanism of reminder adjustment corresponding to the reminder mechanism, and providing a variety of needs to meet the needs of the setting mode of operation.

    35. Optimization mechanisms for content delivery modelling and processing based on data mapping, information mapping and knowledge mapping

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    CN 110457488A

    The present invention provides a content delivery modeling and processing optimization mechanism based on data mapping, information mapping, and knowledge mapping, which achieves reconstruction of the delivered content by constructing a content library based on data mapping, information mapping, and knowledge mapping in consideration of the accuracy and efficiency of the content delivery, solves the problem of the discrepancy in the understanding of the content between different users, and the reconstructed content, on the basis of retaining the key semantics of the original content The reconstructed content, on the basis of retaining the key semantics of the original content, realizes personalized expression and optimized integration of the delivered content, which reduces communication barriers and improves communication efficiency.

    36. Value-driven purpose-oriented convergence optimization systems

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    CN 111143345A

    The present invention provides a value-driven purpose fusion-oriented optimization system, in which the data acquisition and processing module, the statistical learning module, the purpose analysis logic judgment module, and the setup and operation module of the subsystems of different controlled objects are controlled holistically through an integrated mode to perform user-purpose fusion modeling, and the value-driven combined with the principle of healthy and favorable, and finally the specific setup is carried out based on the results of the calculations, and the subsystems of different controlled objects are Unified management by the control system, minimizing energy consumption, maximizing comfort experience, and solving the problems of low comfort and waste of energy caused by the controlled objects not being able to switch the controlled objects in time.

    37. Value-driven dynamic recommender systems for multifactor dimensional spatial multimedium scale fusion

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    CN 111177571A

    The present invention provides a content delivery modeling and processing optimization mechanism based on data mapping, information mapping, and knowledge mapping, which achieves reconstruction of the delivered content by constructing a content library based on data mapping, information mapping, and knowledge mapping in consideration of the accuracy and efficiency of the content delivery, solves the problem of the discrepancy in the understanding of the content between different users, and the reconstructed content, on the basis of retaining the key semantics of the original content The reconstructed content, on the basis of retaining the key semantics of the original content, realizes personalized expression and optimized integration of the delivered content, which reduces communication barriers and improves communication efficiency.

    38. Personalized and convenient adaptive multilevel interaction area optimization methodology

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    CN 109240787A

    The present invention is a personalized, convenient and adaptive multi-layer interaction area optimization configuration method, which combines four aspects of personalization, convenience, adaptation and multi-layer modeling, determines the location of the multi-layer interaction area for the user according to the user's hand habit, the range of hand movement, and the length of clicking time, and then provides an adaptation method for the size and location of the interaction area according to the user's age and usage habits, and finally prioritizes the interaction area within and between layers; the invention belongs to the cross-field of graphic image and software engineering. Finally, the interaction area is prioritized within and between layers, so that the user can use it conveniently and quickly; the invention belongs to the intersection field of graphic image and software engineering.

    39. Virtual community resource processing method and components for intrinsic computing across DIKW graph

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    CN 112309521A

    The present invention discloses a method, apparatus, device, and readable storage medium for processing resources of a virtual community across a DIKW graph for intrinsic computing, the method comprising: establishing a DIKW graph by utilizing network-type resources of a virtual community; including a data graph, an information graph, and a knowledge graph in the DIKW graph; converting the data, information, and knowledge in the DIKW graph into each other, and using the conversion results to update the DIKW graph until the DIKW graph reaches dynamic equilibrium; extract the interaction relationship tuple of the target client from the DIKW graph, and use the interaction relationship tuple to determine the intimate communication relationship client of the target client; combine the interaction relationship tuple and the intimate communication relationship client to determine the feature label of the target client; determine the target resource corresponding to the feature label from the virtual community from the virtual community; and assigning the target resource to the target client. The present method can realize personalized allocation of resources and can meet the personalized needs of users.

    40. An intrinsic computing-oriented approach to cross-modal user medical data analysis


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    CN 109240787A

    The present invention provides a cross-modal user medical data analysis method oriented to intrinsic computing, comprising the steps of S1, obtaining an identification type resource of a target user, querying a database and obtaining a private medical data of the target user based on the identification type resource of the user, said database including a local database and an external database; S2, modeling the private medical data of the target user based on a DIKW graph , obtaining an initial type resource; S3, obtaining a target type resource by performing a homo-modal or cross-modal fusion operation on the initial type resource; S4, analyzing and evaluating the health condition of the target user based on the target type resource. The present invention can, on the one hand, perform health assessment based on the patient's existing medical data so as to provide support for the doctor's diagnosis and treatment and avoid unnecessary repeated examinations for the patient, and on the other hand, it can play a role in protecting the privacy of the patient's medical data.

    41. Intelligent carrier scheduling methodology oriented towards the exchange of data and information rights for value

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    Public/Announcement No.

    CN 112456257A

    The present invention provides an intelligent transportation device scheduling method for the exchange of data, information rights and values, comprising: S1, the floor controller calculates the user value of the user belonging to the floor in the waiting queue, and generates an array of user information by arranging the user value in a descending order; S2, the floor controller sends the array of user information to the elevator scheduling system, which generates a scheduling scheme based on the array of user information and sends it to the floor controller; S3, the floor controller sends a notification message to the corresponding user based on the scheduling scheme; S4, the floor controller modifies the user value based on the actual elevator ride result, and the user who has already ridden the elevator is removed from the waiting queue. The elevator scheduling system generates a scheduling plan based on the user information array and sends it to the floor controller; S3, the floor controller sends a notification message to the corresponding user based on the scheduling plan; S4, the floor controller modifies the user value based on the actual result of the elevator ride, and removes the user who has already taken the elevator ride from the waiting queue; S5, the floor controller adds a new user to the waiting queue, and prepares for the next scheduling. The present invention can provide more flexibility for elevator scheduling, provide a fast channel for users with urgent needs, and has high practical value.

    42. A Cross-DIKW Modal Privacy Resource Preservation Approach for Intrinsic Computing and Reasoning

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    Public/Announcement No.

    CN 112241552A

    The present application discloses a cross-DIKW modal privacy resource protection method for intrinsic computation and reasoning, said method comprising: deleting a privacy resource corresponding to said resource protection instruction after receiving said resource protection instruction; querying a derivation path of said privacy resource and determining a derivation cost and a modal transformation cost for each said derivation path; determining, based on said derivation cost and said modal transformation cost, all transformation priorities of said derivation paths and selecting a target derivation path from all said derivation paths based on said transformation priorities; transforming a resource corresponding to said target derivation path from the original modality to another modality. The present application is able to improve the complexity of deducing privacy resources and ensure the security of privacy resources. The present application also discloses a cross-DIKW modality privacy resource protection system for intrinsic computation and reasoning, an electronic device, and a storage device with the above beneficial effects.

    43. Recommendation methods and devices for cross-modal fusion of intrinsic computation and reasoning

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    Public/Announcement No.

    CN 112000854A

    Embodiments of the present invention disclose a cross-modal recommendation method and device for fusion of intrinsic computation and reasoning, and a medium, in which a data graph, an information spectrum graph, and a knowledge graph are constructed for an acquired target task by utilizing a pre-stored library of resource information; and discrepant resources are identified by matching the acquired user resource information with the data graph, the information spectrum graph, and the knowledge graph. According to the pre-established resource fusion cost library, calculate the conversion generation value of the difference resources for resource point transformation. Calculate the access generation value of each transformed resource group according to the corresponding access generation value and access times of each resource type; take the sum of the corresponding access generation value and transformation generation value of each transformed resource group as the final generation value of each transformed resource group, and select the transformed resource group with the smallest generation value as the recommended resource. By dynamically adjusting the difference resources and combining the user's access generation value of the resources, the effect of resource recommendation is effectively improved.

    44. A multimodal approach to privacy protection that incorporates the technicalization of the Fair, Equitable and Transparent Statute.

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    CN 112231750A

    The present invention provides a multimodal privacy protection method incorporating the technologization of fairness, justice and transparency regulations, comprising: S1, extracting privacy resources based on behavioral data generated by a user in a network, and constructing a DIKW graph corresponding to the user based on the privacy resources; S2, monitoring whether or not to generate a decision about the circulation of the privacy resources and obtaining information about a participant when the decision is generated, said participant comprising a generator, a communicator and acquirer; S3, analyzing the authority of the participant in the process of circulation of privacy resources based on the DIKW graph, and judging the legality of the decision about the circulation of privacy resources based on the analysis results. The present invention achieves effective protection of user privacy resources based on the intrinsic computation of multimodal and cross-modal content, and optimizes the integrated processing efficiency of storage, transmission, computation, and privacy data protection based on DIKW graph technology.

    45. A cross-DIKW modal textual disambiguation approach for intrinsic computation and reasoning

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    Public/Announcement No.

    CN 112232085A

    The present application discloses a cross-DIKW modal text disambiguation processing method oriented to intrinsic computation and reasoning, said method comprising: obtaining a target text and determining a target data resource and a target information resource in the target text; querying a related resource of the target text based on the target data resource and/or the target information resource, and determining a textual meaning of the target text based on the related resource; if the textual meaning of the target text has a number is greater than 1, then obtaining supplementary resources of the target text and generating a conditional restriction text of the target text based on the supplementary resources; taking the text meaning that conforms to the conditional restriction text as the actual text meaning of the target text, and modifying the target text based on the actual text meaning. The present application is capable of accurately recognizing and eliminating ambiguities existing in the text. The present application also discloses a cross-DIKW modal text ambiguity processing system for essential computing and reasoning, an electronic device, and a storage medium with the above beneficial effects.

    46. Essence recognition methods and components across data, information, knowledge modalities and scales

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    Public/Announcement No.

    CN 111832727A

    The present invention discloses an intrinsic recognition method, apparatus, device, and readable storage medium across data, information, and knowledge modalities and quantities, the method comprising: receiving and parsing a recognition request, determining a target object to be recognized from a plurality of objects to be recognized, and recognition reference data of the target object to be recognized; obtaining recognition reference information and recognition reference knowledge of the target object to be recognized; inputting the recognition reference resource into a comprehensive identification model; the identification reference resources include identification reference data, identification reference information, and identification reference knowledge; the reference resources are identified using a processing module in the comprehensive identification model that matches the reference resources, and identification results are obtained; and the identification results are output. It can be seen that compared with the current machine learning, deep learning and other recognition schemes, in this method, there is no need to collect a large number of samples to train the model to achieve effective recognition.

    47. Device-sharing methodology for data and information fusion for purpose-based computing and reasoning

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    Public/Announcement No.

    CN 112591568A

    The present invention provides a device sharing method for data and information fusion oriented to purpose computing and reasoning, the method comprising: S1, the elevator scheduling system initiates a scheduling bid to a user who initiates a ride demand, responds to a first bid request of the user, generates a scheduling planning scheme and outputs the scheme to the user, and said ride demand comprises event information, demand information, and additional value information; S2, the elevator scheduling system initiates a floor bidding to a filtered user to initiate floor bidding, responding to the second bidding request of the user, generating a list of rides and an elevator scheduling plan based on the floor bidding results; S3, the elevator scheduling system controlling the elevator to execute the elevator scheduling plan. The present invention realizes a value-driven elevator scheduling method based on value, which can ensure that users can realize normal passage through the elevator and also prioritize the emergency needs of the users, thus providing more flexibility for elevator scheduling, and the said method is also applicable to other shared intelligent transportation devices, with a wide scope of application.

    48. Feature mining methods and components across data, information and knowledge multimodalities

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    CN 112214531A

    The present invention discloses a feature mining method, apparatus, device, and readable storage medium across data, information, and knowledge multimodalities, the method comprising: obtaining a data resource to be mined; classifying the data resource to obtain at least one type of data among scalar data, vector data, range data, temporal data, and categorical data; performing an association fusion process on the type of data to obtain an association fusion result; and determining the the association fusion result is determined as a feature of the data resource so that the data resource can be processed using the feature. In the method, the data resources are mined and processed to obtain a larger amount of more reliable features, so that the value of the data resources can be better mined.

    49. Intrinsic computation-oriented differential content recommendation methods across data-information knowledge modalities

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    CN 111833022A

    The present invention discloses a task processing method, apparatus, device, and readable storage medium across data, information, and knowledge modalities and magnitudes, the invention comprising: obtaining a target task to be executed, and a task realization resource of the target task; wherein the task realization resource comprises at least one of the task realization data, the task realization information, and the task realization knowledge; utilizing a comprehensive assessment model to perform a multidimensional, cross-modal, and cross-measure integrated planning processing to obtain the task planning resources; and executing the target task in accordance with the task planning resources. In this method, when obtaining a target task to be executed, it is only necessary to input its corresponding task realization resources into the comprehensive task evaluation model to obtain the task planning resources, and then execute the target task in accordance with the task planning resources, which can make the execution of the task more in line with the requirements.

    50. Task processing methods and components across data, information, knowledge modalities, and dimensions

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    Public/Announcement No.

    CN 112307028A

    The present invention provides a differential content recommendation method for essential computing that spans data information knowledge modalities. The method comprises the following steps: S1, obtaining basic information of the target user, and connecting a database storing the target user's privacy information; S2. Construct a query function based on the publicly available statistical content of the database to query the target user's personal information data table, and obtain data and information resources; S3. Analyze data and information resources to obtain new information resources, match and push content based on the new information resources of the target user, and push to the target user. The present invention can achieve differential content push in the case of incomplete public data in the privacy database, improving the accuracy of the pushed content.

    51. Differential Protection Method and System for Privacy Information Resources Typed Across DIKW Modal

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    Publication number:

    CN 112818386A

    The present invention provides a differential protection method and system for privacy information resources typed across DIKW modalities, which includes: determining the privacy information resources to be protected when receiving a resource query request; Select each candidate resource path in the information trajectory corresponding to the private information resource; Determine the support of each information resource in each candidate resource path to obtain the path support in each candidate resource path; Determine the target resource path in the candidate resource path based on the path support degree in each candidate resource path; Obtain target information resources corresponding to resource query requests based on each information resource in the target resource path; Send target information resources to resource requesting users to achieve protection of private information resources. The application of the differential protection method for cross DIKW modal typed private information resources provided by the present invention can effectively protect private information resources and improve the security of resources.

    52. Early warning methods and components across data, information, knowledge modalities, and dimensions

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    Publication number:

    CN 111860997A

    The present invention discloses a warning method, device, device, and readable storage medium that cross data, information, knowledge modalities, and dimensions. The method includes: obtaining perception information and knowledge of a target warning scene, and utilizing sensors to collect real-time perception data of the target warning scene; Identify perceptual information, knowledge, and data as perceptual resources; Input perceptual resources into a multi-dimensional, cross modal, and cross dimensional comprehensive prediction model for data, information, and knowledge fusion for security prediction, and obtain security prediction results; Determine whether the safety prediction results match the preset alarm conditions; If so, use warning equipment for early warning. It can be seen that in this method, there is no need for manual analysis, and real-time and long-term warning can be achieved. Moreover, the comprehensive prediction model can integrate data, information, and knowledge, and can make multi-dimensional, cross modal, and cross dimensional safety predictions, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of safety prediction results.

    53. Group Differential Privacy Protection Method and Device for purpose Driven DIKW System

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    Publication number:

    CN 113032832A

    This application discloses a group differential privacy protection method and device for the purpose driven DIKW system, and constructs a DIKW system using the dataset to be privacy protected. Build the first differential privacy mechanism for the DIKW system. Using resource items as the first particle, gather all resource items in the DIKW system to construct a first particle swarm. Using particle swarm optimization algorithm, optimize the first particle swarm and obtain a new DIKW system. Use the new DIKW system as a group data for external release. Compared to the original group data, the privacy data in the new DIKW system has undergone differential privacy, achieving effective protection of privacy data. Moreover, the DIKW system adopts differential privacy mechanism to protect privacy data, which will not have any impact on the application of group data. It can be seen that using the technical solution described in this application can reasonably protect the privacy of personal data in group data while ensuring the effective use of group data.

    54. A Multimodal DIKW Content Multi Semantic Analysis Method for Essential Computing

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    Publication number:

    CN 112232082A

    The present invention provides a multimodal DIKW content multi semantic analysis method for essential computing, which includes the following steps: S1. obtaining type resources for semantic recognition, and determining the existence of multi semantics based on the recognition results. The type resources include data resources DDIKW, information resources IDIKW, and knowledge resources KDIKW; S2. When there are multiple meanings, analyze the reasons for the formation of multiple meanings; S3. Based on the reasons for the formation of multiple semantics, corresponding strategies are adopted to convert the original type resources into new type resources, and the final semantic recognition results are obtained. The present invention can help artificial wisdom systems improve the efficiency of language and text recognition and improve the accuracy of recognition results.

    55. A Method for Encoding and Decoding User Behavior Content Across Data Information Knowledge Modalities

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    Publication number:

    CN 112307974A

    The present invention provides a multimodal DIKW content multi semantic analysis method for essential computing, which includes the following steps: S1. obtaining type resources for semantic recognition, and determining the existence of multi semantics based on the recognition results. The type resources include data resources DDIKW, information resources IDIKW, and knowledge resources KDIKW; S2. When there are multiple meanings, analyze the reasons for the formation of multiple meanings; S3. Based on the reasons for the formation of multiple semantics, corresponding strategies are adopted to convert the original type resources into new type resources, and the final semantic recognition results are obtained. The present invention can help artificial wisdom systems improve the efficiency of language and text recognition and improve the accuracy of recognition results.

    56. A Cross modal Randomized Privacy Protection Method and System for Essential Computing and Reasoning

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    Publication number:

    CN 112818381A

    This application provides a cross modal randomized privacy protection method and system for essential computation and inference, which includes: obtaining content resources of multiple individual objects from multiple data sources; Mapping the content resources of the multiple individual objects into data resources, information resources, and knowledge resources; Data resources include numerical data resources and logical data resources; For each individual object, if the individual object only contains content resources of one data type, perform essential calculations corresponding to the data type for the content resources contained in the individual object; If the individual object includes content resources of multiple data types, then perform essential operations corresponding to the data type for each type of content resource, and perform cross modal operations for each two different data types of content resources; Randomize the calculated content resources. By combining essential operations and randomization processing, data security is effectively ensured.


    57. Processing Methods and Components of DIKW Privacy Resources for Essential Computing

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    Publication number:

    CN 112818382A

    This application provides a processing method and component for DIKW privacy resources oriented towards essential computing, which includes obtaining a target individual object, setting the total conversion cost to zero, and establishing a set of pending resources using the privacy resources contained in the target individual object; Extract a privacy resource from the set of pending resources as a pending privacy resource; Based on the conversion cost and the essential calculation cost of the target individual object, the privacy resources to be processed are converted into numerical data resources, logical data resources, and information resources in any mode. The transformed privacy resources are stored in the processed resource set, and the above steps are repeated until the pending resource set is empty. Finally, the privacy resources contained in the target individual object are saved, Replace with the privacy resources included in the processed resource set.

    58. Resource Identification Method, Related Devices, and Readable Media Based on DIKW Graph

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    Publication number:

    CN 112925921A

    This application proposes a resource identification method, related devices, and readable medium based on DIKW graph, which obtains the original resources of the target object and the user's purpose; Using the user's purpose and the original resources of the target object, traverse the resource graph in the DIKW system, and derive multiple derivation paths associated with the target object from the resource graph; Among them, resource graphs include: data graphs, consciousness graphs, information graphs, and knowledge graphs; The derivation path includes multiple interconnected resources in the resource graph, and each derivation path includes the original resources of the target object and new resources associated with the target object; The new resources associated with the target object are generated by traversing the resource graph derivation; Due to the ability to derive hidden information in the target object through the DIKW system in this application, the resource identification results of users analyzed from each derivation path will be more comprehensive and accurate.

    59. A Relative Differential Privacy Protection Method for Essential Computing Across DIKW Modes

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    Publication number:

    CN 112685772A

    The present invention provides a relative differential privacy protection method for essential computing across DIKW modes, comprising the following steps: S1. obtaining a target individual object to be published, and modeling the target individual object based on DIKW graph; S2. Analyze whether the target individual object contains type resources that can be used for essential or differential calculations to obtain the privacy resources of the target individual object. If not, publish the target individual object. If yes, proceed to the next step. The type resources include one or more of data resources, information resources, and knowledge resources; S3. Implement privacy protection policies for the types of resources contained in the target individual object; S4. Publish target individual objects that have been subjected to privacy protection policies. The present invention can increase the computational cost and difficulty that attackers need to pay to obtain privacy resources based on type resources, thereby effectively protecting user privacy.

    60. Intrinsic computing-based cross-modal feature mining methods and components

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    Publication number:

    CN 112418428A

    The present invention discloses a cross-modal feature mining method, apparatus, device, and readable storage medium based on intrinsic computing, the method comprising: obtaining at least two typed resources; the typed resources comprising a data resource, an information resource, and a knowledge resource; carrying out an association fusion process on the at least two typed resources to obtain a fusion result; and determining the fusion result as a cross-modal feature corresponding to the at least two typed resources, the so as to process the at least two typed resources using the cross-mode features. In the method, the cross-modal feature is obtained by performing cross-modal association processing on the at least two typed resources, and the cross-modal feature is obtained by performing association processing on different typed resources, and the cross-modal feature is able to significantly increase the amount of features for resource mining and increase the reliability of the resource mining compared to data mining only on the same modal resources, and the cross-modal feature is more conducive to further processing of the typed resources. The cross-modal feature is more conducive to further processing of typed resources.

    61. Delivery methods and systems for the conversion of data portraits into information portraits for value exchange

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    Publication number:

    CN 112794172A

    The present invention provides a delivery method and a system for the exchange and conversion of value between data portraits and information portraits, obtaining information on lift events, lift demand information, bidding information and lift intervals submitted by each user in a target building, and obtaining user credit information; for each floor, calculating the total value of the floors of the floors by using the lift event information, the lift demand information, the bidding information and the user credit information of the users of the floors Determine the floor with the highest total floor value as the target floor; determine the user whose starting point or end point of the elevator ride is the target floor as the target user; determine the final elevator user from all the target users by using the elevator event information, elevator demand information and bidding information of the target user; generate the lift scheduling plan in accordance with the elevator intervals, elevator demand information and bidding information of the final user; and dispatch the lifts according to the lift scheduling plan. According to the lift scheduling plan, the lift is dispatched to meet the user's personalised needs and improve the flexibility of lift scheduling and user experience.

    62. Common sense reasoning-based intrinsic content processing method and system for multimodal resources

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    Publication number:

    CN 112818385A

    The present invention provides an intrinsic content processing method and system for multimodal resources based on common sense reasoning. By obtaining a resource and mapping the resource into a typed resource based on a wisdom graph architecture, the resource comes from a plurality of sources, and the typed resource includes at least three modalities of a data resource, an information resource, and a knowledge resource; by performing a homomodal association fusion and/or a cross-modal association fusion based on the obtained typed resource, a new resource is obtained and a modality is determined; and by adopting a randomisation, the new resource is privacy-protected. In this scheme, by complementing each other through the same-modality association fusion and/or the cross-modality association fusion, forming a new resource, and adopting randomisation to protect the privacy of the fused new resource, the purpose of obtaining a complete and determined resource and comprehensively protecting the privacy of the complete and determined resource after processing the resource is achieved.


    63. DIKW model construction method and device for purposeful computation and reasoning

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    Publication number:

    CN 112949321A


    The present application discloses a method and apparatus for constructing a DIKW model for purpose-oriented computation and reasoning, wherein said method comprises: acquiring typed resources; wherein said typed resources include data resources, information resources, knowledge resources, and purpose resources; constructing a graph corresponding to each type of said typed resources; constructing a model corresponding to each type of said typed resources based on the graph corresponding to each type of said typed resources, each said parent-child inclusion relationship and/or logical relationship between said typed resources, respectively, to construct a model corresponding to said typed resources of each type; wherein said parent-child inclusion relationship refers to a semantic inclusion relationship between two of said typed resources; said logical relationship refers to a relationship between the semantics expressed between two of said typed resources of the same tier and the semantics expressed by said typed resources of the same upper tier of both; said parent-child relationship as well as said logical relationship between said typed resources is represented in the model by means of different connecting lines between corresponding nodes.

    64. Differential user privacy protection methods across data, information and knowledge modalities

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    Publication number:

    CN 112329069A

    The present invention provides a method for privacy protection of user differences across data, information, and knowledge modalities, comprising the steps of S1, obtaining a target data resource, and determining whether the target data resource is associated with a specific user; S2, identifying all the data resources associated with the target data resource as connotative data resources or ephemeral data resources when the target data resource is associated with a specific user; S3, based on the connotative data resource and the attributes and corresponding attribute values of the epitaxial data resources to determine whether they belong to the privacy data resources; S4, performing a privacy protection operation on the privacy data resources when the data requesting party requests access to the privacy data resources. The present invention can achieve the protection of implicit data resources and reduce the risk of user privacy leakage.

    65. Purpose-driven multimodal DIKW content delivery methodology

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    Publication number:

    CN 113645284A

    The present invention provides a purpose-driven multimodal DIKW content transmission method applied to a transmission system based on a DIKW mapping transmission protocol, said DIKW mapping transmission protocol comprising an Purpose identification layer, a content review layer, a transmission plan formulation layer and a resource processing layer, said method being based on understanding and analysing the purpose of the three participating subjects, namely, the transmitter, the receiver and the transmission system, by promoting a balance between the purposes of the three participating subjects, and maximising self-interest while satisfying the purposes of the transmitter and receiver as much as possible, and by applying DIKW technology to analyse and model user-generated content and the purposes of the participating subjects in the transmission process, it is possible to obtain a transmission result that better meets the needs of the user and is more desirable at a lower transmission cost relative to existing computer communication protocols.

    66. Affective communication methodology based on DIKW content objects

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    Publication number:

    CN 113810480A

    The present invention provides an emotional communication method based on a DIKW content object, comprising the steps of: s101, obtaining transmission content of a sender, converting the transmission content of the sender into a type resource, said type resource comprising a data type resource, an information type resource, and a knowledge type resource; s102, determining content and determining a transmission range of the type resource of the transmission content of the sender by a content determination algorithm; S103, obtaining a DIKW map of the receiving party and converting the transmitted content according to the DIKW map of the receiving party; S104, sending the processed transmitted content to the receiving party. The present invention enables the purpose of the sender to be expressed more aptly and reduces the understanding error between the sender and the receiver, realising higher accuracy and efficient emotional communication.

    67. Personality analysis and content pushing method for virtual community people based on DIKW mapping

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    Publication number:

    CN 113538090A

    The present invention provides a virtual community personnel personality analysis and content pushing method based on DIKW mapping, determining whether a user is a new user or an old user, adopting tagging and hot list methods for new users to push content, collecting typed data of old users and constructing a DIKW mapping model from it, and the DIKW mapping model contains a user data mapping, a user information mapping, and a user knowledge mapping. The DIKW mapping model is processed according to the typed resources to obtain the user's historical behaviour records, the user's purchase conversion rate, the percentage of products purchased, and the collection of high-frequency interactive products, and thus obtains the user's preferred products, and then pushes them out, which not only solves the problem of the cold start of the user's new user, but also pushes out the corresponding products according to the old user's historical data on the shopping website to ensure that the products are in line with the user's personality, interests and interests, and the products are in line with the users' interests and interests. This ensures that the products are in line with the user's personality, interests and habits, and are compatible with all major shopping sites.

    68. Fairness-orientated DIKW-enabled mapping and delivery method for emotional content

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    Publication number:

    CN 114374664A

    The present invention provides a method of mapping and transmitting DIKWised emotional content based on fairness orientation, comprising: s101, initiating an interaction request by the sender via a first server, confirming the interaction request by the receiver via a second server, and establishing a communication link between the first server and the second server; s102, establishing a personalised DIKW model of the sender and the receiver by the first server and the second server, respectively, and making real-time adjustments to the personalised DIKW model;

    S103: The sender initiates an application for the target content of the emotional communication, the first server establishes a DIKW model based on the target content of the emotional communication, identifies the emotional state of the sender, monitors the emotional state of the sender, and sends the target content of the emotional communication to the second server; S104: The second server adjusts, monitors, and sends the target content of the emotional communication to the second server based on the personalised DIKW model of the receiver. adjusting, controlling, and deciding the emotional communication target content, and realising the personalized emotional content display. The present invention can achieve fairness-oriented emotional content transmission and avoid unfair communication problems caused by understanding bias.


    69. Blockchain consensus methodology based on the DIKWP model

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    Publication number:

    CN 114363354A

    The present invention provides a blockchain consensus method based on a DIKWP model, comprising the steps of: obtaining typed resources of all blocks in the blockchain, constructing a blockchain DIKWP model based on the typed resources; a user initiating request information, obtaining typed resources based on the request information, constructing a user DIKWP model based on the typed resources; the user DIKWP model performing traversal lookup and purpose comparison of the blockchain DIKWP model, and obtaining a blockchain to be added; the user DIKWP model packing the user initiated request information into a new block to be connected to the end of the blockchain to be added, and performing traversal lookup and purpose comparison of the blockchain to be added. The user DIKWP model traverses the blockchain DIKWP model to find and compare purposes, and obtains the blockchain to be added; the user DIKWP model packs the user-initiated request information into a new block connected to the end of the blockchain to be added, constructs the DIKWP model on the blockchain and the user's request information, and aggregates the blockchain and the user's own initiated content, and the DIKWP model can mutually convert and combine the contents within it. The DIKWP model can convert and combine the internal contents with each other, so that the blockchain to be added can be obtained quickly after traversal search and purpose comparison, and the efficiency of consensus uplinking can be improved.

    70. Purpose-driven computationally oriented trans-DIKW modal transport and optimisation system

    Application No.:


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    Publication number:

    CN 114039865A

    The present invention discloses a method and apparatus for an purpose computation oriented trans-DIKW modal transmission and optimisation system, which can identify the sender's purpose by analysing the transmission content and invoking an existing DIKW map; determine whether said transmission content is transmittable or not based on the receiver's purpose and the system's purpose; abort the transmission process when said system determines that said transmission content is non-transmittable; when said system determines that said When said system determines that said transmission content is conditional transmission, said system formulates a transmission solution for said condition; when said system determines that said transmission content is direct transmission, said system transmits said transmission content directly to the receiver. The present invention can solve the problem that the traditional content-oriented transmission system is unable to reach a consensus balance between the participating parties during the transmission process, and can formulate a time-saving and economically efficient transmission plan based on the purposes of the participating parties, reduce the bandwidth consumption of network content transmission, minimise the release of personal information, improve the efficiency of network transmission, and realise the maximisation of the interests of the transmitting parties.

    71. Personalised alphabet display style change method

    Application No.:


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    Publication number:

    CN 109241750A





    The present invention relates to a personalised English letter display style transformation method, belonging to the intersection of software engineering and artificial wisdom, and is characterised by obtaining a user's sentence or document of the style of the letters to be changed, marking the style features of each letter using a five-dimensional feature set F, i.e., (endpoints relative position features, endpoints morphological features, thickness features, colour features, curvature features), and having the user perform a target style transformation of the individual letters to visualise the target style transformation, also labelled with a five-dimensional feature set FU, taking F over FU as input, and combining the classification attributes of the written letters proposed in the present invention, learning the user's change features (SF) for the style change of the letters based on the change feature extraction model (LFEM) between the target style and the original style of a letter, and thereafter, according to the feature parameter SF, the user's style change of the letters that constitute the rest of the letters to perform the style change.

    72. DIKW resource analysis methodology and system for purposeful computing and reasoning

    Application No.:

    CN 202110907780.8

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    Publication number:

    CN 113628753A





    The present invention relates to a personalised English letter display style transformation method, belonging to the intersection of software engineering and artificial wisdom, and is characterised by obtaining a user's sentence or document of the style of the letters to be changed, marking the style features of each letter using a five-dimensional feature set F, i.e., (endpoints relative position features, endpoints morphological features, thickness features, colour features, curvature features), and having the user perform a target style transformation of the individual letters to visualise the target style transformation, also labelled with a five-dimensional feature set FU, taking F over FU as input, and combining the classification attributes of the written letters proposed in the present invention, learning the user's change features (SF) for the style change of the letters based on the change feature extraction model (LFEM) between the target style and the original style of a letter, and thereafter, according to the feature parameter SF, the user's style change of the letters that constitute the rest of the letters to perform the style change.

    73. DIKW Resource Interpopulation System for Purpose-Based Computing and Reasoning

    Application No.:

    CN 202111004843.5

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    Publication number:

    CN 113657083A





    The present invention discloses a method and device of a DIKW resource interaction filling system oriented towards purpose calculation and reasoning, which can judge the difference between the purposes of two parties by comparing the purpose of a form or a table item with the purposes of a form filler; grade the value of the filling based on the purpose of the form filler by speculating whether or not the filling of the form or the table item generates a benefit; change the uncertainty in the process of the content filling on demand; change the DIKW probability deviation factor of said content filling on demand; and perform content verification on the data or information filled in by the form analyst and the form filler DIKW probability deviation factor of the content filling is changed on demand; and the data or information filled in by the form filler is content verified, so as to achieve a balance of purpose between the form analyst and the form filler, and to achieve intelligent and reasonable content filling. The present invention can solve the content filling process by filling the form based on the data, purpose, information, and knowledge system of the form filler, standing in the perspective of the form filler, fully considering the purpose of the form filler, and speculating the purpose of the form, and solving the content filling process driven by the purpose, and solving various problems such as the purpose balance and the purpose confrontation between the form filler and the form analyser in the content filling process.

    74. Emotion expression mapping, metrics and optimised delivery system for DIKW resources

    Application No.:

    CN 202111006620.2

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    Publication number:

    CN 113722505A





    The present invention discloses a method and apparatus for a DIKW resource oriented emotion expression mapping, metrics and optimisation delivery system, which can be used to conceptualise and abstract the content of the emotion expression of a sender; transform said conceptualised and abstracted content of the emotion expression into a data-type resource DDIK, an information-type resource IDIK, and a knowledge-type resource KDIK; analyse said content of the emotion expression of a sender analysed to obtain the sender's purpose P; mapping said data type resource DDIK, information type resource IDIK and knowledge type resource KDIK with the sender's purpose P categorised into a DIKW mapping model; analysing said sender's DIKW model to obtain the real content of the transmission and traversing the receiver's DIKW model to reshape the transmitted content into a topology that matches the receiver's cognitive ability; presenting said reshaped transmitted content to the receiver according to the receiver's expectations. The present invention can solve the problem of improper expression due to personal cognitive differences among the participating parties in emotional communication, reduce the understanding bias among the communicating parties, and achieve the accuracy and efficiency of emotional communication.

    75. Cross-DIKW modal textual disambiguation for intrinsic computation and reasoning (Canada)

    Application No.:


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    Publication number:

    CN 112232085A





    A cross-DIKW-mode ambiguity processing method oriented for essential computing and reasoning, a system thereof, an electronic device and a storage medium are provided. The method includes: obtaining a target text, and determining a target data resource and a target information resource in the target text; retrieving a correlated resource of target text according to the target data resource and/or target information resource, and determining the meaning of the target text according to the correlated resource; if target text has more than one meaning, obtaining a supplementary resource for the target text, and generating a condition-restricted text for the target text according to the supplementary resource; taking a meaning in conformity with the condition limitation as the actual meaning of the target text, and modifying the target text according to the actual meaning. Ambiguity existing in the text can be accurately recognized and eliminated.

    76. DIKW-based vehicle path planning methodology

    Application No.:

    CN 202111663376.7

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    Publication number:

    CN 114295144A





    The present invention provides a vehicle path planning method based on DIKW, the specific steps of which include: obtaining a typed resource of a driver, constructing a DIKW model of the driver based on the typed resource; carrying out path planning based on a starting point and an end point to obtain a plurality of initial paths; obtaining road information of the initial paths, constructing a DIKW model of the initial paths; screening the initial paths by the initial paths in accordance with the purpose of the DIKW model of the driver, and obtaining an optimal path by collecting the typed resource of the driver and extracting the purpose contained therein. The initial path DIKW model filters the initial paths according to the driver's purpose to obtain the optimal path. By collecting the driver's typed resources and extracting the purpose contained therein, the initial paths are filtered according to the driver's purpose to obtain the optimal path during path planning, and the optimal paths obtained can satisfy the driver's needs, which is more efficient compared to the traditional path planning that only considers factors such as the number of traffic lights, the degree of congestion and the mileage, and the number of traffic lights, Compared with the traditional path planning that only considers the number of traffic lights, congestion level, mileage and other factors, it is more humane and can meet the multi-level driving needs of drivers.

    77. Purpose-driven DIKW-based content processing method and system

    Application No.:

    CN 202110909286.5

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    Publication number:

    CN 113609827A





    The present application discloses a content processing method and system based on purpose-driven DIKW, obtaining a resource between a user's purpose and a table item in a form to be populated, constructing a map corresponding to the resource, associating a data map, an purpose map, and an information map through the association relationship between the user's purpose and the respective map, obtaining an association result, and transforming the map to obtain a target map through the association result, and filling the target map with The corresponding information of the target atlas is filled into the table entries in the table to be filled. By means of the above-described scheme, the correlation result containing the correlation relationship among the data map, the purpose map and the information map is obtained, the individual maps are transformed, so that data with correlation is integrated to obtain a stable, complete and directional target map, and the filling result is obtained by filling the table entries to be filled in with the corresponding information of the target map, so as to improve the determinacy and completeness of the filling result. Completeness.


    78. DIKW-based area sensing and access cueing approach

    Application No.:

    CN 202111366568.1

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    Publication number:

    CN 114120620A





    The present invention provides a DIKW-based area sensing and passage prompting method, establishing an area DIKW atlas by obtaining the contents of each area in a map in real time, and obtaining the contents related to a moving target in real time in order to establish a DIKW atlas of the moving target, generating a multi-type electronic fence on the basis of the real-time generated area DIKW atlas and DIKW atlas of the moving target, determining a positional relationship between the moving target and the multi-type electronic fence on the basis of the positional relationship between them, and providing a passage prompt to the moving target through a prompting device based on the positional relationship between them. mapping of the moving target, determining a positional relationship between the moving target and the multi-type electronic fence, and providing a passage prompt to the moving target through a prompting device based on the positional relationship between the two. The present invention can realise dynamic perception of the area based on the real-time evolution of the area and the DIKW mapping of the mobile target, and generate different types of electronic fences based on this, and on this basis provide passage prompts to the mobile target for approaching or entering the area of the electronic fence, so as to assist the mobile target in planning a more secure mobile route.

    79. Feature mining methods and components across data, information, knowledge multimodalities (Australia)

    Application No.:


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    Publication number:






    A feature mining method, a feature mining device, a feature mining apparatus for multiple modes including data, information and knowledge, and a readable storage medium are provided. The method includes: obtaining a data resource to be mined; classifying the data resource, to obtain at least one type data of scalar data, vector data, range data, time data and classified data; performing an association and fusion process on the type data, to obtain an association and fusion result; and determining the association and fusion result as a feature of the data resource, to process the data resource by utilizing the feature. With the method, the data resource is mined to obtained more features, and the reliability of the obtained features are higher. In this way, the value of the data resource can be better mined.

    80. Purpose-driven interactive form-filling methodology for DIKW content

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    The present invention provides an purpose-driven interactive form filling method for DIKW content, comprising the following steps: constructing a first DIKP model based on the form filler information, constructing a second DIKP model based on the form information; comparing the purposes and judging the values based on the first DIKP model and the second DIKP model, and obtaining the filling value level of the form; adopting a reduced According to the difference of filling value level, adopt the method of reducing certainty, fuzzy transfer and defence filling to fill in the form information; and carry out feedback verification for the completed form information. Combining the DIKP system into the automatic form filling system to fill in the information automatically can save the process of filling in information manually by the filler, realizing the intelligent filling of the form, and the filler's purpose is taken into account in the filling process, so that the information filled in will not violate the filler's purpose and protect the privacy of the filler. In the filling process, the purpose of the filler is fully considered so that the filled information will not be contrary to the purpose of the filler and the privacy of the filler is protected.

    81. DIKW mapping-based method for confirmation of vaccination concentration

    Application No.:


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    The present invention provides a method for confirming vaccination concentration based on a DIKW map, said method establishes a DIKW map of a target user to be vaccinated, extracts one or more of data resources, information resources and knowledge resources from the DIKW map for analysis and calculation, so as to obtain information resources containing the user's physical condition, and determines a recommended vaccination concentration for the target user by combining information resources about the physical condition of the target user and appropriate vaccination concentration for people with different physical conditions. By combining the information resources about the physical condition of the target user and the appropriate vaccination concentration for people with different physical conditions, the present invention comprehensively analyses the physical condition of the target user through the establishment of the DIKW mapping, and obtains the corresponding recommended vaccination concentration based on the information resources about the physical condition of the user, so as to be able to recommend the vaccination concentration adapted to the physical condition of different individual users, and achieve customized vaccination, which helps to improve the physical condition of the target user and improve the health of the user. This enables customised vaccination and helps to improve the vaccination rate.


    82. Methods, apparatus, storage media and electronic devices for updating DIKW atlases

    Application No.:


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    Publication number:






    The present invention discloses methods, apparatuses, storage media and electronic devices for updating a DIKW atlas, which can be performed by obtaining a first data resource (a first data node name and a first data semantic interpretation) and a first purpose resource (a first purpose node name and a first purpose semantic interpretation); formally associating the first data node name and the first purpose node name to obtain a first information node name; semantically fusing the first data semantic interpretation and the the first purpose semantic interpretation are semantically fused to obtain the first information semantic interpretation; the first information node name and the first information semantic interpretation are added as a first information resource to an information resource type mapping; and in the DIKW mapping, the first data resource and the first purpose resource are concatenated, and a branch on the concatenation is drawn to point to the first information resource, thereby updating the DIKW mapping. The present invention can continuously fuse and generate new resources to enrich the DIKW atlas, thereby improving the breadth and depth of the search with high accuracy.


     Duan Yucong, male, currently serves as a member of the Academic Committee of the School  of Computer Science and Technology at Hainan University. He is a professor and doctoral supervisor and is one of the first batch of talents selected into the South China Sea Masters Program of Hainan Province and the leading talents in Hainan Province. He graduated from the Software Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2006, and has successively worked and visited Tsinghua University, Capital Medical University, POSCO University of Technology in South Korea, National Academy of Sciences of France, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, Milan Bicka University in Italy, Missouri State University in the United States, etc. He is currently a member of the Academic Committee of the School of Computer Science and Technology at Hainan University and he is the leader of the DIKWP (Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom, Purpose) Innovation Team at Hainan University, Distinguished Researcher at Chongqing Police College, Leader of Hainan Provincial Committee's "Double Hundred Talent" Team, Vice President of Hainan Invention Association, Vice President of Hainan Intellectual Property Association, Vice President of Hainan Low Carbon Economy Development Promotion Association, Vice President of Hainan Agricultural Products Processing Enterprises Association, Visiting Fellow, Central Michigan University, Member of the Doctoral Steering Committee of the University of Modena. Since being introduced to Hainan University as a D-class talent in 2012, He has published over 260 papers, included more than 120 SCI citations, and 11 ESI citations, with a citation count of over 4300. He has designed 241 serialized Chinese national and international invention patents (including 15 PCT invention patents) for multiple industries and fields and has been granted 85 Chinese national and international invention patents as the first inventor. Received the third prize for Wu Wenjun's artificial wisdom technology invention in 2020; In 2021, as the Chairman of the Program Committee, independently initiated the first International Conference on Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom - IEEE DIKW 2021; Served as the Chairman of the IEEE DIKW 2022 Conference Steering Committee in 2022; Served as the Chairman of the IEEE DIKW 2023 Conference in 2023. He was named the most beautiful technology worker in Hainan Province in 2022 (and was promoted nationwide); In 2022 and 2023, he was consecutively selected for the "Lifetime Scientific Influence Ranking" of the top 2% of global scientists released by Stanford University in the United States. Participated in the development of 2 international standards for IEEE financial knowledge graph and 4 industry knowledge graph standards. Initiated and co hosted the first International Congress on Artificial Consciousness (AC2023) in 2023.

    Prof  Yucong Duan

    DIKWP  Research of Artificial Consciousness

    AGI-AIGC-GPT  Evaluation Research

    DIKWP GroupHainan University













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