Feb 25, 2023
The paper offers the reader a highly interesting approach to the historical development of art, based on the relationship established between a primacy of objectivity or subjectivity, and the dialectical tension that tends between them. This historical development threatens, within the framework of technified societies, the dissolution of the objective component of art.
Now, there are two elements that, in my opinion, help to complete the analysis developed in the paper, namely: the problem of abstraction, subtly mentioned in the text. The dissolution of the objective character of art, within the framework of contemporary societies, ultimately points to a radicalization of the abstract tendency of science and technology. If art has a scientific-technical base, and said base, by its own account, abstracts from the mundane what is not measurable, the art derived from that base will have that abstract face alluded to in the article.
In this same sense, it would be important to think about the way in which the society from which this form of art arises, which tends to its total dissociation from the concrete, is precisely a society that in its material base tends to abstraction. That is to say, that art, like the economy and science, are in a process of dissolution of the material, in which the abstract construction of the world and the artistic is privileged.
I highly recommend this article, as it gives a refreshing and contemporary look at the reality of art and the future it is approaching.
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