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ChatGPT的本质"技术社会化"(technology socialization or societization)

已有 1829 次阅读 2023-2-25 16:02 |系统分类:论文交流


The essence of ChatGPT is the subversion brought about by the combination of "technologized society" and "societized technology": "society technologization" and "technology socialization"

February 2023 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.19000.42244


The essence of ChatGPT -"technology socialization or societization" section

段玉聪(Yucong Duan

DIKWP research group, Hainan University


ChatGPT的本质"技术化社会"和“社会化技术”结合带来的颠覆:“社会技术化”与 “技术社会化”

The essence of ChatGPT is the subversion brought about by the combination of "technologized society" and "societized technology": "society technologization" and "technology socialization or societization":


ChatGPT 定义---


“技术社会化”或“技术社会化”是指技术融入社会并影响社会规范、价值观和制度的过程。 它涉及技术在社会各个方面的广泛采用和使用,从教育和医疗保健到商业和政府。

技术社会化的过程可以通过不同的渠道发生,例如大众媒体、教育和社交网络。 例如,Facebook 和 Twitter 等社交媒体平台已成为人们交流和获取信息的中心,而亚马逊和阿里巴巴等电子商务平台则改变了人们购物和开展业务的方式。

技术社会化可以对社会产生积极和消极的影响。 一方面,它可以提高效率、生产力和创新,以及更多地获取信息和服务。 另一方面,它也可能导致社会孤立、网络欺凌以及隐私和安全受到侵蚀。

为确保技术的社会化造福于整个社会,重要的是要考虑其对不同群体的影响,并制定政策和法规以促进负责任和合乎道德地使用技术。 这包括解决隐私、安全和社会不平等等问题,以及促进数字素养和教育,以确保个人拥有驾驭日益复杂的数字环境所需的技能和知识。


技术的社会化或社会化是指技术融入社会社会结构的过程,不仅影响个人行为,而且影响社会规范、价值观和制度。 它涉及技术在社会各个方面的广泛采用和使用,从教育和医疗保健到商业和政府。

随着技术不断进步并变得更容易获得,它对社会和社会互动的影响也在增加。 例如,社交媒体平台的使用改变了人们相互联系和交流的方式,而电子商务的兴起改变了人们购物和做生意的方式。

技术社会化对社会既有积极影响,也有消极影响。 一方面,它可以提高效率、生产力和创新,以及更多地获取信息和服务。 另一方面,它也可能导致社会孤立、网络欺凌以及隐私和安全受到侵蚀。

为确保技术的社会化造福于整个社会,重要的是要考虑其对不同群体的影响,并制定政策和法规以促进负责任和合乎道德地使用技术。 这包括解决隐私、安全和社会不平等等问题,以及促进数字素养和教育,以确保个人拥有驾驭日益复杂的数字环境所需的技能和知识。


当然! 技术的社会化,特别是以人工智能 (AI) 和 AI 生成的认知形式出现的技术,正在对社会产生重大影响。 以下是人工智能影响社会的一些方式:

工作自动化:人工智能越来越多地被用于自动化以前由人类完成的工作,特别是在制造和运输等行业。 这导致人们担心工作流离失所以及需要再培训和重新学习技能。

增强决策能力:AI 生成的认知被用于分析大量数据并生成人类难以或不可能实现的洞察力。 这有可能加强医疗保健、金融和执法等领域的决策。

个性化:人工智能驱动的个性化正变得越来越普遍,尤其是在广告和内容推荐等领域。 这有可能改善用户体验,但也引发了人们对人工智能操纵和利用用户的可能性的担忧。

偏见和歧视:AI 生成的认知的公正性取决于它所训练的数据。 如果用于训练 AI 系统的数据包含偏见或歧视,那么 AI 生成的认知也将是有偏见或歧视性的。 这导致人们担心人工智能有可能加剧社会不平等。

隐私和安全:人工智能在社会各个方面的使用越来越多,引发了人们对隐私和安全的担忧。 收集和分析个人数据的人工智能系统可能容易受到数据泄露和网络攻击,这可能对个人和整个社会产生重大影响。

总的来说,人工智能的社会化和人工智能产生的认知是复杂和多方面的,既有积极的影响,也有消极的影响。 在开发和实施新的 AI 技术以确保它们造福于整个社会时,必须考虑这些影响。 这包括解决偏见、歧视、隐私和安全等问题,以及提高人工智能系统开发和使用的透明度和问责制。

ChatGPT definition on---

what is "technology socialization or societization"?

"Technology socialization" or "technology societization" refers to the process by which technology becomes integrated into society, affecting social norms, values, and institutions. It involves the widespread adoption and use of technology in various aspects of society, from education and healthcare to business and government.

The process of technology socialization can occur through different channels, such as the mass media, education, and social networks. For example, social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter have become central to how people communicate and access information, while e-commerce platforms such as Amazon and Alibaba have transformed how people shop and do business.

Technology socialization can have both positive and negative impacts on society. On the one hand, it can lead to increased efficiency, productivity, and innovation, as well as greater access to information and services. On the other hand, it can also lead to social isolation, cyberbullying, and the erosion of privacy and security.

To ensure that the socialization of technology benefits society as a whole, it is important to consider its impacts on different groups and to develop policies and regulations that promote responsible and ethical use of technology. This includes addressing issues such as privacy, security, and social inequality, as well as promoting digital literacy and education to ensure that individuals have the skills and knowledge needed to navigate the increasingly complex digital landscape.

what is the socialization or societization of techonology penatriting in social level influence and into society?

The socialization or societization of technology refers to the process by which technology becomes integrated into the social fabric of society, affecting not only individual behavior but also social norms, values, and institutions. It involves the widespread adoption and use of technology in various aspects of society, from education and healthcare to business and government.

As technology continues to advance and become more accessible, its influence on society and social interactions is increasing. For example, the use of social media platforms has transformed how people connect and communicate with each other, while the rise of e-commerce has changed how people shop and do business.

The socialization of technology has both positive and negative impacts on society. On the one hand, it can lead to increased efficiency, productivity, and innovation, as well as greater access to information and services. On the other hand, it can also lead to social isolation, cyberbullying, and the erosion of privacy and security.

To ensure that the socialization of technology benefits society as a whole, it is important to consider its impacts on different groups and to develop policies and regulations that promote responsible and ethical use of technology. This includes addressing issues such as privacy, security, and social inequality, as well as promoting digital literacy and education to ensure that individuals have the skills and knowledge needed to navigate the increasingly complex digital landscape.

Can you add the influence of AI and AI generated cognition?

Certainly! The socialization of technology, particularly in the form of artificial intelligence (AI) and AI-generated cognition, is having a significant impact on society. Here are some ways AI is influencing society:

  1. Automation of Jobs: AI is increasingly being used to automate jobs previously done by humans, particularly in industries such as manufacturing and transportation. This has led to concerns about job displacement and the need for retraining and reskilling.

  2. Enhanced Decision-Making: AI-generated cognition is being used to analyze vast amounts of data and generate insights that would be difficult or impossible for humans to achieve. This has the potential to enhance decision-making in areas such as healthcare, finance, and law enforcement.

  3. Personalization: AI-powered personalization is becoming more prevalent, particularly in areas such as advertising and content recommendations. This has the potential to improve user experiences but also raises concerns about the potential for AI to manipulate and exploit users.

  4. Bias and Discrimination: AI-generated cognition is only as unbiased as the data it is trained on. If the data used to train AI systems contain bias or discrimination, the AI-generated cognition will also be biased or discriminatory. This has led to concerns about the potential for AI to reinforce social inequalities.

  5. Privacy and Security: The increasing use of AI in various aspects of society raises concerns about privacy and security. AI systems that collect and analyze personal data can be vulnerable to data breaches and cyber attacks, which can have significant consequences for individuals and society as a whole.

Overall, the socialization of AI and AI-generated cognition is complex and multifaceted, with both positive and negative impacts. It is essential to consider these impacts when developing and implementing new AI technologies to ensure that they benefit society as a whole. This includes addressing issues such as bias, discrimination, privacy, and security, as well as promoting transparency and accountability in the development and use of AI systems.


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