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DIKWP是一种新哲学(Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom, Purpose)

已有 2752 次阅读 2023-1-12 20:35 |系统分类:科研笔记

A philosophy of Purpose Driven Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom: DIKWP Philosophy (Purpose Driven Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom : DIKWP Philosophy)

DIKWP是一种新哲学(Purpose Driven Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom : DIKWP Philosophy)

段玉聪(Yucong Duan),email: duanyucong@hotmail.com

从弗朗西斯·培根(Francis Bacon)的归纳法到巴鲁赫·德·斯宾诺莎(Baruch de Spinoza)对客观到主观的统一。伏尔泰(Voltaire,François-Marie Arouet)与让-雅克·卢梭(Jean-Jacques Rousseau)相联归崇自然而安。伊曼努尔·康德(Immanuel Kant)以先验范畴演绎归理性以主观终极性。格奥尔格·威廉·弗里德里希·黑格尔(Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel)在类似量子测不准原理的绝对中,以弗里德里希·威廉姆·约瑟夫·谢林(Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling)的方式辩证同一了主观到客观的同一与不同一。

从乔治·桑塔亚那(George Santayana)的发展性存在视角,人类在无尽的探索世界中形成了人类的生存整体意义。发展永无尽头,探索永无止境。

哲学必然没有好坏,不必肯定赫伯特·斯宾塞(Herbert Spencer)的胜者为王,也不需弗里德里希·威廉·尼采(Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche)的超人审美,但实用主义是哲学的力量体现。

老子(Laozi)在语义的空间中无法表达“道可道,非常道”,从而隔绝于知者不言于概念独行的必然谬误。尼采批判语言对内心世界即语义的遮蔽和引发的认知混乱。路德维希‧约瑟夫‧约翰‧维特根斯坦(Ludwig Josef Johann Wittgenstein)在《逻辑哲学论》中初设了DIKWP 基础的关系定义一切语义模型(Relationship Defined Everything of Semantics, RDXS),然而其受康德式样范畴的概念先置使其不能摆脱概念认知的先验前提。

不似伯特兰·阿瑟·威廉·罗素(Bertrand Arthur William Russell)陷于对逻辑的先验,DIKWP从基本认知进行构建,是一种兼顾实用的哲学。DIKW穿越主观和客观,构成了概念符号表达空间和本质语义认知空间,其概念表达完整性由其语义形式化完整性保障,P则借助意图驱动承载了阿图尔·叔本华(Arthur Schopenhauer)的意志世界到DIKW表象世界的双向转化。将DIKW的语义空间和概念空间进行对应后,再用意图驱动替代命题带入《逻辑哲学论》就会获得哲学的空间与技术的空间的统一,也将定义智能的认知表达和作用空间(Cognitive Space of Artificial Intelligence)。

借助意图计算与推理机制(Purpose Computation and Reasoning over DIKWP, PUCR)的意图驱动,从同一性语义与数据概念的数据语义的存在语义进行确认开始语义的存在计算与推理机制(Existence Computation and Reasoning over DIKWPEXCR)。在对数据概念间的同一语义的否定关联的基础上构建信息概念的信息语义,并进行信息语义之间的本质计算与推理机制(Essence Computation and Reasoning over DIKWPESCR)。

DIKWP作为一种新哲学将从根本上将哲学带入技术性,将约翰·杜威(John Dewey)的社会教育落实为技术-社会一体化教育,让我们从人类整体上更加接近柏拉图(Plato)。


意图计算与推理机制(Purpose Computation and Reasoning over DIKWP, PUCR)

本质计算与推理机制(Essence Computation and Reasoning over DIKWPESCR)

存在计算与推理机制(Existence Computation and Reasoning over DIKWPEXCR)


语义一致性公理(Axiom of Consistency of Semantics, CS)

存在语义守恒公理(Axiom of Conservation of Existence SetCEX)

本质语义集合整体完整性组合一致性公理(Axiom of Consistency of Compounded Essential Set, CES)

存在语义继承公理(Axiom of Inheritance of Existence Semantics, IHES)}


1. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/358607773_The_end_of_Objective_mathematics_as_a_return_to_Subjective

2. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/358608122_Existence_Computation_and_ReasoningEXCR_and_Essence_Computation_and_ReasoningESCR_based_revelation_of_the_semantics_of_point_line_and_plane

3. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/358608147_Existence_Computation_and_ReasoningEXCR_and_Essence_Computation_and_ReasoningESCR_based_Revelation_of_the_Four_Color_Theorem

4. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/358637942_Existence_Computation_and_ReasoningEXCR_and_Essence_Computation_and_ReasoningESCR_based_Revelation_of_the_Goldbach's_conjecture

5. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/358722876_Existence_Computation_and_ReasoningEXCR_and_Essence_Computation_and_ReasoningESCR_based_Revelation_of_Collatz_Conjecture

 A philosophy of Purpose Driven Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom: DIKWP Philosophy

(Purpose Driven Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom : DIKWP Philosophy)

Yucong Duan

DIKWP research group, Hainan University, China

email: duanyucong@hotmail.com

From Francis Bacon's induction to Baruch de Spinoza's unity of the objective to the subjective. Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet) and Jean-Jacques Rousseau (Jean-Jacques Rousseau) are associated with the worship of nature and peace. Immanuel Kant returned reasoning to reason and subjectivity to finality, and formed in Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel's category system and its dialectics cognitive connection.

From the perspective of George Santayana's developmental existence, human beings form the overall meaning of human existence in the endless world of exploration. There is no end to development, and there is no end to exploration.

Philosophy is necessarily neither good nor bad, and it is not necessary to affirm Herbert Spencer's winner is king, nor does Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche's superhuman aesthetics, but pragmatism is philosophy manifestation of strength.

Laozi (Laozi) can't express "Tao can be Tao, very Tao" in the semantic space, so he is isolated from the inevitable fallacy that the knower does not talk about the concept alone. Nietzsche criticizes language's covering of the inner world, that is, semantics, and the cognitive confusion caused by it. Ludwig Josef Johann Wittgenstein (Ludwig Josef Johann Wittgenstein) initially set up the Relationship Defined Everything of Semantics (RDXS) model (Relationship Defined Everything of Semantics, RDXS) based on DIKWP in Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, but it was influenced by Kant The concept presupposition of the style category makes it impossible to get rid of the prior premise of conceptual cognition.

Unlike Bertrand Arthur William Russell (Bertrand Arthur William Russell) who was trapped in a priori of logic, DIKWP is constructed from basic cognition, which is a philosophy that takes into account practicality. DIKW crosses subjectivity and objectivity, and constitutes the expression space of concept symbols and the cognitive space of essential semantics. The integrity of its concept expression is guaranteed by the integrity of its semantic formalization. ) two-way transformation from the world of will to the world of DIKW representation. After matching the semantic space of DIKW with the conceptual space, and then using the intent-driven substitution proposition to bring into the Tractatus Logico-Philosophy, the unity of the philosophical space and the technical space will be obtained, and the cognitive expression and action space of intelligence will also be defined ( Cognitive Space of Artificial Intelligence).

Driven by the intent of the purpose computing and reasoning mechanism (Purpose Computation and Reasoning over DIKWP, PUCR), from the identity semantics and data semantics of the data concept to confirm the existence of the semantics of the computing and reasoning mechanism (Existence Computation and Reasoning over DIKWP , EXCR). On the basis of the negative association of the same semantics between data concepts, the information semantics of information concepts are constructed, and the essential calculation and reasoning mechanism (Essence Computation and Reasoning over DIKWP, ESCR) between information semantics is carried out.

As a new philosophy, DIKWP will fundamentally bring philosophy into technology, implement John Dewey's social education into technology-society integration education, and bring us closer to Plato from the perspective of human beings as a whole.


Background principle:

Intention Computation and Reasoning Mechanism (Purpose Computation and Reasoning over DIKWP, PUCR)

Essence Computation and Reasoning over DIKWP (ESCR)

Existence Computation and Reasoning over DIKWP, EXCR


Concept-Semantics PUCR-EXCR-ESCR Subjective Objectification Axiomatic System:

Axiom of Consistency of Semantics (CS)

Axiom of Conservation of Existence Set (CEX)

Axiom of Consistency of Compounded Essential Set (CES)

Axiom of Inheritance of Existence Semantics (IHES)}



1. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/358607773_The_end_of_Objective_mathematics_as_a_return_to_Subjective

2. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/358608122_Existence_Computation_and_ReasoningEXCR_and_Essence_Computation_and_ReasoningESCR_based_revelation_of_the_semantics_of_point_line_and_plane

3. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/358608147_Existence_Computation_and_ReasoningEXCR_and_Essence_Computation_and_ReasoningESCR_based_Revelation_of_the_Four_Color_Theorem

4. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/358637942_Existence_Computation_and_ReasoningEXCR_and_Essence_Computation_and_ReasoningESCR_based_Revelation_of_the_Goldbach's_conjecture

5. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/358722876_Existence_Computation_and_ReasoningEXCR_and_Essence_Computation_and_ReasoningESCR_based_Revelation_of_Collatz_Conjecture


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