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Why we need to focus on SRM?

已有 3985 次阅读 2020-3-14 16:57 |系统分类:科研笔记

太阳辐射管理(Solar radiation management),简称SRM,是一种人类干预自然系统来抵挡气候恶化的方法,其方法不是减少温室气体的排放,而是抵消温室气体造成的全球气候变暖效应。

We know that the Paris agreement was adopted at the Paris Climate Change Conference on December 12, 2015, and the goal of temperature control was established, that is, "to control the global average temperature rise within 2 ℃ compared with the pre industrial level, and to work hard to control the temperature rise within 1.5 ℃. At present, the average global surface temperature has risen by about 0.85 degrees Celsius. Under this situation, it is very difficult to reach the temperature control target set by the Paris Agreement. Climate change is increasingly becoming a global issue of common concern, which is directly related to ecosystem services and people's well-being. It urgently needs comprehensive response from global scientists, community residents, governments, media, NGOs and other levels, and it is also an important measure to promote the building of a community of human destiny.


Some studies show that the government and scientists are trying to reduce the risk of global warming by using the geoengineering of solar radiation management (SRM). Although the response effect and effect of SRM to climate change are not clearly, it is a trade-off of two risks in the implementation of sustainable development goals, which does not mean that SRM must be done, but is considered as an option to deal with climate and environmental risks.


In the past, most researches and discussions on SRM have been conducted in developed countries, and only a few scholars in China have paid sporadic attention to international developments. "In 2015, China launched the first '973' project of geo engineering and began to pay attention to SRM


At present, major international research institutions have begun to participate in the research of geoengineering and have developed cooperative research plans to deepen the role and possible impact of geoengineering in response to global climate change in theory. Although some progress has been made in geoengineering research in the past decade, the research on geoengineering is still relatively weak, which has not been verified by the multi-mode set of the earth system, and the implementation effect is highly uncertain, which may bring high risks. There is no unified scientific answer to this series of questions, so the current understanding cannot support the decision-making of whether to implement geoengineering in the future.


If the global warming cannot be effectively controlled, once the warming exceeds 4℃, the climate system will approach the irreversible "critical point" of the climate warming. In this case, the solar radiation management geoengineering will become the "last medicine" for the effective cooling of the earth in a short time, low cost and emergency.


But when the effect is obvious, we should have to consider its ecological effect comprehensively. Reducing the radiation of the sun to the earth will not affect the solar atmospheric system. It may react to the earth's atmospheric system, and then affect the earth's ecological environment, which is likely to destroy the ecological balance.


Some Chinese scholars have indicated that, while the mitigation and adaptation actions are not relaxed, geoengineering technology development strategies such as SRM should be carefully deployed, which should be included in the climate change strategy. Geoengineering research should be strengthened as the basis of scientific decision-making, the complementarity and integration of natural science and social science should be advocated, and the international governance of geoengineering should be actively participated in.



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