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Geoscience Frontiers 16篇;Quaternary Science Reviews 15篇

已有 1091 次阅读 2022-12-16 12:27 |系统分类:科研笔记

Geoscience Frontiers 16篇;Quaternary Science Reviews 15





High-precision carbon isotopic composition estimation for individual CO<sub>2</sub> fluid inclusions through Raman spectroscopy


Geoscience Frontiers


Holocene initiation and expansion of the southern margins of northern peatlands triggered by the East Asian summer monsoon recession


Geoscience Frontiers


Nature and evolution of the lower crust under central Spain: Inferences from granulite xenoliths (Calatrava Volcanic Field–Spanish Central System)


Geoscience Frontiers


Strategies towards robust interpretations of in situ zircon oxygen isotopes


Geoscience Frontiers


Surface water and aerosol spatiotemporal dynamics and influence mechanisms over drylands


Geoscience Frontiers


Deformation history and processes during accretion of seamounts in subduction zones: The example of the Durkan Complex (Makran, SE Iran)


Geoscience Frontiers


Construction of a fluvial facies knowledge graph and its application in sedimentary facies identification


Geoscience Frontiers


Anticlockwise metamorphic paths at ca. 890–790 Ma from the NE Baidrag block, Mongolia, indicate back-arc compression at the Rodinia periphery

890 ~ 790 Ma的蒙古白德拉格地块NE向逆时针变质路径表明Rodinia边缘的弧后压缩作用

Geoscience Frontiers


Geological information prediction for shield machine using an enhanced multi-head self-attention convolution neural network with two-stage feature extraction


Geoscience Frontiers


Trace element and Nd isotope analyses of apatite in granitoids and metamorphosed granitoids from the eastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt: Implications for petrogenesis and post-magmatic alteration


Geoscience Frontiers


Carbonaceous aerosol transport from the Indo-Gangetic Plain to the Himalayas: Carbon isotope evidence and light absorption characteristics


Geoscience Frontiers


The Holocene environmental changes revealed from the sediments of the Yarkov sub-basin of Lake Chany, south-western Siberia


Geoscience Frontiers


Generating soil thickness maps by means of geomorphological-empirical approach and random forest algorithm in Wanzhou County, Three Gorges Reservoir


Geoscience Frontiers


Unravelling the protracted U-Pb zircon geochronological record of high to ultrahigh temperature metamorphic rocks: Implications for provenance investigations


Geoscience Frontiers


Characterisation of likelihood of gas hydrates occurrence in the South China Sea based on Bonferroni mean-based TOPSIS and fuzzy set theory


Geoscience Frontiers


Sticking together: Mechanisms of quartz synneusis in high-silica magma


Geoscience Frontiers


Distal tephras along the SE European margin date powerful explosive eruptions from the Elbrus volcanic center (Greater Caucasus)


Quaternary Science Reviews


Within-region replication of late Holocene relative sea-level change: An example from southern New England, United States


Quaternary Science Reviews


Stratigraphic and palaeo-geomorphological evidence for the glacial-deglacial history of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet in the north-western Irish Sea


Quaternary Science Reviews


Deciphering carnivoran competition for animal resources at the 1.46 Ma early Pleistocene site of Barranco León (Orce, Granada, Spain)

Barranco早更新世遗址1.46 Ma食肉动物争夺动物资源的解密León (Orce, Granada, Spain)

Quaternary Science Reviews


New age constraints on the MIS 9 – MIS 5.3 marine terraces of the Pontine Plain (central Italy) and implications for global sea levels

庞廷平原(意大利中部)MIS 9 - MIS 5.3海洋阶地的新时代限制和对全球海平面的影响研究

Quaternary Science Reviews


Temporal and geographic extent of the late Holocene dry period in the central Great Basin, USA


Quaternary Science Reviews


Coupling of the ecosystems in North China with the East Asian summer monsoon rainfall during the Holocene


Quaternary Science Reviews


Sensitivity of coastal southern African climate to changes in coastline position and associated land extent over the last glacial


Quaternary Science Reviews


Plants, people and fire: Phytolith and FTIR analyses of the post-Howiesons Poort occupations at Border Cave (KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)

植物、人与火:边境洞穴howiesons Poort占领后的植物化石和FTIR分析

Quaternary Science Reviews


Fluctuations of the Universidad Glacier in the Andes of central Chile (34° S) during the latest Holocene derived from a <sup>10</sup>Be moraine chronology


Quaternary Science Reviews


Palaeoenvironmental sequences surrounding Border Cave, South Africa, and review of conditions during middle and later stone age occupation


Quaternary Science Reviews


Updated age constraints on key tephra markers for NW Europe based on a high-precision varve lake chronology


Quaternary Science Reviews


Hydroclimate variability in the Madagascar and Southeast African summer monsoons at the Mid- to Late-Holocene transition


Quaternary Science Reviews


Environmental and climate evolution in the Southwest USA since the last interglacial deduced from the pollen record from Stoneman lake, Arizona


Quaternary Science Reviews


Seasonal variations in surface processes and hydroclimate on an alpine lake, NE Tibetan Plateau


Quaternary Science Reviews




上一篇:Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 21篇; EPSL 8篇
下一篇:Nature 4篇;Science 2篇; Science Advances 3篇; PNAS 3篇
收藏 IP: 159.226.151.*| 热度|


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