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Journal of Geochemical Exploration 20篇;CMP 11篇

已有 1452 次阅读 2022-3-6 22:11 |系统分类:科研笔记

Journal of Geochemical Exploration 20篇;Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 11




Skarn formation and Cu<img src="https://sdfestaticassets-eu-west-1.sciencedirectassets.com/shared-assets/16/entities/sbnd" />Ag mineralization in the McKenzie Gulch area, northern New Brunswick, Canada: Implication for the applications of mineral chemistry in exploration for porphyry copper and skarn deposits


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


Handheld LIBS analysis for in situ quantification of Li and detection of the trace elements (Be, Rb and Cs)


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


Radiological, geochemical, and environmental assessment in Xuancheng, China: The airborne gamma-ray spectrometric view


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


Locating terrane boundaries in South China with big geochemical data mining


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


Stream sediment analysis for Lithium (Li) exploration in the Douro region (Portugal): A comparative study of the spatial interpolation and catchment basin approaches


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


Towards a sampling protocol for the resource assessment of critical raw materials in tailings storage facilities


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


The efficiency of fractal techniques in geochemical anomaly delineation within BLEG and <180 μm stream sediments in Western Turkey

分形技术在土耳其西部BLEG<180 μm水系沉积物地球化学异常圈定中的有效性研究

Journal of Geochemical Exploration


Performance of predictive supervised classification models of trace elements in magnetite for mineral exploration


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


Recognition and incorporation of mineralization-efficient fault systems to produce a strengthened anisotropic geochemical singularity


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


Provenance change and continental weathering of Late Permian bauxitic claystone in Guizhou Province, Southwest China


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


Gold prospectivity mapping and exploration targeting in Hutti-Maski schist belt, India: Synergistic application of Weights-of-Evidence (WOE), Fuzzy Logic (FL) and hybrid (WOE-FL) models

印度huti - maski片岩带金的找矿前景和勘探目标:证据权重(WOE)、模糊逻辑(FL)和混合(WOE-FL)模型的协同应用研究

Journal of Geochemical Exploration


Late Jurassic epithermal mineralization of Shitouban Au deposit, Dehua-Youxi area, southeast China: Quartz Rb<img src="https://sdfestaticassets-eu-west-1.sciencedirectassets.com/shared-assets/16/entities/sbnd" />Sr dating, fluid inclusions, and H-O-S-Pb-Sr isotope analyses


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


Predictive assessment of metallogenic signatures using the DataBase Querying (DBQ) method: A European application


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


Terrestrial and aquatic ecotoxicity of iron ore tailings after the failure of VALE S.A mining dam in Brumadinho (Brazil)


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


A regional-scale geochemical survey of stream sediment samples in Nappe zone, northern Tunisia: Implications for mineral exploration


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


Genesis of the Carboniferous karstic bauxites in Qingzhen region, central Guizhou, southwest China


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


Dictionary learning for multivariate geochemical anomaly detection for mineral exploration targeting


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


Reactive transport modeling of U and Ra mobility in roll-front uranium deposits: Parameters influencing <sup>226</sup>Ra/<sup>238</sup>U disequilibria


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


A Comparative study of the mineral composition of <em>Macrotermes</em> and <em>Cubitermes</em> termite mounds in Lualaba, D.R. Congo: Contribution to strategic prospecting for Cu and Co deposits


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


In-situ Raman spectroscopic analysis of dissolved silica structures in Na2CO3 and NaOH solutions at high pressure and temperature


Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology


Determination of cooling rates of glasses over four orders of magnitude


Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology


Spinel-group minerals as a record of magmatic and metamorphic processes: evidence from the highly altered Morro do Onça ultramafic suite, São Francisco Craton (Brazil)

尖晶石群矿物作为岩浆和变质过程的记录:来自高度改变的Morro do Onça超镁铁质岩系São Francisco克拉通(巴西)的证据

Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology


Iron isotopic fractionation during eclogite anatexis and adakitic melt evolution: insights into garnet effect on Fe isotopic variations in high-silica igneous rocks


Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology


Rifting and recharge as triggers of the mixed basalt–rhyolite Halaraueur ignimbrite eruption (Krafla, Iceland)


Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology


TitaniQ revisited: expanded and improved Ti-in-quartz solubility model for thermobarometry


Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology


Clinopyroxene diversity and magma plumbing system processes in an accreted Pacific ocean island, Panama


Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology


Structure and composition of the lithosphere beneath Mount Carmel, North Israel


Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology


Dynamics and timescales of mafic–silicic magma interactions at Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat


Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology


Hydrothermal apatite record of ore-forming processes in the Hatu orogenic gold deposit, West Junggar, Northwest China


Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology


Zircon U–Pb chronology and Hf isotopes of the Lebowa Granite Suite and petrogenesis of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa


Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology




上一篇:SA 3篇;NC 14篇;NG 6篇;Geology 11篇;Nature 1篇
下一篇:GRL 24篇;JGR 7篇
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