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摘要 本课题的研究源于最近几年人工智能在基础研究和产业领域掀起的新一轮发展高潮。本文使用文献回顾和例举分析的方法研究AI的分支,包括专家系统、模式识别、自然语言处理、机器人、机器学习、深度学习神经网络在图书馆信息检索、编目、分类、选书、采购、订阅、流通、参考咨询和图书馆自动化领域的应用现状和发展趋势。通过对发表在国内外有影响的期刊文章和最新产业界人工智能技术应用的实例研究,我们发现目前AI在图书馆领域的应用基本上还处于狭义AI或称为弱AI的机器学习阶段,但是现在兴起的人脸识别、机器人整理书架和基于机器学习自然语言处理和人工神经网络的聊天机器人等AI技术正陆续加入到图书馆自动化的行列中来,特别是强人工智能技术应用于图书馆新一代信息检索系统的前景比较明朗。 | 服务 把本文推荐给朋友 加入我的书架 加入引用管理器 E-mail Alert RSS 作者相关文章 傅平 邹小筑 吴丹 叶志锋 |
关键词 : 人工智能, 图书馆, 机器学习, 深度学习, 神经网络, 生物特征识别 | |
Abstract:The application of artificial intelligence (AI) has brought innovation to basic science research and industry in recently years. This paper briefly reviews and analyzes the research and development of artificial intelligence technologies such as expert systems, natural language processing, pattern recognition, robotics and machine learning in the fields of library information retrieval, reference service, cataloging, classification, acquisitions, circulation and automation. By analyzing the papers published on both domestic and international journals, studying the practices of latest AI applications in industry, this paper finds that the current AI applications in the library are still in the narrow AI or weak AI/machine learning phase. However, the emerging technology of face recognition, arranging and organizing book shelves by robots, natural language processing based on machine learning, chat robot based on artificial neural networks are making library more automatic. Especially, this paper looks into the possibilities of applying general AI or strong AI technologies into the retrieval system of libraries. | |
Key words: Artificial Intelligence(AI) Library Machine learning Deep learning Neural networks Biometrics identification | |
引用本文: |
傅平,邹小筑,吴丹等. 回顾与展望:人工智能在图书馆的应用[J]. 图书情报知识, 2018, 0(2): 50-60. |
$author.xingMing_EN,$author.xingMing_EN,$author.xingMing_EN et al. Retrospective Analysis and Prediction: Artificial Intelligence and Its Applications in Libraries[J]. DOCUMENTATION,INFORMATION & KNOWLEDGE, 2018, 0(2): 50-60. |
链接本文: |
http://manu03.magtech.com.cn:81/Jweb_tsqb/CN/10.13366/j.dik.2018.02.050 或 http://manu03.magtech.com.cn:81/Jweb_tsqb/CN/Y2018/V0/I2/50 |
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