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已有 11503 次阅读 2014-3-28 20:58 |系统分类:海外观察




Editor (四位),

Associate Editor (目前一位,王牧教授来了之后增加到两位),

Senior Assistant Editors (五位),

Assistant Editors (八位),

Consulting Editors (两位),

Adjunct Associate Editors (三位)

另外,还有Editorial Board,每个领域数人,但是不负责处理稿件。

最后,APS的Editor in-Chief和Editorial Director,管理APS旗下所有杂志。

By the way, 不知道那档子事儿调查得怎样了?


美国物理学会(APS)、中国物理学会(CPS)和南京大学(NJU)非常高兴地宣布,南京大学凝聚态物理长江特聘教授王牧即将受聘《物理评论快报(Physical Review Letters)》的副编辑和美国物理学会刊物在中国的协调人。

该任命反映了美国物理学会对中国物理研究在国际舞台上日益增长的贡献的认可,同时也反映了美国物理学会为加强与中国物理学界业已存在的联系、并拓展新的合作关系的承诺。美国物理学会总编 Gene Sprouse 指出,“我们非常兴奋王牧加入到我们的团队,代表美国物理学会的刊物,特别是《物理评论快报》(PRL) 来联系中国物理学界。这是美国物理学会在国际范围内推广其学会及期刊所做出的进一步的努力”。





The American Physical Society (APS), Chinese Physical Society (CPS), and Nanjing University (NJU) are pleased to announce that Wang Mu, Cheung-Kong professor in condensed matter physics at NJU, will soon begin an appointment with dual responsibilities as an Associate Editor of Physical Review Letters (PRL) and as an outreach Coordinator for the APS journals in China.

This appointment reflects both APS’s full recognition of the fast-growing contribution of the Chinese physics community to international physics research and its commitment to strengthening its existing ties with the Chinese physics community and to developing new ones.  "We are all very excited to have Mu on board representing the APS journals, and PRL in particular, to the research community in China," said Gene Sprouse, APS Editor in Chief. “This is another step forward in the international outreach efforts of APS to make both the journals and the society more accessible."

"We are very happy and inspired that Mu will soon play a more direct and active role in strengthening the interactions and collaborations between the physics communities in both China and the United States. Physics research in China has been developing very quickly in recent years. Chinese physicists should play, and want to play, more and more significant roles as part of the international physics community," said Wang Enge, the Vice President of CPS and the President of Peking University.

Wang Mu’s research interests focus on the optical properties of microstructured materials and the fundamental physics of interfacial growth. He is particularly interested in pinpointing the novel optoelectric properties of fabricated and self-organized microstructures, and discovering the mechanisms of interfacial growth in making these structures. He actively promoted exchanges and cooperation between countries with diverse cultural backgrounds when he served as Director of the National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures at NJU from 2006 to 2014.

“I’m ready to use my experiences of physics teaching, research, and administration to promote the interaction and communication between APS and CPS, and in particular to facilitate the dissemination to the international physics community of high-quality Chinese physics research through the APS journals,” said Wang Mu.  “The policies and values of the APS benefit greatly the development of physics worldwide and I am excited to be part of this great organization and of its mission.”

Wang Mu received his BS in 1984 and Ph.D. in 1991 from NJU. During 1992-1994 he worked as a postdoctoral research associate at Nijmegen University. He also worked at the University of Alabama in Huntsville (1997-1998) and at the Ecole Polytechnique (2001).


The American Physical Society (www.aps.org) is a non-profit membership organization working to advance and diffuse the knowledge of physics through its outstanding research journals, scientific meetings, and education, outreach, advocacy and international activities. APS represents 50,000 members, including physicists in academia, national laboratories and industry in the United States and throughout the world. Society offices are located in College Park, MD (Headquarters), Ridge, NY, and Washington, DC.


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