


已有 2567 次阅读 2016-12-10 10:54 |系统分类:海外观察| 中美关系, 汇率, Trump

Dear Mr. Trump,

Dear Mr. President

Please allow me take your liberty to discuss the issue ofthe exchange rate of the RMB to US dollar.


During the election campaign and after your victory you havementioned that you would push China to appreciate the value of the RMB. I thinkthis might be big issue in the US-China relation.  Frankly speaking I don’t think you can getany positive result.


I do not want to ague in length that the US trade deficit isnot because of the exchange rate, in this regard, I just want to remind youthat US has trade deficits with almost every its major trade partner. Forexample, the US have a long deficit record of the many years with Canada, evenno single month without deficit. But you do know there was no any exchangeproblem there.


Nor I’d argue that the reason of the deficits is in thestructure of the US economy. This is also need a lengthy discussion. But in onewords, it is the cost of world hegemony.


I’d like suggest we should find out a scientific and objectivecriterion to judge whether the exchange rate is in good shape.


I know quite a large number of economists insist that therate is determined by the market, and refuse to do a research on it. That’slike the ignorant young man who eats when he hungry and eats what he likes.  That’s the so called natural way, I wouldlike to say, it is a primitive way.


I do think the economist community owns the society such atheory. Economists, as scientists, should be able to explain, and provideguidance to, economy activity.


In this field we only have the PPP,Purchasing Power Parity. But it is good in comparing the living standard indifferent countries, and not so good for exchange rate which is related tointernational trade. Because PPPconsiders the money value from the point of view of end consumers, and anygoods when it comes to the consumer’s hands there must considerable transactioncosts. These transaction costs differ sharply from developing country todeveloped country, so the PPP must overvalue the currency of the developingcountry.


I have put forward a formula of exchange rate, and discussedit with many established scholars including quite a number of the Nobel laureates,for example the out spoken Dr. Paul Krugman. They did not have a single word ofobjection.


I believe, if someone of them had a good reason to say “NO”,he or she would have not hesitated to teach a lesson, because teaching is theirnature.


Of course no one of them likes to take this hot potato. Itis too hot an issue in the States. However if you, the President of the UnitedStates ask them to provide a theoretic opinion they would do their job.


My idea is like this:

Take as much as possible the products the concernedcountries can produce with similar standard, use the two moneys calculate thetotal value of the big sum respectively, then the ratio of the two sum valueswould be the expectation value of exchange rate. The real exchange rate should fluctuatearound this expected value.



Put is more exactly, the expectation value of the exchangerate R,



Sum1 is total value of the selected goods calculated withmoney of the first country and the price in the first country,

Sum 就是选出的东西用第一个国家的货币计算的价值。

                      Sum1= ΣViP1i,

                       Sum2= ΣViP2i

Where, index i runs from 1 to N, for the N kinds ofproducts, Vi, the total volume of  i-thproduct both country produced in the specific period; p1i,  the price of i-th product in country1; In  the case of USD to RMB, it is the price in USand in USD, while P2 is the price in China in RMB . So Sum1 is the total value inUSD of the chosen products that the two countries produced. Similarly Sum2 isthe value of this lump sum in RMB.

这里下标i 1 NN是选出的产品的种类数目;Vi,是第i种产品的数量,两国在一个特定的期间生产的的总数;P1i,第i中产品在第一个国家的价格。在我们讨论的美元兑人民币的场合,就是买美国的以美元计价的价格,P2就是在中国的以人民币计价的价格。

Had the PPP evaluated from production side and take intoconsideration of those products that the two countries can produced with thesame quality standard, it would become to mine.


Here the words “from production side” means use thefactory gate price, while PPP uses the retailer price to the final consumer.However since the exchange rate is for international trade, maybe some otherprice close to this trade more suitable.


What kind of product, and what kind of price should be taken,are subject to academic discussion. There are still rooms of dispute, however it shifted from sentimental quarrelto  reasonable discussion, and mayproduce positive result.


I appreciated your idea of “achieve a stable, peaceful worldwith less conflict and more common ground”


In doing so, I think you would agree, maintaining sound workrelation with your partner of China is of vital significance.


Thank for listening.

Sincerely yours,

Yankun Chi

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