On July 8, 1947, the FBI Dallas Field Office sent a teletype regarding a “flying disc” that resembled a high altitude weather balloon found near Roswell, New Mexico.
Roswell (1 Page)
FBI DALLAS 7-8-47 6:17pm
Flying Disc, Information Concerning. XX Headquarters Eighth Air Force, telephonically advised this office that an object purporting to be a flying disc was recovered near roswell, New Mexico, this date. The disc is hexagonal in shape and was suspended from a ballon by cable, which ballon was approximately twenty feet in diameter. XX further advised that the object found resembles a high altitude weather balloon with a radar reflector, but that telephonic conversation between their office and Wright Field had not XXXX borne out this belief. Disc and balloon being transported to Wright Field by special plane for examinate information provided this office because of national interest in case. XXXX and fact that National Broadcasting Company, Associated Press, and others attempting to break story of location of disc today. XX advised would request Wright Field to advise Cincinnati Office results of examination. No further inverstigation being conducted.
这是FBI达拉斯分局发给辛辛那提分局的一篇电文。可以看出这篇电文的主要目的是信息确认,究竟是不是飞碟?这篇电文发于八日下午6点17分,而当日早上正是罗斯维尔事件被公开的时间。当日媒体报道时使用的标题是"RAAF Captures Flying Saucer",这里的主语是RAAF(Roswell空军)而不是Farmer之类的普通民众,这足以说明Flying Saucer的说法是经过军方确认的。之后,美空军第八军司令部某指挥官电告FBI达拉斯分局并“建议”所发现的残骸应为带着雷达的高空探测气球(美空军第八军为战略空军部署,所以这个理由似乎是可以说的通的,所谓disc实际上是雷达接收器)。但实际上FBI自己是不相信的,不仅多次提到气球的说法只是"resemble",并在电文中提到"telephonic conversation between their office and Wright Field had not XXXX borne out this belief.” 这句话的中间其实是有一个副词的,但被FBI涂黑了,猜想应当是形容气球的说法是如何的不靠谱(注:这里的office应当是主管此次事件的空军第八军司令部,Wright Field则是处理并检测事故残骸的另一空军基地)。重点还是在提到的这份"telephonic conversation",可以肯定的是FBI既然能质疑气球的说法,必然是持有这份电报记录的,但是暂且还没有公开。电文中还提到,须将“圆盘”与气球一同运到Wright Field接受检测,所以应当可以确定目击到的圆盘是存在的。
可以确定,FBI在这份解密文件中并没有承认什么外星人!关于Guy Hottel的另一份备忘录文件是否与Roswell事件相关还有待考证。
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