天行健 地势坤分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/ntcoldfish 在研究的路上,你我不孤单。还望大师、博友们不吝赐教。



已有 10406 次阅读 2010-3-10 10:31 |个人分类:祝君成功|系统分类:教学心得| 研究生, 人脉, 科学会议

注意:本文是对Professor Marie desJardins的文章“How to Be a Good Graduate Student”的翻译。已经得到Professor Marie desJardins的翻译授权。如果转载,请注明本文的出处,及原作者的姓名。如要用于商业目的,请与原作者Marie desJardins联系。


Note: This is a translation of “How to Be a Good Graduate Student”, by Professor Marie desJardins. I have been permitted to translate this article into Chinese from Professor Marie desJardins. If you want to quote this article, please associate the original author Professor Marie desJardins with. If you want to use it for commercial purpose, please contact Professor Marie desJardins.




This is the best guidance to Graduate Student I’ve ever read. I translate it into Chinese with hope that our graduate students in China could also take advantage from it. This whole article contains many sections. However, I’m not a professional interpreter. I will start from the most useful and helpful sections (at least I believe they are). If you also deem it an excellent article, I will continue translate the rest. As my English, as well as my Chinese, limited, please read the original English version directly if you can. If you find some errors in my translation, let me know. I will revise it as soon as possible.


The position of this section within the whole article.  (Marked in RED)



  1. Introduction
  2. Before You Start
  3. Doing Research
    1. The Daily Grind
    2. Staying Motivated
    3. Getting to the Thesis
      1. Finding an Advisor
      2. Finding a Thesis Topic
      3. Writing the Thesis
    4. Getting Feedback
    5. Getting Financial Support
  4. Advice for Advisors
    1. Interacting With Students
  5. Becoming Part of the Research Community
    1. Attending Conferences
    2. Publishing Papers
    3. Networking
  6. All Work and No Play...
  7. Issues for Women
  8. Conclusions
  9. Bibliography






One of the most important skills you should be learning in graduate school is how to ``network.'' Breaking into the research community requires attending conferences, meeting established researchers, and making yourself known. Networking *is* a learned skill, so you shouldn't expect to be an expert at it immediately; but it is also a skill that you can, and should, learn in order to be a successful member of the research community.



Just going to conferences and standing in the corner isn't enough. Especially if you're not normally an outgoing person, you have to make a conscious effort to meet and build relationships with other researchers. Presenting papers is a good way to do this, since people will often approach you to discuss your presentation. Introducing yourself to people whose presentations you found interesting, and asking a relevant question or describing related research you're doing, is also a good way to meet people.



You should talk about your research interests every chance you get. (But be sure to spend some time listening, too: you'll learn more this way, and people will feel that your conversations are a two-way street.) Have summaries of your work of various lengths and levels of detail mentally prepared, so that you can answer the inevitable ``So what are you working on?'' intelligently and clearly. If someone expresses an interest in your work, follow up! Send them e-mail talking about new ideas or asking questions; send them drafts of papers; ask them for drafts of their papers and send them comments. (If you do this, they'll be sure to remember you!) Bring business cards with your e-mail address to conferences to help new acquaintances jog their memory.



Maintain the relationships you form via e-mail, and by re-establishing contact at each workshop or conference you attend. If you work at it, and use your initial acquaintances to meet new people, you'll find that your ``network'' grows rapidly.




Sometimes these contacts will grow into opportunities to do collaborative research. Seize these opportunities: you will meet more people, often become exposed to new methods of doing research or new subfields within your research area, and the responsibility you feel towards your collaborator may give you more of an incentive to stay motivated and keep accomplishing something.



Other professional activities can bring you into the research network as well: volunteer for program committees, send your resume to a book review editor, offer to give seminars at other universities, write conference and workshop papers and send them to people you've met or would like to meet, or organize a workshop on your subfield at a larger conference. Mentoring junior graduate students and undergraduates is a good investment in the long run (besides providing them a valuable service and making you feel useful and knowledgeable).



Finding specific mentors can be very useful. Especially if you feel that you are isolated at your institution, having a colleague at another institution who can give you advice, feedback on drafts of papers, and suggestions for research directions can be extremely valuable.




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