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Journal of Experimental Botany:萝卜CLE22a通过生长素信号转导相关通路调控主根生长

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RsCLE22a regulates taproot growth through an auxin signaling-related pathway in radish (Raphanus sativus L.)

第一作者Junhui Dong


通讯作者Liwang Liu


背景回顾:CLAVATA3/EMBRYO SURROUNDING REGION-related (CLE) peptides are a class of small molecules involved in plant growth and development. 

提出问题Although radish (Raphanus sativus) is an important root vegetable crop worldwide, the functions of CLE peptides in its taproot formation remain elusive. 

结果1-CLE22a表达模式Here, a total of 48 RsCLE genes were identified from the radish genome. RNA in situ hybridization showed that RsCLE22a gene was highly expressed in the vascular cambium

结果2-CLE22a基因功能Overexpression of RsCLE22a inhibited root growth by impairing stem cell proliferation in Arabidopsis, and radish plants with exogenous supplementation of RsCLE22 peptide (CLE22p) showed a similar phenotype. The vascular cambial activity was increased in RsCLE22a-silenced plants. 

结果3-CLE22a-生长素信号Transcriptome analysis revealed that CLE22p altered the expression of several genes involved in meristem development and hormone signal transduction in radish. Immunolocalization results showed that CLE22p increased auxin accumulation in vascular cambium

结果4-WOX4-CLE22aYeast one-hybrid and dual-luciferase assays showed that the WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX 4 (RsWOX4) binds to RsCLE22a promoter and activates its transcription. The expression level of RsWOX4 was related to vascular cambial activity and was regulated by auxin. 

结论Furthermore, a RsCLE22a–RsWOX4 module is proposed to regulate taproot vascular cambium activity through an auxin signaling-related pathway in radish. These findings provide novel insights into the regulation of root growth in a horticultural crop.


Hypothetical model for the regulation of vascular cambium activity by the RsCLE22a–RsWOX4 negative feedback loop in radish taproots.

 摘 要 


** 柳李旺 **





研究方向:致力于萝卜这一原产于我国的重要十字花科蔬菜种质资 源评价与性状鉴定、优异基因发掘与种质创新、品种选育与产业链开发等工 作。

doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erac406

Journal: Journal of Experimental Botany

Published date: October 14, 2022

Junhui Dong, Yan Wang, Liang Xu, Bingshuang Li, Kai Wang, Jiali Ying, Qing He, Liwang Liu. RsCLE22a regulates taproot growth through an auxin signaling-related pathway in radish (Raphanus sativus L.). Journal of Experimental Botany, 2022, 74(1): 233–250. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erac406


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