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Annual Review of Plant Biology:被子植物早期胚胎发生综述

已有 2412 次阅读 2021-5-23 09:26 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

Comparative Embryogenesis in Angiosperms: Activation and Patterning of Embryonic Cell Lineages

第一作者Thomas Dresselhaus


通讯作者Gerd Jürgens


背景回顾Following fertilization in flowering plants (angiosperms), egg and sperm cells unite to form the zygote, which generates an entire new organism through a process called embryogenesis. 

主要研究:In this review, we provide a comparative perspective on early zygotic embryogenesisin flowering plants by using the Poaceae maize and rice as monocot grass and crop models as well as Arabidopsisas a eudicot model of the Brassicaceae family. 

结果1-合子激活和父母本贡献:Beginning with the activation of the egg cell, we summarize and discuss the process of maternal-to-zygotic transition in plants, also taking recent work on parthenogenesis and haploid induction into consideration. Aspects like imprinting, which is mainly associated with endosperm development and somatic embryogenesis, are not considered. Controversial findings about the timing of zygotic genome activation as well as maternal versus paternal contribution to zygote and early embryo development are highlighted. 

结果2-合子极性、不对称分布及顶/基细胞系建立:The establishment of zygotic polarityasymmetric division, and apical and basal cell lineages represents another chapter in which we also examine and compare the role of major signaling pathways, cell fate genes, and hormones in early embryogenesis. 

结果3-被子植物干细胞:Except for the model Arabidopsis, little is known about embryo patterning and the establishment of the basic body plan in angiosperms. Using available in situ hybridization, RNA-sequencing, and marker data, we try to compare how and when stem cell niches are established. 

结果4-被子植物胚胎发生的演化视角:Finally, evolutionary aspects of plant embryo development are discussed.


 摘 要 



** Gerd Jürgens **





doi: https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-arplant-082520-094112

Journal: Annual Review of Plant Biology

Published date: May 20, 2021


上一篇:Nature Plants:高粱泛基因组
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