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Nature Communication:拟南芥AHL15基因介导体胚发生和基因组复制

已有 2880 次阅读 2021-5-6 08:03 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

An Arabidopsis AT-hook motif nuclear protein mediates somatic embryogenesis and coinciding genome duplication

第一作者Omid Karami


通讯作者Remko Offringa


背景回顾Plant somatic cells can be reprogrammed into totipotent embryonic cells that are able to form differentiated embryos in a process called somatic embryogenesis (SE), by hormone treatment or through overexpression of certain transcription factor genes, such as BABY BOOM (BBM). 

主要发现:Here we show that overexpression of the AT-HOOK MOTIF CONTAINING NUCLEAR LOCALIZED 15 (AHL15) gene induces formation of somatic embryos on Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings in the absence of hormone treatment. 

结果1-AHL15在胚胎发生中的表达模式及功能:During zygotic embryogenesis, AHL15 expression starts early in embryo development, and AH15 and other AHL genes are required for proper embryo patterning and development beyond the globular stage. 

结果2-AHL15在激素诱导的体胚发生中的表达模式及功能:Moreover, AHL15 and several of its homologs are upregulated and required for SE induction upon hormone treatment, and they are required for efficient BBM-induced SE as downstream targets of BBM

结果3-过表达AHL15诱导体胚很多为多倍体及机理:A significant number of plants derived from AHL15 overexpression-induced somatic embryos are polyploid. Polyploidisation occurs by endomitosis specifically during the initiation of SE, and is caused by strong heterochromatin decondensation induced by AHL15 overexpression.

 摘 要 



** Remko Offringa **


doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-22815-8

Journal: Nature Communication

Published date: May 04, 2021


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