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Current Biology:内寄生植物寄生花基因组揭示适应极端寄生的基因组结构变化

已有 2033 次阅读 2021-1-26 10:37 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

Deeply Altered Genome Architecture in the Endoparasitic Flowering Plant Sapria himalayana Griff. (Rafflesiaceae)

第一作者Liming Cai


通讯作者Charles C. Davis


背景回顾Despite more than 2,000-fold variation in genome size, key features of genome architecture are largely conserved across angiosperms.

提出问题Parasitic plants have elucidated the many ways in which genomes can be modified, yet we still lack comprehensive genome data for species that represent the most extreme form of parasitism.

主要研究:Here, we present the highly modified genome of the iconic endophytic parasite Sapria himalayana Griff. (Rafflesiaceae), which lacks a typical plant body.

结果1-基因丢失:First, 44% of the genes conserved in eurosids are lost in Sapria, dwarfing previously reported levels of gene loss in vascular plants. These losses demonstrate remarkable functional convergence with other parasitic plants, suggesting a common genetic roadmap underlying the evolution of plant parasitism.

结果2-内含子变异Second, we identified extreme disparity in intron size among retained genes. This includes a category of genes with introns longer than any so far observed in angiosperms, nearing 100 kb in some cases, and a second category of genes with exceptionally short or absent introns.

结果3-基因水平转移Finally, at least 1.2% of the Sapria genome, including both genic and intergenic content, is inferred to be derived from host-to-parasite horizontal gene transfers (HGTs) and includes genes potentially adaptive for parasitism.

结果4-寄生历史Focused phylogenomic reconstruction of HGTs reveals a hidden history of former host-parasite associations involving close relatives of Sapria’s modern hosts in the grapevine family.结论:Our findings offer a unique perspective into how deeply angiosperm genomes can be altered to fit an extreme form of plant parasitism and demonstrate the value of HGTs as DNA fossils to investigate extinct symbioses.

 摘 要 

尽管不同被子植物之间基因组的大小可能有超过2000倍左右的变异幅度,但是基因组的机构特征大体上十分保守。寄生植物表明可以不同程度的修饰植物基因组,然而目前仍旧缺乏对极端寄生植物基因组的全面解析。本文中,作者报道了一个极端修饰的寄生植物基因组,即来自大花草科的内寄生植物寄生花(Sapria himalayanaGriff.)的基因组,该植物缺失了典型的植物体轴。首先,作者发现44%的真蔷薇类植物保守基因在寄生花基因组中丢失,这直接将先前报道的维管植物基因丢失水平拉高一大截。这些丢失的基因与其它寄生植物具有很高程度的趋同,说明了寄生植物的演化可能具有共同的遗传路径。其次,作者发现在保留的基因中,内含子的大小变异极大。这些变异分为两类,一类的内含子大小远超出目前所有被子植物中所观察到的内含子长度,有的甚至超过了100kb;另外一类的基因内含子极大的缩短,有的甚至内含子丢失。最终,作者发现包括基因区和基因间区在内的1.2%寄生花基因组序列来自于寄主植物到寄生植物的基因水平转移,其中就包括了潜在适应寄生的相关基因。对于水平转移基因的系统发育基因组分析揭示了寄生花现代寄主植物的近缘植物(葡萄科)潜在的寄主植物-寄生植物关联历史。本文的研究为被子植物基因组如何变化以适应极端形式的植物寄生提供了一个独特的视角,并证明了基因水平转移作为DNA化石在研究已灭绝的共生体方面的价值。


**Charles C. Davis**


1. 洲际间断的起源;

2. 现代热带雨林的年龄;

3. 树木生命史中形态静滞的维持;

4. 基因水平转移的机制。

doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2020.12.045

Journal: Current Biology

Published date: Jan 22, 2021


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