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Current Biology:水稻Nhd1介导了开花时间与氮利用效率之间的平衡

已有 2421 次阅读 2020-12-10 08:09 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

Nitrogen Mediates Flowering Time and Nitrogen Use Efficiency via Floral Regulators in Rice

第一作者Shunan Zhang


通讯作者Guohua Xu


研究背景High nitrogen (Nfertilization for maximizing crop yield commonly leads to postponed flowering time (heading date in rice) and ripening, thus affecting resources use efficiency and followed planting time.

主要发现:We found that N-mediated heading date-1 (Nhd1) can directly activate florigen gene OsHd3a in rice.

结果1-Nhd1OsHd3a失活Inactivation of either Nhd1 or OsHd3a results in delay and insensitivity to N supply of flowering time.

结果2-Nhd1敲除Knockout of Nhd1 increases N uptake and utilization efficiency at low-to-moderate N level under both short- and long-day field conditions.

结果3-谷氨酰胺:Increasing glutamine, the product of N assimilation, can upregulate expression of Nhd1, which in turn downregulates OsFd-GOGAT expression and OsFd-GOGAT activity, displaying a Nhd1-controlled negative feedback regulatory pathway of N assimilation.

结果4-Nhd1介导的开花时间调控:Moreover, N fertilization effect on rice flowering time shows genetically controlled diversity, and single-nucleotide polymorphism in Nhd1 promoter may relate to different responses of flowering time to N application.

结论:Nhd1 thus balances flowering time and N use efficiency in addition to photoperiod in rice.


How does nitrogen (N) regulate flowering time in plants? Zhang et al. show the genetic-controlled diversity of rice flowering time (heading date) response to N. N-mediated heading date1 (Nhd1) is activated by glutamine and upregulates florigen Hd3a but downregulates Fd-GOGAT for N assimilation. Nhd1 balances rice growth period and N use efficiency.

 摘  要 

为最大化作物产量,通常会进行高氮施肥,但是这会导致水稻开花期(抽穗期)和成熟期推迟,从而影响资源利用效率以及随后的播种期。作者发现在水稻中,氮介导的抽穗开花因子Nhd1能够直接激活开花基因OsHd3a。无论是失活Nhd1,还是OsHd3a都会导致开花的延迟以及对氮供应的开花不敏感。敲除Nhd1基因无论是在短日照,还是在长日照条件下,均能够在低氮或中等水平氮供应下,增强氮的吸收和利用效率。增加氮同化产物谷氨酰胺的量,能够上调Nhd1的表达,从而下调OsFd-GOGAT的表达和OsFd-GOGAT activity的活性,组成了一个Nhd1控制的氮同化负反馈调节途径。此外,氮肥对于水稻开花的影响表现出了遗传多态性,其中在Nhd1启动子区的一个SNP可能与水稻对于施氮肥的响应不同有关。因此,Nhd1除了控制水稻的光周期,还作用于水稻开花时间和氮使用效率之间的平衡。







doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2020.10.095

Journal: Current Biology

Published date: Dec 04, 2020


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