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the plant journal:元宝枫基因组揭示神经酸的生物合成

已有 4275 次阅读 2020-8-11 09:16 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

The Acer truncatum genome provides insights into the nervonic acid biosynthesis

第一作者Qiuyue Ma


通讯作者Qianzhong Li


背景回顾Acer truncatum (purpleblow maple) is a woody tree species that produces seeds with high levels of valuable fatty acids (especially nervonic acid).

提出问题:However, the lack of a complete genome sequence has limited both basic and applied research on A. truncatum.

主要研究:We describe a high‐quality draft genome assembly comprising 633.28 Mb (contig N50 = 773.17 Kb; scaffold N50 = 46.36 Mb) with at least 28,438 predicted genes.

结果-全基因组复制:The genome underwent an ancient triplication, similar to the core eudicots, but there have been no recent whole‐genome duplication events.

结果-分化时间:The A. yangbiense and A. truncatum were estimated to diverge about 9.4 Mya.

结果-超长链单不饱和脂肪酸:A combined genomic, transcriptomic, metabonomic, and cell ultrastructural analysis provided new insights into the biosynthesis of very long‐chain monounsaturated fatty acids.

结果-神经酸:In addition, three KCS genes were found that may contribute to regulating nervonic acid biosynthesis. And the KCS paralogous gene family expanded to 28 members, with 10 genes clustered together and distributed in the 0.27‐Mb region of pseudochromosome 4.

结论:Our chromosome‐scale genomic characterization may facilitate the discovery of agronomically important genes and stimulate functional genetic research on A. truncatum. Furthermore, the data presented also offer important foundations from which to study the molecular mechanisms influencing the production of nervonic acids.

 摘  要 

元宝枫是槭树科的木本植物,其种子的籽油中含有高价值的神经酸。然而,由于没有可供利用的参考基因组序列,严重显示了元宝枫的基础和应用研究。本文中,作者报道了元宝枫633.28 Mb的高质量参考基因组草图,contig和scaffold N50分别长773.17 Kb和46.36 Mb,包含28,438个预测基因。元宝枫的基因组经历了一次与核心双子叶植物祖先类似的古老三倍化事件,但未曾检测到近期的全基因组加倍事件。漾濞槭与元宝枫的分化时间约在9.4个百万年之前。结合基因组、转录组、代谢组以及细胞超微结构分析,作者的研究为超长链单不饱和脂肪酸的生物合成提供了新的视野。另外,作者发现三个KCS基因可能作用于神经酸生物合成的调控。并且KCS旁系同源基因家族扩张到了28个成员,其中10个基因聚集分布在4号假染色体上一段0.27 Mb的区域内。本文所报道的染色体级别组装有助于鉴定元宝枫农艺相关基因以及促进该植物的功能遗传研究。此外,这些数据也为研究影响神经酸合成分子机制提供了重要的基础。

p.s. 神经酸(Nervonic Acid)极其稀缺珍贵,是大脑神经细胞和神经组织的核心天然成分,也是各国科学家公认的世界上第一个,也是唯一能修复、疏通受损大脑神经纤维的特效物质,对预防和治疗脑中风后遗症、脑瘫、阿尔茨海默病、癌症等疗效显著,开发潜力巨大。





doi: 10.1111/tpj.14954

Journal: the plant journal

Published date: August 09, 2020


上一篇:Horticulture Research:甜樱桃高质量参考基因组
下一篇:Nature Plants:高质量芸薹属植物黑芥基因组
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