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Plant Communications:大麦基于花药培养的高效基因编辑系统

已有 2617 次阅读 2020-6-9 08:26 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

Highly efficient and genotype-independent barley gene-editing based on anther culture

第一作者Yong Han


通讯作者Chengdao Li


背景回顾Recalcitrance to tissue culture and genetic transformation is the major bottleneck for gene manipulation in crops. In barley, immature embryos of Golden Promise have been mainly used as explants for transformation.

提出问题:However, the genotype-dependent approach limits the genetic modification in commercial varieties.

主要成果:Here, we develop an anther culture-based system that effectively creates transgenic and gene-edited plants from commercial barley varieties.

结果:The protocol was tested in four Australian varieties and Golden Promise with different phenology, callus induction and green plant regeneration responses. Agrobacterium-mediated transformation was performed on microspore-derived callus when targeting the HvPDS gene, and T0 albinos with targeted mutations were successfully obtained from commercial varieties. Further editing of three targets was achieved with an average mutation rate of 53% in the five varieties. In the 51 analysed T0 individuals, Cas9 induced about 69% of single-base insertion/deletions and two-base deletions in targeting sites, with variable mutation rates among targets and varieties. Both on-target and off-target activities were detected in T1 progenies.

结论:Compared with immature embryo protocols, this genotype-independent platform can deliver a high editing efficiency and more regenerants within a similar time frame. It is promising for functional genomics and application of CRISPR technologies for precise improvement in commercial varieties.

 摘  要 

难以组织培养和遗传转化是作物中基因操作的主要瓶颈。在大麦中,Golden Promise品种的未成熟胚胎被广泛用作于遗传转化的外植体。然而,该方法比较依赖于基因型,严重限制了商业品种大麦的遗传修饰。本文中,作者开发了一个基于花药培养系统可以有效获得商业大麦品种的转基因和基因编辑植株。作者在四个澳大利亚品种和Golden Promise品种中测试了该方案的有效性,这些品种具有不同的物候特征、愈伤诱导和绿色植株再生响应。作者基于商业大麦品种的小孢子诱导的愈伤,进行农杆菌介导的遗传转化,靶向HvPDS基因,成功获得了T0代携带靶向突变的白化苗(p.s. 八氢番茄红素脱氢酶PDS参与催化无色的八氢番茄红素转变成有色类胡萝卜素,该基因突变后会导致白化表型)。在五个大麦品种中,对于三个靶向基因的基因编辑均获得了靶向突变植株,平均突变率为53%。在分析的51的T0代植株中,Cas9诱导的靶向位点变异,其中69%为单碱基的插入/删除和双碱基的删除变异,不同的靶向位点和大麦品种存在突变率的差异波动。在T1代子代中,作者检测到了靶向的突变,同时也检测到了脱靶效应。与基于未成熟胚胎的转基因体系,本文作者所构建的非基因型依赖系统具有非常高的基因编辑效率,同时能够在相同的时间段内产生大量的再生植株。这对于大麦商业品种的功能基因组学研究以及基于CRISPR技术的精确改良具有非常高的潜在应用价值。


**Chengdao Li**







doi: 10.1016/j.xplc.2020.100082

Journal: Plant Communications

Published date: June 05, 2020


上一篇:Communications Biology:胞间连丝定位蛋白上介导细胞间移动调控的保守基序
下一篇:Nature Communications:葡萄性别决定的遗传基础
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